Say Cheese and Grow Big

  By GhostFA95

Chapter 1

Class had been boring as usual as William left and headed off back to his flat. He was a college freshman, 19 years old William was small standing at 5 foot 3 and was very skinny still; nothing fit him well and his pair of slim jeans and a dark grey hoodie still hung off of him. He had tried to gain weight a number of times but nothing ever seemed to stick on him as nothing he had tried had made him grow and he had been teased at school and now college for it non-stop. This wasn’t helped because he didn’t look like the 19 year old he was. Many commented how they confused him with 12 year olds and even his own mother kept reminding him he hadn’t grown since he was 15. Even his face was still smooth too with no stubble or even facial hair of any kind. He walked and walked before he found the packed street he had to wade through to get to his flat. The street was busy as always, packed full of people of all kinds shopping and even talking about the day and the current events.

They barely paid any attention to the small figure wading through the crowd; William didn’t like crowded places much as he was easily knocked over and swept up by them. He put his headphones on and blasted his music to drown out the noise and sighed before he began to make his way through the thickest area of the crowd. It began to rain as William looked around briefly seeing all the Halloween decorations that adorned the street shops and stalls. He was half way through the crowd when he felt a large bump and he flew as he landed face first on a soft warm floor. He had fallen through an open doorway inside a shop he had never been in before. He looked around quickly to see where he was and recognized the window displays that he had passed by many times. It was an old antique place that never seemed to have any customers and many thought was abandoned. William slowly stood and brushed himself off before a warm draft rushed by and the door closed as he went to leave.

“What the” he said as he went to pull on the handle but it wouldn’t budge.
“Come on” William fumed as he yanked hard on the door handle before he gave up and caught his breath. He then saw a note on the back on the back of the door that definitely wasn’t there before.

“Welcome customer to this humble little magic shop.
Entering this shop, or being able to enter rather, means an
Item within this room is calling to you. Look around and you
will know which item is calling to you.

Best of luck…the owner”

William looked around bemused, no way all of these were magical items right? He looked around again and saw many things both ordinary looking and bizarre looking on shelves. He spotted various tags and descriptive notes on all of them as he read a few. There was a vase that would keep flowers alive without watering them apparently, a mirror that would keep one beautiful, and a necklace that would help one lose weight. Then he spotted a rotted looking hand holding three fingers up, he knew enough about money paws to keep well away from it.

The shop was deserted as there wasn’t even a counter or obvious till of any kind. He spotted a set of cabinets up against the back wall that looked dark and gloomy, carved skulls adorned them. That was only the start as the items within them looked dark and like stuff out of nightmares as there were strange objects that even William struggled to describe. A worn sign was on the each of the cabinets and read
`Danger, Cursed Items DO NOT TOUCH`.
William back off as he saw what looked like an old Photo booth in the corner, it was a beige brown colour with purple velvet curtains. William felt drawn to it as he inched closer. The sign on the old booth was not as worn as the others were but still looked at least a fair few decades old. It simply read `The Wishing Booth`.

William looked at it and felt it…pulling him almost. William returned his gaze to the booth and stepped closer, was this item calling to him as the note had said it would? He reached a hand out and gripped the purple curtain and pulled it back before he stepped in, the curtain closing behind him automatically. He looked briefly at the interior, it was a wood panelled and there was no stool but there was a panel on the wall that had writing on it beside the camera lens. William read the panel carefully before he did anything else.
“This Booth will show your most inner deepest desire for a physical change. Whether that be for a bigger bust, or to shed or pile on the pounds. Taller or shorter. Whatever it is it will be shown and come true for you and everyone else who will come to know you as always having been”
William paused as he stood there looking at one part in particular now. Shorter or taller, shed or pile on the pounds. William felt his stomach churn in excitement and anxiety.

Taller was exactly what he wanted but the second part he saw made him think twice. When he was younger up until he was 15 he did have a second desire he had never told anyone about. A deep desire he had given up on long ago, to be very tall….and very…very fat too. William had been fascinated by fat people for as long as he could remember and remembered about how he wished he had been fat himself. But as reality hit him upon reaching 16 he put it passed him once he realised he couldn’t gain a single pound. He thought he had moved on from it as he had barley thought of it for the last 3 years but what if it was still there deep down as the booth suggested? William looked down at himself as he saw his small thin as a rail self, and then imagined what it would be like to be taller than he was by at last a foot, and almost equally as wide as his current self.

He looked back at the camera and panels in front of him and looked closely. There wasn’t a coin slot of any kind and only a button that had `as you wish` written above it above the slot the picture came out of. Did he dare actually do it? If magic was real then….he’d be taller and….maybe way fatter than he was now. William felt his hand tremble with nerves and partial excitement. William gulped and then pressed the button as he heard a whirling noise and then saw himself in the frame as he was as it instructed him to move back and make sure he was in the centre of the frame. There was no going back now as he took a step back and slightly to his right. He saw the frame go green and then a countdown begin as he felt frozen in place no longer able to move. As he watched the countdown he felt sick with anxiety, what if he did and up obese as well as tall? Would he…still be into it?

5…4…3…2….1 Click. William saw a bright light and then felt his limbs relax as he could move again. He then heard a whirring noise before he saw a little envelope spit out of the photo slot that said `wish granted` on it. William took it and stepped out of the booth his heart thumping. Underneath `Wish granted` was more writing as he read that the wish would only be made real upon opening the envelope and seeing the phot within. He looked and saw the door was ajar as he left and pocketed the envelope. He looked out on the street and saw it was very quiet now before he left the shop and then heard the door close behind him and turned to see it returned back to its abandoned look. William felt the shape of the envelope in his pocket and felt anxious again as he quickened his step as he made his way back to the flat. His mind was racing as he made it to the building and soon was in his flat as he closed the door and was panting.

He made his way to his bathroom and pulled his hood off; he brushed his flaming red hair back and saw he looked flushed and splashed water on his face. His hand made its way almost automatically to his pocket where the envelope was. He stared at it as his free hand hovered as if to open it. What would he see? Tall…fat or both as his mind raced again and felt anxiety and excitement clash over what it would show him. His hand trembled before he took a deep breath and opened it feeling a warm draft from the envelope. He saw the top of his red hair in the picture before he closed his eyes and then pulled it out fully. After a few seconds he opened his eyes and then his face went into shock. He was in disbelief looking at the no doubt taller, but also largely obese figure that was practically filling the entire picture.

It was him alright but his clothes were enlarged and stretched with him as his belly was down to his mid-thigh and looked firmly round. He had pouchy and full cheeks with a thick double chin with little neck. His chest was round too and had a clear and defined pair of moobs that sat atop said firm belly. Arms like hams and legs like thick tree trunks. This was how William had wanted to be if he were to ever get fat.
“Oh…..Wow…….” William said as he was trying to take it all in still. Then he asked a simple question, how long would it take for all of this to happen? Week’s months or……….GGGRRRRRBBBLLEE. His stomach had growled loudly and painfully. William felt like he hadn’t eaten in months, maybe even years. He rushed to his kitchen and opened his bare cupboards, he had not gone food shopping yet given he had only moved in a day ago. He felt like he was going to starve to death when he spotted something on the floor he had got a day ago from a local food place, a coupon for an all you can eat buffet.

He grabbed it and headed back out as it was the only thing he could think of right now to try and satisfy his sudden hunger. He walked fast as a few people looked at him as he passed by hearing his belly growling. He soon found the place went in and sat down as a very plump girl came over soon enough; she had long curly blond hair and green eyes as she beamed at him. She was very pretty William thought.
“Hey there how can I help?” she said, William held up the coupon as she took and smiled,
“Is it still Valid?” William asked before his belly growled and he blushed as she stared at him and then giggled.
“Yes it is, I’ll get you an interactive menu, that way you can click and be served quickly, I’ll be your server tonight, I’m Wendy” she grinned at him as he nodded. He watched her walk away her whole body bouncing as he watched. She seemed nice he thought.

His stomach gave a great lurch as he began to feel sick with hunger now as he laid his head on the table.
“Here we are your menu” Wendy said as he lifted his head and smiled before he took the tablet and ordered a whole platter of beef burgers to start with, though he just hoped he’d be able to last for the time it took to cook them. However Wendy was still looking at him smiling.
“I’ll get you something you can eat now as you sound like you need it big boy” she said with a wink before she set off as William was stunned, no one had ever called him big boy before. Was this part of the magic already changing everyone’s perspective of him? Then he looked down and saw he was at least half a foot taller than when he had left home. He was definitely sat higher up now when a plate of bread was placed in front of him, Wendy beamed.

“Here, order as much as you like we have a special today for coupon holders, eat until you can’t eat no more free of charge” she winked and walked away again. William grabbed a roll and shoved it in his mouth and barely chewed he was so hungry. He guessed this was all part of his wish manifesting. He couldn’t think anymore as he finished off one bread roll and was now holding one in either hand eating both at the same time. He lost track of time as his hand hit the bottom of the bread basket and he still felt starved as the platter of burgers was placed on the table. Wendy winked at him as she took the basket away,
“Seems this was ready just in time, order more if you need to” she said. She giggled as she walked away as she watched William began to chow down on the burgers with enthusiasm. Little did he notice how his middle was beginning to inflate and round out.

Nothing was filling him up or making him feel full. As he got half way through the burger plater he ordered a whole stack of XL pizzas, buckets of Buffalo wings and several large cakes too. He just wanted the hunger to stop. He was soon done as he had eaten around 15 beef burgers and still felt hungry as he looked around 20 to 30 pounds heavier already. Wendy soon arrived and placed his buffalo wings down and half of his cake order as he dug in without hesitation as Wendy blushed and watched on as she walked away. William was glad he had chosen a seat in a back corner where he stood out a little less as he gorged on food. He chewed and chewed as his ass began to expand as his face also began to fill out a little. He was definitely getting into chubby territory now as he finished off the first bucket of the wings before he moved onto the second bucket.
“Why am I so hungry” William gasped before he shoved more food into his mouth.

He seemed to be blowing up by the minute now as not an inch of him was left that wasn’t covered in fat now. The rest of his order soon arrived as he kept eating still feeling empty and starving as his belly really took on a rounded ball shape now it pressed outwards. He didn’t notice the few people beginning to stare at him as they passed by on their way out. William was soon done with all of the buckets of wings as he looked at the pizzas and cakes now. He knew he had eaten enough to make him explode under normal circumstances as he pulled a thick layered chocolate cake forwards and buried his hands in taking chunks to shove into his mouth.
“Hmmmm….HMM “ William began to moan as his belly swelled outwards still as his ass rose and spread out as his thighs began to touch together and his face thickened. He was well over 200 pounds now and closing in on 270. Still he hadn’t noticed as the hunger seemed to be blinding him to his rapid weight gain.

He had to admit eating like this felt pleasurable as he remembered all of his dreams about being a fat pig and gorging on food and now here he was living it. He managed to polish off the cake in about 5 minutes and felt for the first time his belly begin to brush against the edge of the table; he had been sat close to it after all. He looked down and gasped at how round he was now, he might not be feeling full but he was now undoubtedly filling out.
“Wow, I’m…getting fat…..well am fat I guess” William mused to himself. His belly growled and he smiled, it was no surprise now why he was so hungry as he pulled the pizzas towards him and then took the tablet and ordered a ton more food. He was intrigued how much he could eat and wanted watch himself balloon up even more.

William began to enthusiastically gorge on the pizza even more. Wendy was placing his order for him and giggled as she glanced over at him. He chewed and gorged he lifted his hoodie up over his newly fattened belly as he panted and moaned as he ate and ate as he looked down and saw his belly swell outwards by an inch. He felt a pang of horniness and groaned as he pushed a few pizza slices into his mouth at once as he watched his chest begging to round out and turn into undeniable moobs. He must have been over 300 pounds now as his moobs rounded more and began to sag as he swallowed and grabbed more pizza as Wendy returned with his newest order. She had had to employ a trolley he had ordered so much as she giggled,
“I see someone is hungry, this is only the first part big boy” she winked again and he grinned,
“Thanks” He mumbled through food as she giggled and walked away.

William didn’t even pay attention to the fact he was covered in crumbs, sauces and grease right now as he bit into a large rather greasy triple cheeseburger making more grease dribble down his double chin. His belly was even making bubbling noises now as he shoved the rest of the burger into his mouth and had already picked up another one. This was the best experience he had had yet, a dream he had given up on 3 years ago now happening in real time before his eyes as he shoved the last of the burgers into his mouth and moved onto the large plate of lasagne. It was massive and could probably have served 10 people as he cut a large slice and shoved it into his mouth with the fork. He moaned as the meat, pasta and cheese danced across his taste buds as he swallowed and forked another bite into his mouth and then another as his body began to really fill out as his arms began to really be pushed up by his fat now.

His ass was getting wider and fuller making him sit another half a foot in the air now with all the padding as he had to shift to get comfortable as he moved back more in his seat to allow his growing belly room. He also had to spread his legs to allow room for his growing belly and thighs too. His face really began to fill out as his already plump cheeks began to fill out more as his double chin thickened and began to bury his neck more along with his puffier shoulders.
“This is shooo…….Hmmmmmhhm……Good” William moaned as Wendy soon returned with more of his order as she put the desserts down he had ordered. She giggled as she walked away leaving him to it but took a spot to be able to watch as he stuffed himself more and more. From her view she was watching an already 500 plus pound William stuff himself with what she still thought was his first order of food, this was also part of the magic’s effects in play.
2 chapters, created 11 months , updated 11 months
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