Party Hard, Gain Hard

  By Idontwantausername

Chapter 1 - Young, Beautiful, Naive

Story contents (if you wouldn't like any spoilers, skip ahead):
Fantasies: - non consensual weight gain - alcohol/intoxicated sex - balls growth - overstimulation - immobility - 2 scenes with MM sexual acts
Romance: some flirting, no romance, no fluff
Plot: well thought but concise. Descriptions of scenery and situations are usually brief and functional to the plot.
Not your vibe? You can check out another one of my stories! You will find a similar content summary at the beginning of each. Enjoy!

It was a regular Sunday morning for Ethan. He woke up slightly dizzy and confused, reminiscing last night's drinking.
It had become a habit: his slender, mildly athletic body and his cute face made it really easy to be every daddy's favourite at the clubs he regularly went to. They cherished his presence and he got to feel appreciated. They got to watch him get more and more flirty with each drink and he got the chance to have fun and booze for free, every saturday night.
One of the older guys specifically was very prone to always offering the next shot. A couple weeks earlier said gentleman politely sat next to Ethan at the bar and quickly introduced himself as Jack. In Ethan's mind that moment was a brightly coloured picture, like a polaroid: a tall, gray haired, clean but scruffy Jack invading his field of view, two Martinis in his hands reflecting the led lights of the club through the glass.
He was thinking about the handsome stranger just now: the last shot vodka he offered him yesterday night was definitely the "one too many", making him so wobbly he couldn't walk on his own. The night ended on a fun note, with Jack sweetly making fun of him in the car before dropping him down at his apartment. However, his hangover wasn't as bad as usual, completely absent in fact, besides for some mild stomach ache, which wasn't in his usual symptoms list. It must've been good vodka.
Ethan decided to spend the rest of the day resting and preparing some food for the week: the whole day he felt rather hungry, the kind of hunger that lingers even after a nice meal. He brushed it off as his body's way of recovering after the drinking. He wasn't wrong.

In what felt like the bat of an eye, monday morning sneaked up on Ethan. He bolted out of the bed, already kind of late, and rapidly got dressed to head to work. During the car ride he felt that usual boredom that comes with the start of the week: when he applied for the internship, he expected a new and stimulant environment, full of challenging tasks. Instead, all he had to do was stare at data, analyze, report. For the "astounding" amount of 600$ a month, the rest of his wage being paid with "on the job experience". At the very least, the redundant tasks gave him plenty of free time to hang out by the coffee machine and snack bar. At this thought, his stomach loudly rumbled. He was really going to love that "large coffe=donut for free" discount today.
speaking of his hunger, since when he woke up his stomach felt incredibly heavy, as if filled of a dense liquid and it even looked a little swollen. But it wasn't just his belly giving him concern: he knew it was irrational, but his balls looked bigger than before. Hell, they even felt bigger, as if packed to the brim, they weight dragging them down to lay heavy in his underwear.
However, as he arrived at the parking lot he had to discard his concerns in the name of punctuality.
Work was boring as usual. What changed, however, were the amounts of food he felt he needed to consume at each break, even earning him a few comments from his coworkers. After his daily 4 hours of looking at data, studying data, sharing data, a very underwhelmed John left the office with his colleagues to head to the nearby restaurant. Needless to say, he was still very hungry, and the buffet style menu allowed him to get crazy with the refills. When they left, John sat in his car to drive back home. His belly was absolutely packed and bloated, making him question once more what went wrong after that last saturday night. But most importantly, His balls felt restricted in his briefs, forcing him to hold his legs slightly more apart to sit comfortably on the cushioned seat.
6 chapters, created 3 months , updated 2 months
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