My Girlfriend

  By Gyu  

Chapter 1 - Beginning

Since I was little I had been attracted to fat women, I loved them, however it was something that made me very ashamed, so I kept it a secret and it was something I didn't tell anyone.

I loved spending hours in the gym and it showed in my physique. I managed to achieve the chiseled physique that I liked so much and that was noticeable when I arrived at university.

In college I had multiple affairs with different girls, all of them thin, of course, so as not to raise suspicions, however I wasn't attracted to those girls and eventually got tired of them quickly. To maintain relationships with them I had to imagine that they were obese women. It wasn't impossible for me.

I graduated in law and started working in a law firm in the area, that made me acquire a good economic level, that is, the money was not bad and they bought me an apartment.

One summer day I was at the gym training as usual and I got a text from my best friend Liam "are you coming over tonight for drinks with the boys?" I accepted as was normal for us every Friday.

We got ready to go to the bar we went to every Friday, however that day it was closed, so we went to another bar we had never been to.

As soon as I entered I noticed the waitress, she dazzled me, she was a dark girl, 5.2 meters tall, I would say, not much darker, with straight hair, brown eyes, I would say, Hispanic features, small but firm breasts. , a wasp waist and hips large enough for the body is, so to speak, a perfect shape of a person. I'd say it wouldn't weigh much, around 110 pounds. I stayed all night looking at her.

- Have you stayed at home? Liam joked.

- Not because? I replied, continuing the joke.

- You have not participated in any of the conversations and you have been staring at the waitress all night. Liam responded.

A nervous laugh came out, unlike me, and I responded:

- Have I realized so much?

Liam made me laugh and said:

- Dude, you're tall, handsome and strong, what do you mean you're not going to talk to her?

I never found it difficult to talk to girls, however, I had never been attracted to a thin girl, so this feeling was new to me. I waited for the girl to finish her shift and went to talk to her.

- Hello, my name is Oliver, it's the first time I come to this place and I came with my colleagues to have a few drinks and I couldn't stop looking at you, can I invite you to a drink? I answered nervously.

- Hello, my name is Maria, nice to meet you! I already noticed that you kept looking at me thinking that you weren't going to talk to me all night. He responded with a playful smile.

From that night we began to have small meetings, one day a walk and we talked, the next some drinks, a dinner...
11 chapters, created 4 months , updated 1 month
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Gianfrancios97 4 months
Defo need to fix the pronoun issues but this story is great! please add new chapters!
Jaxon125 4 months
Please add new chapters
Butter On A ... 4 months
One bit of constructive criticism… you have a lot of pronoun issues. You seem to switch between he/she, him/her a lot when referring to Maria.