Stuffed Like a Turkey

Chapter 1

She's been on a feeding frenzy for hours, if not longer. Ever since she came home from the zumba class at the gym there was an insatiable hunger within her. She doesn't even know how long she has been here, sitting at her kitchen table in her underwear.

She had been the biggest girl in the room, with a gym outfit she had outgrown just a bit.

("No, I'll buy new gym clothes once I lose some weight and need them more.")

The looks, the whispers, the tight sports bra, the jostling movements causing jiggles on the beat of the music, it had all made her so hot and humiliated... and hungry too. She resisted at first, knowing better than to waste her effort, but with every minute passing on her way home that willpower seemed to siphon out of her, leaving only ravenous greed and a thumping heartbeat.

Yoghurt, cereal, it wasn't enough. Biscuits, lemonade and sandwiches, she had exhausted all her healthy options, yet her craving wasn't satisfied. There must be something, anything sinfully delicious left in the pantry. Something like soda, chocolate covered peanuts and cookies with vanilla cream filling. The chair creaks softly as she continues on her binge, the table filling up with packaging. Before she managed to find her hands at the bottom of another package, she heard someone at the front door.

Oh god, who was that? Was she expecting anyone? She must have looked stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey as she opened the door to find a double pizza delivery, the delivery man dwarfed by the size of the boxes. As if possessed by gluttony she likely ordered them as she sat in the car, waiting to get home, forgotting about the order in a haze of hunger. Her heart races against her ribcage as she waddles back inside carrying her pizzas, her bloated gut straining with every step. ("What are you doing?!" A tiny voice in the back of her mind protests to no avail)

Her appetite rekindled from the scent of salami and cheese, she feels herself start to salivate. Before she even sits down she takes her first bite. A low hum leaves her thoat, that savoury dough hit the spot just right. She eats and eats, only slowing her pace to shift her weight backward, burp or moan in between bites. As if in a trance, she pushes through the tight stretch of her bloated abdomen. She looks across the table, barely registering that she's surrounded by evidence of her lack of discipline as she slumps deeper into the chair.

God, this pizza was huge, what was she thinking when she ordered not one but two of them? The warm skin of her belly grazes the table every time she leans forward to grab the next slice. Time slows to a halt as she takes bite after bite, it's just her and this table in her entire universe. She leans forward again, reaching over her expanding dome, to find the pizza box empty.

Relieved that it's over, she tosses it aside. The second box is staring at her, judging her, as it comes into view from below it. The scent of barbecue tickles her nose just to spite her with her own greed.

"Oof, there's no way I'm gonna be able to finish this. What a waste of money..." she moaned to herself, feeling a self-pity at the situation she's created for herself. She just wanted to get in her bed, rub her food baby and digest during a nap but that meant she would have to stand up and make her way up the stairs. She munches on a chocolate peanut as she mentally prepares for the journey, the bag making a satisfying rustling sound as she shakes the treats around inside to check how much is still left in there. With some effort she leans forward, hunching over to get her and her stuffed gut hoisted up, but all of a sudden her legs felt like jello and she wouldn't budge more than an inch or two before falling back down onto her seat, the chair creaking dangerously in response. Maybe that zumba class was taking it's revenge now. She tries again, holding her poor tummy as it scrapes against the cold surface of the table in a desperate effort to get her ass to comfort. It's no use, her thighs tremble and give way. Well, shit. She was stuck here, for now.

The second pizza box stares at her, judging her. The scent of barbecue rekindles her appitite and she starts to salivate.
1 chapter, created 3 weeks , updated 3 weeks
10   3   1303


GrowingLoveH... 2 weeks
Beautifully written! I love all the detail and her inner thoughts. You really know how to get inside the mind of a bringer! I also love all your artwork. You’re very creative.
Luaupig 3 weeks
Jesterfeedee 3 weeks
When someone says "food orgasm"... 🥵