Total Reversion

  By Que435  Premium

Chapter 1 - Getting His Life Back on Track

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Kevin used to be big. Like seriously big, bigger than those people that appear on TV too big to get up. He loved eating too. All foods, all flavours, he loved eating them to excess and that's how he became as big as he was. However, one day, things changed for Kevin, and a sudden sense of boredom came over him. He felt as if he'd tried everything there was to try and had ruined his body doing so. He began to feel motivated to shed the flab and get his life back on track.

Progress started slow. He started every day by using the weight of his body to exercise. He cut back and refreshed his diet with fresh fruit and vegetables. The weight was practically falling off of Kevin. He got a personal trainer and started going to the gym to continue his journey and eighteen months of hard work later, Kevin decided it was time to get his loose skin removed.

Over those eighteen months, his body fat percentage decreased steadily down to 7%. His low body fat percentage helped show off the muscles that had built up but they were still hindered by the baggy layer of skin that lay on top of them.

Kevin hoped skin removal surgery would be the last step in his total transformation. It was a lot of pain but the reward was clearly worth it as the bandages came off and the drains removed.

Now that he was fit and didn't have to have someone look after him he could work but what should he do as a career? Kevin was talking this over during one of his gym sessions when his trainer suggested to him that he become a personal trainer too. He went on to say that "his experience would give him a unique advantage over other trainers" and that "he certainly had the body to attract clients". This got Kevin thinking and this wasn't something he had previously considered but the more he considered it the more he realised it made sense, after all, he was in the gym every day anyway.
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