Ryder's Way-out

  By Que435  Premium

Chapter 1 - Transformation Tech

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Ryder was sick. This lifestyle was taking a toll on him. Partying all night. In the gym all day. It was all so vapid, repetitive, and meaningless. After four years, he has had enough, but he couldn't just quit. He has already tried, and he always gets pulled back in. When he's pulled back in, things are great again, but never for that long before the same urges to escape the life he's living rush back.

He found a pamphlet for Transformation Tech one day in the locker room at the gym. Picking it up, Ryder started to read over it when the guy who the pamphlet belonged to came back to his stuff.

"Interesting, isn't it?"

Ryder glanced at the stranger and nodded.

"I was just there this morning, and the results speak for themselves, don't they?" *flexing*

"Used to look my age, not so much now, eh!"

The stranger's conversation was mild, but the pamphlet was intriguing to Ryder. This was his answer. This was the way out. He notes down the name of the company, deciding that he'd check it out when he got home.



It all seemed to be legit. Their website was professional, and they had a lot of reviews that backed up their claims. The service itself was expensive, and it would take all of Ryder's savings, but looking into this, it was surely worth the cost.

Ryder booked an appointment for next week. He was eager to change. He wasn't sure what this process would entail, but whatever he'd have to do, he was sure that this was his only path away from this lifestyle and into a better one.
5 chapters, created 3 weeks , updated 4 weeks
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