Beautiful Bobbie the Bartender-additional Real Info Added 2-23

  By Jazzman  

Chapter 1 state fair orange crush

I was at our local casino outdoor bar during the State Fair. There was a crowd surrounding one end of the bar ordering the Orange Crush from one of the bartenders. I decided to see what the fuss was all about and waited my turn in line. I could see why this particular bartender was popular even if the drink hadn't lived up to the hype.
Her name was Bobbie and she was a beautiful woman. Not the type that an FA such as myself would be attracted to. But with a cute butt and a movie star face it was easy to be drawn to be around her nonetheless. She was friendly and kind as well as engaging. Men and women young and old took an immediate liking to the stylish blonde. And she Did make a wonderful fresh squeezed Orange Crush.
I would get to know her on subsequent visits after the fair had passed when it was quitter at the outdoor bar. She was early 30's and looked and sounded 24. She had two children with her live-in boyfriend and was so slim that you would guess she had none. On January 1st 2016 she would tell me that she was 5'7" and 125 lbs back then.
As the years passed between 2013 and late 2015 I would see her occasionally pass through one of my other haunts where I play trivia or sing karaoke. She would be drinking a little on a rare night out with a babysitter. She was every bit as friendly as when working but a little looser and happier as drinking for casino bartenders is forbidden.
There were other times in the winter when Bobbie was at the main bar indoors running circles around the older ladies whose seniority gave them the preferred shifts and always indoors. My friends always commented at those times how much faster you got your drinks when she was there.
This continued to be the trend until around Thanksgiving when I happened to pass by a much smaller bar in the back part of the casino. I finally realized why I saw Bobbie so infrequently during the indoor seasons. She had a full bar of sitting patrons but that's only six seats. This is mainly a service bar for cocktail servers. It was then I noticed something else about Bobbie's appearance. She had definitely gained a noticeable amount of weight since I had last seen her in late July!
We Fa's and Encouragers are always on the lookout for Real Life occurrences like this. The most popular threads on another website are weight-gains taken from Facebook and posted in chronological order. Certainly 99% are unintentional just like Bobbie's. I didn't have the time or inclination to chat with her that night. But New Year's Day gave me the opportunity.
On New Year's Evening the partiers from the night before were mostly home nursing hangovers and the back bar was very quiet. A waitress happened to mention something about her own weight and Bobbie commented that she needed to lose some too. I told her that she looked better than ever before and truly she did.
"I've gained 30 lbs in the last few months. I used to weigh 125.". I told her in all sincerity that she looked more like a Glamorous Beautiful woman than before. My own observation is that she now has a slight double chin and a small tummy where once there were angular cheekbones and a flat stomach. Her once small but round butt was now a gorgeous set of hips . She had thighs that touched where once was the infamous "thigh gap." And perhaps best of all to some she had cleavage and nice C cup breasts.
She seemed to take my compliments well instead of the arguing that some might have done. Perhaps a woman with more vanity or ego would have told me I was wrong and that she had gotten Fat. That night I wondered if she would indeed take a New Year's Resolution and be smaller when I ventured in again.
Addendum. February 23.
Last Saturday night after the crowd around Bobbie's bar had disappeared after last call I sat down and talked to her again. I gleaned some great information that goes along well with this chapter. The purely factual chapter that sets up the Conjecture and then Fantasy that follows in part Two chapters 2 and 3.
Bobbie was telling me how even though she had been 125 a year ago-she just wished to get down to 145.I asked her why again and told her that she looked so wonderful at 155.She smiled and said"I'm 160. 35 lbs heavier .If I could get to 145 I would be fine." Then I asked her the question that I had been dying to find out about.
I asked her "How does your man feel about it"? Her answer was "He Loves it. He's Crazy about it." This is the answer I hoped for. The thought of him being snide about his trophy blonde fattening up would have been sad. And even though Bobbie is still getting adjusted to being quite curvy and still wishes to reduce some. At least they aren't having problems in their relationship.
I also got a hint of where Some of the weight comes from. On each of these Saturday nights-Thanksgiving time. New Year's. And the most recent. She always found a little time to go to a Styrofoam platter and have a few bites of her dinner-at around 1AM. So since she starts at around 7 PM I figure on the 3-4 nights she works that she is getting four meals a day. And I noticed that she was focused on this meal. Looking forward to it each night. And yet complaining about the quality of the Casino buffet food and lack of variety. One would think-"Just don't eat it." However now at 160 lbs with a growing and visible little pot belly and thickening arms and a more prominent double chin than even in January. I think this thickening gal needs that food to not feel starving.
With this new information I am now going to check the other two chapters and make sure they still make sense. Thank you.
1 chapter, created 8 years , updated 8 years
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Jazzman 8 years
Coming from my current favorite writer that is high praise indeed! Thanks. This is part one btw. I kinda got confused on the formatting.
JM Ross 8 years
Excellent start. I can't wait for more.