The Cooking Teacher

  By Jazzman  

Chapter 1 - Prologue The Real Story

I had just begun as a salesman for school fundraising. The main product that we were known for was Wisconsin Spreadable Cheese and Beef Summer Sausage. While visiting my customer the band director, I was introduced to one of the class advisors.
She was Beautiful. Several years my senior at age 39. Wearing heels and a denim skirt and matching top. Pretty black hair and a million dollar smile. I asked her out and she accepted. After just one date it was clear to both of us that we were better as friends. She was a Math teacher. Not the cooking teacher.
I mention my friend Barb because I was introduced to her co- advisor for 9th grade on an ensuing visit. She was not as spectacular looking and probably early 40's. She was very self- assured of her own cooking skill as she was the Home Economics teacher. She also was quite proud of her " Gourmet" taste buds.
Miss Lisa was middle of the road. Probably 5' 6 and maybe 145 lbs. I noticed several small slices of cake in the room to be evaluated for a grade. Up until that time her waistline seemed to have weathered the storm. A fairly long career of teaching cooking and baking and taste testing had left her unscathed.
My memory is a little cloudy of how much time passed. Barb started dating and was engaged in the interim. My future ex- wife and I were both professional singers and we sang at Barb's wedding the following summer. When I returned the following October for the band sales launch I stopped in to see my friend Barb. She had put 10 or so on her short frame and looked even better.
After the closing bell Lisa appeared in the doorway. My FA eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. The teacher with the gourmet tongue had apparently sampled way too often in the past year. 18 years of staying trim had gone out the window. She had a double chin. She wore a loose dress and had to weigh 190 to 200 lbs. Not huge by any standards but definitely now quite Fat.
I quit that job before I came back the next year. I often wondered if Barb had gained more on her Hourglass knockout figure. Her husband was already quite the beer belly guy at the wedding. I thought about Barb often over the years. But oddly enough Lisa because of her kind of mundane personality very rarely entered my mind.
The memory came flooding back when a new member here mentioned that her students seemed to be making bigger samples for cooking class. What I am going to attempt is a story of what " might" have transpired with Lisa way back when. I'm going to make the character not so bland in personality. And she is going to be 5'9" and 35 years old and personable and vivacious.
Planning to also make this one much shorter. My other stories turn to marathons and always get away from me. I hope you all like what I am " cooking " up in my head.
4 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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