
  By Aaabbb  

Chapter 1 - Begginning

She wanted to get fatter. She wanted to know what it felt like to be pinned down by more weight. She wanted to stuff her face full on sweet treats fiending to feed her massive stomach. She dreamed of having thick hanging lovehandles, soft and jiggly from her hard-work eating. She was destined for fatness.It was in her DNA.
Julie grew up in a fat family. Her sister was always thick, but she had an angel's face and curves that would make men's head spin. Her mother, Sarah, progressively gained weight throughout Julie's childhood, going from a petite 130 pounds at Julie's birth, to a whopping 380 pounds by the time Julie was 18. Sarah was addicted to food. Ever since Julie could remember Sarah would be stuffing her face all day long long,from finishing a box of donuts in the morning to wolfing down a carton of chocolate ice cream at night. She gained and she gained and she gained. And like a good daughter, Julie followed in her footsteps, emulating her mother by always finishing her plate and asking for seconds even when she wasn't hungry. Her mother always had the best snacks in the house, Julie always got to snack on things like popcorn, pizza, cake, and other delicious fattening treats. And boy did it show. By 18 Julie was the fattest girl in her class weighing in at 345 pounds. She would sit by herself at lunch, eating a meal the same size as the football teams offensive linemen. Julie would sometimes eat in the bathroom stalls in between classes to attempt to pack as many calories in as possible. Her fat was glorious, mounds of cascading flesh off her droopy stomach. Her arms dangled sagging fat making for the most plush skin you could ever touch. The best part however, was her thick pussy. Just a nice meaty pussy waiting to get sucked. Since she was a virgin, her pussy was incredibly tight. She would finger herself from time to time, but that's as far as she got. She never had sex, only fantasizing about it while force feeding herself. She loved the feeling of pushing her stomach just a little bit furthur each time.
1 chapter, created 12 years
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