Weight gain stories

Weight gain

Mom's Revenge on Daughter's Fa Husband

Mom doesn't like that her slim, petite daughter has gained weight since her marriage and blames her new husband. An opportunity to get revenge presents itself.   More ▼

Jess Grows

Growing girl Jess comes to terms with her kink as she meets a new guy   More ▼


A Fat Hiding Place

A young women on the run from an abusive relationship gets a job as an attendant to a circus fat lady, will she keep her slim figure or get fat?   More ▼

So… Now What?

When a mid-30s stay-at-home mom decides she’s done with 10 years of dieting, she didn’t bargain for her husband to be so helpful and encouraging with her decision.   More ▼

Sweet Sweet Thieves

Luna, a half demon and witch own a business, a empire that manufactures all things sweet unfortunately during a food coma and long need nap some building tied to the brand have been stolen from and unfortunately for the thieve she can't let that go   More ▼

Fall From Grace--darker

If you want the build-up to the plot, I'd recommend reading my earlier story. But, if you want diabolical feeder and a pathetic feedee with dubcon, full steam ahead. Dark, punishing themes, teasing, ruination.   More ▼

Best Summer Ever-2

This is a couple weight gain story, similer to my original "Best Summer Ever".   More ▼

The Fluffy Goddess

Julia hits the jackpot when she meets Jeff, a wealthy man who sweeps her off her feet. He only asks one thing of her: that she stay as fat and fluffy as possible!   More ▼

I’m Bursting Out!

It’s started with a little growth but soon it becomes uncontrollable fattening process making me feel like I’m going to burst   More ▼