Weight gain stories


America's Fattest Model

It’s a battle of the heavyweights on America’s Fattest Model! Join the five remaining titans for a full-length near future novella of belly stuffings, binges, and luxuriating in a world where fat equals beauty, and more is always better.   More ▼

Becoming a Tubby Banana Slug

My gaining story   More ▼


A morbidly obese woman pops a pair of ill-fitting jeans with the help of her in-home feeder.   More ▼

Just Like You Imagined?

A sarcastic tongue gets your favourite author in some bother.   More ▼

All You Can Eat

A big guy with a big appetite comes across a mysterious diner in a dark alley he's never seen before. Inside he meets an even more mysterious woman who indulges all his most glutinous desires!   More ▼

The Diet Starts Tomorrow

[Short] Rudy knows it wouldnt hurt to lose a few... maybe tomorrow   More ▼

The Ex-jock's Memory - Largetwink

You should listen to everyone. They are telling you what a fat mess you have become. You used to be a fit, smart and ambitious guy in high school. What has college done to you??   More ▼

The Fall

He’s in denial that he could possibly weigh THAT much until getting out of bed becomes a deadly task.   More ▼


After taking in every drop of milk in that plastic jug they broke out the chocolate syrup and I do love chocolate milk..so down it went! Delicious rich syrup being drizzled down my throat. No matter how tight my belly was getting I STILL wanted more   More ▼

The Convention

Inspired by Feedee Pig. Taylor is invited to a convention that will transform her in more ways then one   More ▼