Chapter 1
The app seemed straightforward enough. Like any other messaging app it seemed designed to connect people. Whether it was a group chat you were looking for or a specific individual you needed to reach out to. Brett had seen apps like this before or even versions of this embedded in other social media platforms, but he had stumbled onto this particular app for a very specific reason.Brett had long harbored a “tiny” little secret when it came to his sexual needs. You see, Brett had what some may call a kink or a fetish and this had led him to a niche little community that celebrated this particular kink. Brett liked fat, a lot. And more specifically, he wanted to get fat himself, VERY fat. Anyone who looked at the 180 pound picture of fitness would never have guessed that he harbored this odd kink, but the guy basically couldn’t get off without imaging himself gaining hundreds of pounds and finally giving in to his obsessions with decadent food and weight gain.
Brett would envy other men he noticed out in the world who strutted, or more accurately, waddled around with their excess weight. Ironically, most would no doubt have killed to swap places with Brett if given the chance. The athletic 29 year old had short, well groomed auburn hair and a well trimmed beard that accentuated his facial features. Deep blue eyes and a cheshire grin gave him a look that was cute and approachable. Muscle defined arms and legs propelled him around and all his clothes all seemed to hang stylishly from his shoulders.
After discovering this little quirk of his he kept it completely to himself, unable to fathom anyone else understanding. These fears along with the understood societal pressure of being thin and “healthy” had kept him from ever pursuing his desires fully. The fantasy would have to suffice.
Slowly, but surely he did some research and eventually discovered the small community on the internet that shared his odd kink. He was surprised and slightly relieved that he wasn’t alone in the world even if it was still a relatively small subset of the population. He continued to stay relatively quiet with his footprint though, opting to lurk around the sites and take in all they had to offer stealthily.
More recently he had seen various members advertising their handles for a new messaging app centered around their community. Having lurked around the sites for a few years at this point he wondered if this could be an opportunity to finally engage a little more directly with his kink. He was curious what this app was and wanted to check it out for himself, which is what led him to scrolling through groups trying looking for a possible point of entry.
Sure enough there were groups and topics dedicated to all the different aspects of the kink and he slipped into them to follow the conversations. People talked of their desires to grow bigger and others encouraging them on in their fattening journeys. Photos were shared of progress and met with praise and adoration.
Eventually, Brett worked up the courage to speak and add to the rolling conversations. He was excited by all the activity and happy to compliment others on what he himself had been too afraid to actually follow through with. He envied the big jiggling bellies he saw and longed to have one of his own.
He opened up about his struggles and confliction over wanting to gain weight. It was a struggle many knew first hand in the community and while some would encourage him to give in and take the plunge they also understood the choice came with real life consequences, both good and bad.
Brett had never felt more connected to himself since starting to engage with this kink more directly and it was on this particular evening that a message popped up in his inbox.
“I think I can help” was all the title read. Curious, Brett opened up the message and clicked on the profile. ‘FeederAngel’ appeared as most profiles did, a small thumbnail of a girl who actually looked rather cute from what he could tell. A feeder in the community and she had been a member for a while. He could see she was in several group chats that he was also a part of and must have found him there. She seemed harmless enough so he decided to respond.
“Help with what exactly?” Brett responded with curiosity.
“Why, your little dilemma of course.” Came a quick response. It was as if she was waiting for him.
“And what dilemma would that be??” He fired back, having a hunch, but still not positive where this was going.
“Oh I think we both know what dilemma I am referring to.” She replied once more.
“Meet me in here if you actually want to free yourself from all those worries and concerns and just…give in.” Another message followed up with a link to a chat.
Brett stared at the screen for a moment contemplating what this woman was saying. She was being cryptic and yet he was almost positive he knew what she was offering. Why did he need to hop to another chat to get his answers?
“How can you help?” He finally responded with, looking for more context.
“Click the link and I’ll show you.” Was all she replied with.
Brett hovered his cursor over the link. He had some trepidation over clicking a random link sent by a stranger and yet he was also curious about what this girl could offer him. Could she really get him past all his insecurities and worries about getting fat and allow him to fully embrace this side of himself that he’d kept hidden for so long?
2 chapters, created 5 months
, updated 5 months