Girlfriend weight gain stories

Brewing a Beer Belly

A weight gain fetish story. Nandy convinces the Elra, the beautiful owner and brewmaster of a local pub, to gain a beer belly to better sell her product.   More ▼

How to Punish a Cheater

A cautionary tale for any man who may feel inclined to cheat on his wife or girlfriend. In this story, a jilted wife finds an appropriate revenge for her suave slender handsome husband.   More ▼

Binding Vows

Ella Takes Control

Jake discovers a side of Ella he's never seen before when they move into their new home.   More ▼

Christine and Melany: Destined to Be Big  

Since Katie left the house, Christine and Melany have been behaving out of control. Their eating habits and love for gaining have consumed their mindset. All they want is to be as fat as possible. But everything has a prize. Literally.   More ▼


A series of stories about Pete the Pizza delivery boy and Sarah as she gains weight from his irresistible pizza.   More ▼

A Dream in Four Movements  

Travis has a lifelong goal to get as fat as possible, and his muscle-bound boyfriend Kevin is determined to be the one that helps him realize that goal. It seems like a dream come true, but can they strike the right balance in their relationship?   More ▼

Growing Fat for Liz

Fat Guy Falls Down  

A bumbling, clumsy college professor has the day from hell but gets a nice surprise when he gets home to his lovely wife.   More ▼

Aaron and Jen

Same old same old. This ones kinda old so sorry if the adult of concepts are childish. What are you gonna do? (Completed)   More ▼