Sexy weight gain stories

The Baker's Wife  

She only wants more...   More ▼

Fat Sex in the City

Two writers meet at a reading in San Francisco and sparks fly as they use art as a means of negotiating the boundaries between vulnerability and desire.   More ▼

Midnight Oil

A repressed college girl secretly over indulges in the dead of night, but her expanding waistline is harder to hide. Bon appétit. Cover art made in Blender. All feedback welcome.   More ▼

Emily P.o.v - 120 Pound

Here’s a story of Emily before she gained any weight and a brief chapter of her at 1000 pound. Only a short story mainly to introduce Aunty Dee for a future story. Anyway hope you enjoy   More ▼

The Chubby Chick

The life journey of a girl who discovers what happens to the chubby chick when she grows up. 3 chapters   More ▼

A Half Ton of Fun

Two heavy lesbians move in near a hetero feeder and gain like never before   More ▼

The Slow Softening of Taylor Swift

The Growing Goddess of Hedonism

A regular person becomes noticed by the gods for their incredible appetite and confidence in their body. Follow theur story as they go from average feedee to being worshipped by many for their size. (New updates every three days)   More ▼

The Fattest Space Empress (preview)

A mechanic girl gets swept up into a politically arranged marriage that will save the galaxy. The weight of the empire and galaxy goes right to her hips!   More ▼

Welcome to Fatville, Continued...