Sexy weight gain stories

The Boardwalk Buffet

Darcie finds a new way to feed her humiliation kink... (one-off)   More ▼


Stuffing Season - Preview

Dee makes an offer to Michaela that she can't refuse. Remaining chapters to follow in premium!   More ▼

Cherie Blossoms (pt 2)

The world wakes anew after a long Winter of exploring a newfound kink. **WIP, Part 2 of a 5 part series**   More ▼

Walk in Unannounced

A quick vignette of a naughty PA and her hungry CEO   More ▼

Emily P.o.v - 650 Pound

Bariatric Love

Something very different than what I usually write. The story of love being found in strange places, like a bariatric clinic.   More ▼

A Pig to Play With

A young, pig of a man gets taken and is forced to be a pet for a sadistic group of people   More ▼

Blossoming Blackmail (t)

Second Hand Fattening

What if, instead of second hand smoke, you had to worry about people eating junk food around you? (Contains: rapid and massive wg, blob sizes, stuffing) (image commissioned from PIH.mon)   More ▼