Chapter 1 - 1
The dungeon was always cold and yet no matter how much I begged I was never offered warmth unless I was with her "why," she would mock me, "you have your lard to keep you warm" as she sent me away. Held in a dark cell until I was summoned yet never really left alone. The truth was by now I could barely move upon my own power. The shear weight of my body now made it impossible for me to escape. The guards came bearing light at least. Though I also knew it was a signal of the torturing to come. I lifted my now enormous hands before my eyes. The fat on my arms moving with almost a hypnotic jiggle. The guards always laughing at my condition as they helped to drag me to my feet. I almost had to laugh to myself it was not in the least bit funny, but, the truth was I had not seen my own feet for such a long time now I would not recognize them anymore if someone held a mirror in front of my face which she sometimes ordered just to torture me further. The face reflected back at me was also one I no longer recognized. My dark eyes hidden behind cheeks swollen with the fat she had forced upon me. I could no longer count the number of chins anymore. I closed my eyes against the bright lights as I was once again dragged into her private chambers and the collar about my neck was snapped onto the leash in her cruel hands.Looking into my eyes she smiled the evil smile I had become far to familiar with. Tonight was going to be a harsh one. Wrapping the leash tightly around her hand she pulled my face to hers. Her free hand brought to my face forcing me to look into her coldly beautiful eyes. " Now my piggy we shall have a bit of fun tonight,' she promised, 'at least it shall be fun for me." I shuddered slightly at the promise. She laughed to see the wobbling of my body as shivers ran down my spine. There was no way to run from her. She had taken care of that long ago. She laughed every time I tried. Where could I go? By now I could no longer fit into clothing. Not that I had been allowed clothing since the first night I had been captured and sent to my Mistress. A moment later I heard her servants bringing in the silver platters. The gnawing sounds in my stomach betraying me. I was frightened once again as I counted the platters from the corner of my eye. Finally the servants finished and the doors were closed behind them. My Mistress snapped her fingers and the guards bowing to her left the room as well. We were now alone.
For the moment she dropped the leash by her feet. I felt her finger nails glide softly across my back as she made a slow circle around me. Stopping behind me she grabbed my hair pulling back my head. Looking down at me she spoke, " well my fat pig. tonight we are going to push your limits further than ever before. You are going to feel pain for my pleasure." She brutally released my hair and I was to afraid to move. Reaching down she retrieved the leash from the floor. Pulling on it I began my slow crawl across the marble floor. I felt the cool surface as my belly slide across on my journey to the tables. On all fours she wanted me to feel the girth of my body. When I was brought to her the muscles in my arms were beautiful to behold. My stomach hard and flat not a bit of excess anywhere. she made it clear she chose me for this reason. I could see from the first night that my complete humiliation made her cum. It was not enough to force her will upon me she had from the very beginning intended to break mine as well. The leash pulling harder in her hands and I struggled to move more quickly. The slap of my flesh against the floor now even louder. I know to her it has always been music to her ears.
Finally I have reached the table. Pulling me to my feet she pushes my into the chair. A moment later she begins to tie my hands to the arms. This part is no longer as easy as it once was my sides have the largest love handles I have ever seen. It becomes more difficult every day to squeeze into the sides. I am always stuck firmly unable to move by the end of her demands and tonight is to be no exception. Trying to shift my bulk to make myself for comfortable I hear the ominous sound of wood beginning to spit I still my efforts afraid of my fall. She has me trapped now. Poking the fat that has spilled out the sides of my chair she grabs a hand full jiggling it in her hands. This always brings a smile to her beautiful face. Bending over my shoulder she whispers how very soon this will seem skinny to me.
4 chapters, created 11 years