My Secret

Chapter 1

Yes, I like big women, and especially big breasted big women. A lot of psychology would suggest that it has because my mom didn’t breast feed me enough when I was a baby, that my favorite movie growing up was Who Framed Rodger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit’s exquisite silhouette inspired my taste it women, another thought is that perhaps I have a huge rebellious streak and simply don’t want to conform to society, or perhaps that I have a need to be physically dominated, I’ve had few of the women I’ve had some fun with even say that I like big women because I have to. To which I reply, “Why do you say that?”

And each has replied in one way or another, “Because you’re simply too big to be handled by a smaller women. The size of your penis and physical strength would severely hurt her when it comes to love-making.”

Every time I only reply to with a slack-jawed, are you serious, expression, mostly because I’m all of 165 pounds, but I’ll take the complement. Me personally I think it sprang forth from me first being in love with big bouncy bury-your-face- in-breasts. Then it graduated from that to a somewhat exaggerated hourglass because something about the rhythmic sway of some wide hips and large butt cheeks captured me. In my eyes, the wide hips, large breasts and big butt seemed like a devastating picture of beauty. Plus something about symmetry seemed to allow me to except and embrace this change in taste. It made more sense to have the bottom balance out the top in some manner so that she or you would look proportional. Little did I know that I was in for an even bigger change in taste.

Somewhere around my junior year in high school, I was hanging out with some friends, more females than males and I was talking about what I liked physically in a woman. One of them, a moderately weighing girl asked if I would mind the big belly that usually accompanies my ideal breast and butt sizes. I told her, “No that wouldn’t bother me at all.” At the time I chalked it up to something that had to be accepted in order to find a lady with my preferred body type. And there it was, in that instance, whether I knew it or not, I became a lover of larger ladies. My tastes slowly began to change, I began looking for videos and stories about larger women because again I love big large breasts and butts. Subliminally though I was accepting that large everything else, arms, thighs, calf, bellies, etc. were sexy as well. As it stands right now, there are very few women that I’m actually attracted to that weigh less than 175 pounds, you being one of them. I occasionally venture out of the 200+ pound range, but not a whole lot and usually if I do, I’m usually helping a lady on the verge of being 200 pounds, get there and pass it.

Back on topic, me personally, I’ve come to love such large ladies for a few different reasons. First and foremost, I have tremendously huge stomach, and having a woman that can eat with me and that I can watch eat is wonderful with me. It doesn’t make me feel like a mutant with a trash compactor stomach because I have a partner in crime. Second because all that extra fat acts a pillow. I can lay about anywhere on her and be comfortable. Plus I have really defined hip bones that tend to poke out and can grind while I’m gettin’ my freak on. Sorry that type of pain during sex just isn’t a turn on for me. Third is the jiggling. There is something so sexy about all that flesh jiggling about. Maybe it is some sort of affirmation to me of the idea that bigger is better. The bigger you get the more you jiggle. Or maybe it has something with you being real because plastic parts and other fakes don’t jiggle like real fat. Lastly, and most importantly, bigger women look like women. You all are curvaceous and don’t look like little boys. That’s not really my thing. You have very ample bosoms with which to have lots of fun with and store abundant amounts of milk in them. Wide birthing hips that mesmerize me when they sway but are also able support and potentially bare children easier. Plus you are already carrying the necessary weight on your sexy bodies to have children and will gain little if any should you get pregnant. So when it comes to choosing mates, my primal instincts zone in on larger ladies.

After hearing my spiel, Tessa finally said something, “You still didn’t answer my question. Are you trying to fatten me up?”

“In a word, yes, yes I am,” I replied.

“Ok. Why?” she asked.

To which I responded, “I thought it was pretty obvious based on the 7 minute explanation I just gave you. I figured I’d see if you wouldn’t mind a little bit of weight, and once you were around the 150s 160s it seemed like you didn’t care. So I figured why not go for broke and make the love of my life into my ideal female body type. I guess I want about it the wrong way.”

“Damn straight you did. A little courtesy would’ve been nice seeing that it is my body after all and not your play toy-

-I know. I know. Would you just leave now so that I don’t have to feel even worse,” I interjected.


“No?” I replied.

“No. I love you and you seem to love me save a few “flaws” in my physical appearance. Besides at this point it would seem futile to try and get my figure back. Let ask you something else. Do I absolutely have to be 200+ pounds for you to get turned on by my body?”

“No, not at all,” I quickly responded, “it’s more of a personal preference of mine. Perhaps a strange one, but no you don’t need to be that big but it would be nice,” I finished with a little chuckle.

“Good,” she said with a relieved look on her face, “because I don’t want to get that big however, how does 185-190 pounds sound to you?”

With an awestruck face I smiled and answered, “Sounds good to me. How much do you weight now?”

Her tone changed real quick as she answered, “You better mister! You’re still in trouble for indirectly causing me to go from 130 pounds on my 5’7” frame to a plump 178 pounds! You will be punished!”

“Yes ma’am! I understand,” I replied.

She turned to walk away, but looked back with a smile on her face and ordered, “Your first punishment is to take me out tonight and stuff me to the point where I can’t walk. And no all you-can-eat buffets, I want the good high calorie foods.”

“Ma’am yes ma’am!” I said with an added salute.

So we got ready to go and enjoyed the rest of night knowing that we were both now much closer to each other than ever before. And once we got back to the house we got even closer to each other.

Within about a month Tessa had reached 185 pounds, and about a week after that she clocked 192 pounds on the scales.
5 chapters, created 13 years , updated 55 years
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TheDemolitio... 13 years
You can thank lots of strict English teachers, a great imagination and strong fetish. LOL
TheDemolitio... 13 years
Thanks. I tried to go for something like that.
TheDemolitio... 13 years
Thank you. I try. :-)