A fat admirer in texas (part 1)

chapter 1: another fat admirer

Matt was a Swiss teenage boy and while he was living in one of the thinnest country on earth that is Switzerland, his burning desire for larger women has been growing with the turn to puberty. However, Matt's family spent a lot of time and energy to discredit and talk badly about fat people in general, making Matt sad as his parent's views were against his genuine attraction. Matt's mum would even whisper quietly in disgust on the street how fat some passer-bys looked, albeit being loud enough so that her target could hear the curse.

Instilled by his family that being fat was a dire burden, Matt rejected, as a kid, every media cliché of the fat way of life from chubby mates in the playground to greasy foods and lazy activities. Yet, Matt's hatred for fat drew to a close at the beginning of his puberty. When he was 12, Matt attended a diner party where his parents invited a couple of friends who came back from Egypt for a two-week holiday. As the wine was flowing and the guests loosened up, the discussions progressed from lengthy descriptions of the magnificent pyramids to teasing about the quirks and customs of a foreign civilisation. In particular, the family friends were astonished when the guide claimed that the female friend would not catch the local Egyptians' eye with her skinny waist as the local tribes favoured women with sufficient flesh on their bones, some tribes even force-feeding young girls to make them more appealing. Matt felt a new sentiment of arousal that he has never experienced previously, as he pictured in his mind women with larger figures, some with big bottoms and some with big bellies. Overall, this discussion opened Matt's eyes about his attraction for curvier women.

Within the next couple of weeks, Matt's searched thoroughly on the Internet for more information and pictures of larger Egyptian's women as part of the quest for experiencing again the intense feeling of arousal. Even more exciting than single pictures, Matt learnt about the world of BBW along with their fat admirers and with these new keywords in mind, he managed to access a staggering content of erotic videos that provided Matt with the sexual stimulation he was looking for. It was unclear why but, Matt could not get his mind off these large girls jiggling their soft and fluffy bellies. His behaviour felt wrong as fat attraction was against everything he has been told when he was younger. Yet, watching fat girls felt so good and he loved it. Very soon, it became a ritual for Matt to look for pictures and videos of naked fat women whenever he had spare time. As he grew older, he could but feel his shaft getting larger and stronger at the sight of fat bellies and soon, Matt started jerking off frequently on BBWs.

Nonetheless, at the age where boys are vocal about their favourite porn actresses, Matt was shy of claiming loudly that he was genuinely attracted to fat models and, that he would only get off on overweight women jiggling their large and fluffy bellies. Instead, Matt had to fake agreeing on mainstream ideas that skinny women are sizzling in front of his school friends to be respected in the playground. In addition, Matt was also frustrated that he could not see in his home country women as fat as the ones he masturbates on, who are often located in the USA. A day of spring brought hope for Matt to get closer to the women he fantasizes, who seemed elusive so far. In particular, as summer was around the corner, his mum suggested that he should go spend some time in the USA with his uncle's family to improve his English speaking skills. Tom, Matt's uncle, owned a caravan park in Texas so the situation would provide Matt plenty of opportunities to meet teenagers and especially obese girls that he yearned to see in a bathing suit. Matt therefore accepted the proposal without the shadow of a doubt and was getting ready for a summer in the southern fatty state.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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