Chapter 1: intimacy and the gypsy woman
Justin got home from working all day in the warehouse, to find his girlfriend waiting for him.In their bedroom, she was on all fours, looking into Justin's eyes. It was more than obvious what she wanted.
But Justin was tired of faking it. Even though Justin was still in love with Julia the sex had become more of a chore. Upon getting into the bedroom he collapsed on the bed.
"I'm so tired, babe. I'm just still getting use to this physical job. As soon as my body adjusts we will go back to normal."
Julia's face was riddled with disappointment because this had been the same thing for two months. She began to cry.
"Do you not love me anymore?" she said while crying into her hands.
"Of course I love you." Justin lied. He didn't want to upset her. He loved her so much and didn't want to lose her.
He grabbed her face and began kissing her. They made love but he had to fake an orgasm because he couldn't get off.
A few days went by and the fair was in town, so he decided it might be fun.
As they waited in line on the log ride, out of nowhere, Justin felt a soft body press against him and caress his manhood being caressed.
He looked at his girlfriend but she was just looking back in shock at the rotund gypsy lady grabbing Justin's soldier in a nonchalant manner.
Justin pulled back but upon seeing her large bosoms' fighting to spill out of her corset, her belly: large and full, mushrooming over her waist, and enormous a**, Justin began to feel embarrassed.
He quickly regained composure as his girlfriend began staring daggers at the lady. Luckily since his girlfriend didn't notice his boner.
"What the hell are you doing?" said to the Gypsy lady incredulously.
"OH, I'm so very sorry! I thought he was someone I knew from a long time ago. The resemblance is uncanny." The Gypsy said feeling incredibly embarrassed.
"You should say Hi or something first before coming up behind someone and molesting them!" replied furiously.
"I know, I am really sorry about this. How about I give you guys a free reading to make it up to you?" she asked.
Julia hesitantly agreed and they followed the woman into a tent which had a sign that read "Madame Zola".
Madam Zola told them to sit down and asked if they would hold her hand for a brief moment.
As she gazed into her crystal ball, she murmured incoherent whispers under her breath.
It wasn't long before her grasp did loosen and she sunk her head slowly to the table as if she was resting from an extraneous workout.
Justin and looked at each other with the same "what the f***?" expression on their face.
"You love each other greatly but I see some intimacy problems. I see change in your future. More for your lady friend than for you sir but the change will resolve your intimacy problems and cause you to have the best sex you both have ever had. I see one of you having trouble coping with this but soon you will embrace it and love yourself more than ever. It's going to take a long time though."
"Is there any way to hurry it up?" asked to Justin's embarrassment.
"Yes, I can do a spell but the outcome is permanent and there may be side effects." Zola said.
"I'm okay with it as long as Justin is okay with it." said to Zola while looking at Justin.
The gypsy lady then began chanting in incoherent gibberish again and waving what looked like a type of brush palm, in the direction of Julia.
She then began chanting in Justin's direction, inching closer and closer as Justin but before he could react she lunged at his p**** while screaming chants.
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
9 chapters, created 8 years
, updated 2 years