Chapter 1 - After college
Before college I had wash board abs, a tight ass and a jawline that could cut paper.Now I have a large round belly, a wobbly ass and a double chin.
I used to eat three healthy meals a day, exercise daily and be able to pick up whoever I wanted at the clubs.
Now I stuff greasy fast food in my mouth, lounge around the house and the only people that bat an eye at me are those disgusting by me.
I was popular, always having friends to go out with whenever I wanted. Now all my friends are online, through multiplayer games I play instead of exercising.
My appartement used to be spotless and it was rare when I didn't have a guest. Now I have empty pizza boxes, takeaway containers etc strewn throughout. I have to walk over rubbish to get to the door. My appartement is starting to resemble a horder house and the only visitor is the countless delivery drivers.
I was stylish. Wearing designer labels and form fitting garments. Now I one one outfit that still 'fits'. It's stained, has holes and the seams are going to burst any day. My gut pokes out the bottom so much so my deep bellybutton is on full display. It looks as though I found these old sweats in a dumpster. However one thing that hasn't changed is that they're form fitting.
I used to only have a belly at Christmas time when I'd eaten too much. Now I have folds and flaps and slabs of fat welded on to me. I didn't use to sweat unless it was a hot summers day. Now walking three steps from the couch to the toilet exhaustes me. I wheze and sweat profoundly.
I used to sleep comfortably with out issues in pristine white sheets. Now it's hard to count the number of sleep aids I have. Sleeping pills, a sleep apnea mask and for in the morning a handle hangs from the ceiling so I can pull myself out of bed. If you saw my sheets now you would never think they used to be white. They're stained with sweat and food. I used to wash the sheets every other week now it's annual at a most.
I used to want to travel the world. See the sights. Try new things. Now I don't like to leave my appartement. I keep the curtains closed for fear I'll be seen and they only new experiences I welcome are new games and new foods.
My couch used to be the hub of my friendship group with enough room to fit us all and more. Now I take up enough space for three of my old friends, not that they would dare to sit on it any more. It, like my clothes and bed sheets, is dirty too say the least. Infact, as the place I spend most of my day, I would say its notably worse.
In college I was at my peak. Now I'm spiraling further and further into a pit I can't get out of.
College Fiction
Fit to Fat
First person
1 chapter, created 1 year
, updated 1 year