
Chapter 1

Hello, my name is Sam. I am 28 years old. For my entire life I have been best friends with Jack. He is the same age as me. We are going out together, and hang out a lot. We loved to chase girls. I always had a weak for big girls. I just love the curves and softness. So most of times Jack took home the fit girls and I her fat friend.
One day we were drinking beer at a cafe in town. At the table next to us sat a beautifull lady. She was skinny, long blond hair and had a cute face. A few minutes later another lady sat down next to her. She wasn't skinny at all. She was very big. Her ass was haning over the barstool on both sides. They ordered some drinks and seemed to have fun together.
Jack decided to make a move and asked them to join our table. They introduced themselfes as Amy and Eve. Amy was the fitgirl and Eve the big girl. We were having a good time, laughing and joking. They told us that they were sisters. I couldn't believe it because one was very fat and the other skinny. A few hours later we were getting pretty drunk. And they asked if we wanted to go with them to one of their houses.
Jack and I looked at each other and smiled. ''Yes of course we go with you'' we answered.

It was a few hundred metres away. Jack and Amy walked up front. They had a pretty good pace. Eve wasn't walking that fast. She was waddling a bit. looking exhausted when we got there. She was a bit sweaty and I asked if she was okay.
''yeah I am fine, I just need to sit down soon hehe''

We made a lot fun for the rest of the evening. I don't remember all, but the next morning I woke up next to Eve.

And from that moment on we were dating. One year later and I moved in with her. And Jack moved in with Amy. We saw each other a lot and it was great we had such good relationships.

I enjoyed living with Eve. I discovered pretty good stuff about the sisters. Besides that they looked so pretty, they were kind, romantic and .... . They were rich. Eve won the lottery a few years back, and she decided to share the money with Amy. They were so rich they didn't even have to work anymore. I was so happy with her, I didn't ever want to leave her.
4 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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