
chapter 1

part 1: the agreement. husband's perspective. weight: 140

i heard a noise outside my door and woke up, noticing that gloria wasnt sleeping next to me anymore.

I opened the door and saw her in front of the fridge in her underwear and a shirt. I tell ya, she really was looking fuller, and if the burps, moans, and cute little hungry grunts emitting from her were any indication, she was really enjoying filling her belly. Her butt had gotten a little fatter, fuller, i could see. She turned around holding a slab of chocolate cake on a plate. An open box of cookies was sitting on the table nearby, and two wrappers were on the table.

this had been going on with us for about a month, in preparation for her interview for a spot at the institute. that she agreed to do it made me ecstatic. she was such a waif. but she was also very lazy. gloria despised exercise. and i was happy to spoil her. and the institute told us that she had to be conditioned to move less and eat more by me first, because it establishes trust. also, if they're a little more out of shape when they get to the institute its easier for them to give in.

id say gloria, in the month since i began waiting on her hand and foot, has gained about 30 lbs, up from 110 to 140. looking at her now, she's not a rail anymore. and her appetite was doing well. she had started to sneak off and eat from the fridge during the night because she thought she wasnt eating enough during the day.

I came up to her and held her pudgy little gut in my hands. She would gain another three inches in a month. She had started taking appetite stimulants and weight gain powder in her glass of orange juice. Sometimes i worried about how fast she was gaining, but whenever i brought this up with her she would just tell me how wet it made her.

"i love how at this point, i cant help myself," she said, grabbing her softening paunch. "i eat so much now, food is all i think about. and when i can feel myself getting flabbier, and heavier, for drives me wild." she smiled a crooked smile at me, abashed.

The stimulants and extra calories really seemed to push her over the edge. Id say went thru one box of oreos everyday, for at least a week straight. Shes just so hungry, she always needs to snack so much. And it was no wonder she was already closer to 'fat' now than 'chubby.' when gloria was chubby, despite her innate laziness, she just moved around more. the added weight, along with an enforced lack of exercise, turned her movements from birdlike to sluggish, and it was cute when she was eating and she would huff and puff, beads of sweat pouring down her face from the exertion of just eating. lovely, poor little glutton. you just...ate too much.

when she approached 150 it was almost time for her to leave for the institute. she was eating so much, these days. Her cheeks were a bit chubby and a double chin was due to arrive with the coming and going of breakfast, lunch and dinner into her, and countless calories. Her stomach gurgled; she burped softly.

“Good piglet. Eat up for me now, we wouldn’t want you to go hungry.”

“Yes, baby. I just...have become a bottomless pit. I love overfeeding myself.”

I pinched her flabby side and jiggled her fattening form. Her tits really looked like they were getting too big for her to carry, and her heavy breathing was just starting to strain into a wheeze, reflecting how easily taxed her muscles were, after sitting on your ass for three months...and letting me feed you.

I grabbed her growing gut in my hands and shook it. She grunted and sighed, stuffing the last of the cake into her mouth, then almost desperately grabbed three cookies, shoved them in her mouth, and burped loudly.

“Good pig.’ i said, patting her soft belly, which rippled with young fat. “That’ll make more room.”

It did. She ended up eating everything i had in the fridge. We were up into the wee hours of the morning. Not but 24 hours later, it was clear her large meal was starting to settle on her hips, thighs, butt, and belly. Her adorable double chin.

part 2: the institute. gloria's perspective. weight: 155

I can already tell that im eating way too much for someone my size. And with me being stuck in this apartment -a small one, to make sure i dont get too much exercise- i can feel my muscles growing softer. I tried to do some push ups one day and could only manage five before i felt like my entire body was on fire. A nurse could hear me breathing heavily, and came to my aid, lifting me up by my arm with somewhat more effort than before.

“Oh no dear. We can’t have this. You have to realize that that kind of exertion is too much for you now, dear.”

“Why are you trying to convinced me that im out of shape?”

“Well because you really are getting there. More of a porker than we imagined really. All this time you were meant to be fat and soft, yr ‘little’ appetite proves it.”

My belly growled again. I was hungry. “Im fattening up so much, i think i might need an extra meal during the day.”

i looked expectantly at her, then raised up my shirt, revealing my developing rolls.

"i need more food. i havent eaten enough yet." she pouted, her big brown eyes and wavy brown hair framing a face that today seemed wider than it did yesterday.

the nurse smiled and left the room, and came back after a little bit with three plates of food. One holding rich chocolate chip pancakes, the other with bacon and an three eggs, and the third with sausage links. “I made the batter with cream. We really have to start buckling down on keeping you stuffed all the time. If we dont keep feeding you youll never grow fat.”

part three. two weeks later. nurses perspective. weight : 160

Her stomach, rounding over her clothes in a nice wellfed pooch, growled loudly. She licked her lips. Even tho she had eating an hour ago, she was again hungry, ravenous. She took her tiny waifish hands to her new fat pudge in embarrassment.

“Thats ok dear. Its good youre getting hungrier. We have to put one hundred pounds on you in three months!”

"Im really getting too fat now, this place feeds me so much. Im getting hungrier every day... But i have to...for him. when I smell the food being brought into my room, my stomach growls hungrily, demanding to be fed."

"i know dear."

"I really need to be fed more, tho. Living in this lavish place being waited on hand and foot. Ive grown round and lazy just being here trying to pass the time." She looked down at her fattening form, her belly sitting in her lap, round and heavy and every day softer.

"in my bed, i jiggle it, making it quiver. to know that my husband will love this--makes me want to eat even more."

part four. another week. gloria's perspective. weight: 170

A nurse places five large pancakes in front of me. I am in bed. I have been laying here for about a week because they said my muscles weren’t soft enough.i needed to eat more and get fatter, thats what it said in the contract. And if i wanted to marry the man i loved, i had to become a woman he’d love. the endless pampering was doing its work. The doctors and nurses say that one of the stipulations is that i must stop exercising entirely. They started with three calorie laden meals a day, but now its up to five. My stomach has grown so much that i think they might need to start giving me more pastries at my midnight feeding.

Thats the thing, they really encourage eating before bed. “We wouldnt want you burning calories now.” the nurses would say, pinching my flabby gut as it hung out over my pants. I had arrived a slim, trim girl. But after two months of slowly growing lazier and out of shape, I was starting to really get heavy, and id been too afraid to check my weight since i did last time. I was 160! I remember how out of shape i felt. Even walking up a flight of stairs made me breathless. I had to summon one of the nurses to carry me the rest of the way.

“My my, your 19 and huffing and puffing like this? A spoiled princess must never exert herself like this, you know that." the nurse said, approaching me.

At some point I remember looking at myself in the mirror and I noticed how tight my shirt was looking. it was riding up my belly. I turned to the side and saw that my stomach was rounding out. Fat was accumulating around my shapeless, weak arms, and under my chin, giving my face a ‘well fed young girl’ look.

“It really has gotten quite pudgy, i guess.” i said to myself. “these people stuff me like a goose. But its increasing my appetite. Ive become a bottomless pit and belly is starting to peek out.”

“Oh, its more than peeking,” said the nurse, who happened to be walking by. she playfully grabbed my fat, growing little gut and feeling how round and flabby it was getting, inspecting. “it was peeking when you were at 140 lbs, just starting to reflect how spoiled we were making you, overffeding you rich steaks and cakes and making sure you have something to eat everywhere you go on the unit. We have to make sure you dont walk so much, but by the fifth time we were replacing the basket of m n ms and twizzlers and the pastries we put by your bed, we noticed you had gained at least 30 pounds. You walked more slowly. Your arms looked fatter too. You complained of your thighs rubbing together so we had to make you start sitting all the time. Its softened you up so much, and made you so out of shape, im not sure you could walk across the room without at least starting to get out of breath.”

“You’ll change that tho right?” i said.

part five. another month later. nurses perspective. weight: 188.

"nurse? i think i need a third breakfast now." gloria said shyly.

The nurse looked at her cherubic, round face. Her chin was complemented by a slight double, indicating where her piggy greediness had gotten her, after only four months at the institute, too out of shape to be even as thin as she was, though she had thickened considerably. Her decline made her feel wet, and she clenched her chubby thighs.

“Of course, honey. The order was a spoiled princess. A nice, fat, overfed, spoiled princess. So we have to feed you proper meals five times a day so that you get hungrier and thus demand more. As you become lazier, you’ll naturally feel more entitled to food, dear. Trust me.”

“Wait. shake it more. Shake my belly more. I want to feel how heavy im jiggling. Oh god, ive been such a pig.” she said. The nurse grabbed her large protruding roll and jiggled it in her fingers. “Im just so hungry. You’ve made me insatiable.”

“I know darling.” the nurse said. “Dont you worry, ill be back with three slices of cake.”

“And a sleeve of oreos?” she said, her big brown eyes looking at the nurse, slightly hopeful at the chance to stuff more goodies down her throat, but also ashamed of how fat her newfound gluttony was making her.
“Two sleeves.” smiled the nurse, who then patted he round tummy and walked away.

part six: a week later. Glorias perspective. weight: 215

I heard my fattening tummy growl as she left the room, to which the nurse replied that she would be back with plenty of goodies, dont worry. I guess thats what happens when you and eat. I can feel the extra weight weigh me down, making me move slower. Sometimes i still walk to the kitchen even tho they said i shouldnt do that. I can feel my plump thighs shifting, my ass jiggle up and down. Once i get to the fridge and open it a smile is slapped on my face: theres an extra chocolate cake! I squeal with excitement, and take a second to take in my heavier form. My belly isnt peeking out anymore, its rounding out in a paunch that hangs over my too tight panties. I take the cake out of the fridge but am too impatient to use cutlery so i just grab chunks in my hand and shove it into my mouth, making small cute moaning noises as i feel myself literally getting fatter by the second. I take my small dainty hand and feel my new stomach. So soft and heavy. I need to make it heavier. I can still get out of bed with relative ease but i needed to eat more and get flabbier so that i could start to struggle. It was always a sign of a nice wellfed girl that she struggled to carry her own weight. Then you really knew she was turning into a porker. I felt my fat body as i kept shoveling cake into my mouth, by now having eaten half and moaning in pleasure as my tummy grew round and taut. I wanted to open my mouth really wide so that i could get all the chocolate and crumbs, and by the time i was done with an entire chocolate cake, lets say about twelve good slices, i sat down in a chair, sweaty and overworked from eating like the hog i was. Eating has become the most i work out. I had to take my panties off. I did. Then i took off my shirt and lay naked on the couch. I could feel my heavy tits. They were getting so big and round that they were hard to carry. I thought about how all this weight was making me move slower and it was turning me on how much more effort had to go into simply walking bc of my weight. Im I belched and shook my gut, packed full like a good princess, and began pleasuring myself on the couch, but had to stop three times before i climaxed bc i kept gettingout of breath from the exertion. I felt my new belly wobble and quiver, completely free of definition, and thought that i should have another servant pleasure me from now on.

The next day i asked, and they had one stipulation: every time you eat a big meal, our servant would come and perform cunnilingus on you to reward you.

"i think its a great idea," i said to the nurses. "and think of how lazy i will grow, just sitting and grazing so that i can fatten like a good calf and my weak muscles get even flabbier!" with this, i smiled and stood up, with some effort, grunted, and slid out of my nice comfortable bed.

same time. nurses POV:

the nurses admired how fat her body had become, as she stood on her feet for the first time in over a month. with any luck, it will be another four months before she gets that kind of exercise. even tho she was not immobile, the nurses had been nurturing that side of her, so that gloria barely engaged in the kind of exertion comparable to walking across a room.

Her belly was as soft as a pillow, hanging down over her pubis in a well fed orb. or more like, overfed orb.

two and a half weeks later. nurse pov. weight: 240.

This reward for being a good piglet ended up making me very fat. I would eat simply to recieve his divine tongue. I remember feeling my double chin grow after just two weeks.

I’ve gotten used to eating as soon as I wake up, into the afternoon. At first they would wake me at 8am with a large breakfast, but i get so hungry now that my belly wakes me up at five am with aloud growl, which happens just now. I open my eyes and peer at my stomach under the sheet. “Ive never been this fat before.”

I learn that he wants to see me, but wants me to climb 3 flights of stairs to see him. I look in the mirror at myself, turn to the side, seeing my belly rounding out, spherical and without definition.

Determined, i walked to the stairs, but by the time i was up one flight i was winded. A large man came next to me.

“Ah princess, youre a mite heavier even after a week of eating like you do. They made you this way with the feeding. I remember when you were a waif without an appetite.”

“Well now im heavy and fat. Please carry me. Ive been eating so much, its hard to walk too long. All this exertion is making me ravenou” she said, breathlessly, her soft gut stretching the material of her dress. A loud gurgle emitted from her large soft stomach, which looked very heavy as she struggled to breathe in and out.

I looked down at my empty plate and frowned, and my stomach let out a loud growl. I immediately turned red and put my arms over my belly to hide it, but one of the nurses had heard.

“Its ok, hun. Weve been feeding you so much, yr stomach needs more food to be full now.”

she took my arms away from my belly, then raised up my shirt, revealing a cute bellybutton and a soft round gut, resting on my thighs. She pinched my stomach and jiggled me. I was so embarrassed. I felt like a complete whale. But i knew that if i wanted him, i had to give in to the hedonistic desires everyone was enforcing me to follow.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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