Green Isnt Always Healthy

Chapters 1-3

Chapter 1 Introduction

Avery Alstead was a brilliant biologist and nutritionist. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin double majoring in the two subjects while also having a position on the girls’ volleyball team. Her figure was as impressive as her mind; she was a stunning 5’ 7” and was almost completely sculpted with only a about half a pound of fat attached to her midsection. After graduation she was picked up by a Southern Californian research company close to Silicon Valley.

She enjoyed the fun and the sun as well as the challenge of her work, finding a healthy calorie dense food but easy to produce that would help cut back on the modern worlds carbon foot print. After a year of living in sunny California that half a pound of fat had disappeared from her midsection, but her work was not as successful; after multiple fruitless concepts perused by Avery had her thrown for a loop. As she finished typing up yet another lab report with the same answer of inconclusive a nock came from her office doorway. Her Head shot up to see a grinning old man standing next to her boss. Avery chirped, “Professor Winston how have you been doing?” She got up from her desk and walked over and hugged her mentor.

Professor Winston replied, “It’s good to see you too.” Avery asked, “So what brings you out to sunny California?” Her boss interjected, “An opportunity. I have been talking with Professor Winston and he has some promising information from a contact in Brazil about something just discovered in the Amazon, but I will let him explain.” Avery’s eyes shot open with excitement, “Yes a contact of mine recently was talking a plant that could solve the food dilemma you have been trying to solve. I want to do an academic expedition. I would like to bring you, and some of my colleagues from the university. You interested?” Avery looked at her boss who was just as excited as her who said, “I already approved it.”

Avery gleefully cheered, “Yes! When do we leave?” Professor Winston replied with a grin, “One month.” Avery replied with a glimmer in her eye, “Oh I can’t wait.”

Chapter 2 Expedition part 1

The plane touched down deep in the Amazon. As the expedition members shuffled off the plane Avery took a deep breath and grabbed her bags. She wasn’t really a big fashionista she packed practical khakis and short sleeve button down shirts; if anything, Professor Winston was the most flamboyant with a 70’s era retro Hawaiian shirt and white shorts. Avery tried not to laugh when the Professor said, “You ready for an adventure?”

A Brazilian man greeted the professor Winston with a handshake and said, “Dr. Winston its great to have you back in the Amazon.” Professor Winston replied, “Its great to be back Jose. Now what is the timeframe for this plant to flower?” Joes replied, “5 days sir, but it only flowers for one day so we must move fast. I had a group go in ahead to its exact location and I took the liberty of establishing a camp close to its location. Also, I had them clear out a location so we can take a helicopter directly there.” Winston replied “Jose I don’t think I can praise you enough for this, but you know I love a good adventure through the Amazon. Oh, Jose I would like you to meet my prodigy from the University Avery Alstead.”

Avery blushed a little and said, “Hi its nice to meet you. How long have you known Professor Winston?” Jose replied, “Since his first expedition together in the late 80’s.” Avery said, “Wow you have put up with him for that long?” That question caused the two men to laugh as the small group of researchers were escorted to the helicopter. Jose said, “He may be quite annoying, but he always pays the best and I always learn something new.” Avery replied, “Ha yeah you always do learn something new when spending time around Professor Winston.”

Jose addressed the group yelling over the sound of the helicopter, “Ok everyone on to the helicopter, we should arrive by the camp in 6 hours after takeoff.” Everyone shuffled onto the helicopter but before Jose and the professor got on Jose said to the Winston “And remember you must not come into contact with the thorns of the plant.” Professor Winston said puzzled, “Why is that?” Jose replied, “I have heard varying accounts of what happens either it’s a slow acting toxin or something but just be careful.” The professor replied slightly puzzled, “I heard from local legend it allowed warriors to not eat for months they just need to sun themselves enough times.” Joes replied, “There’s that too but I think you would much rather learn what happens in your lab than rather out in the field now let’s get you all the samples you need.” Winston finished the conversation with, “Good point let’s get this over with. You’re getting too expensive to stand around and just talk with.” Both men laughed as they got on the chopper.

Chapter 3 Murphy’s Law

After getting acclimated to the camp and telling old expedition stories the opportunity finally came; they checked daily to see if the flower would open and on the 4th day there it finally did. Everyone was mystified as the morning light peered through the canopies above to witness the spectacle. As the flower buds slowly, opened fruits started to astoundingly grow full sized fruits by lunch time. Everyone worked quickly to record what was going on. Avery was completely mystified and only could utter to Professor Winston, “How on Earth did you hear about this?” Professor Winston replied gleefully, “Old legends courtesy of Jose. Remember don’t get pricked by the thorns.” Gesturing towards one of them oozing almost an olive oil looking substance. Avery clipped some biomass samples of leaves and such.

The rest of the day was uneventful, and the crew was ecstatic from it find it could revolutionize food production to allow for faster more bountiful crops. Everyone was tossing around hypotheses of why this plant could achieve almost insane feats. Just it would not go off without a hitch, unknown to Avery as she turned to place another sample bag in her backpack she clipped one of the branches of a near by bush. That bush was another plant of the natural wonder they were taking samples of and she accidently raised herself on one of the thorns. Little did she know she was going to learn about what made this plant so impressive, and her waistline would never be the same.
5 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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