Chapter 1 - Moving in
It was a sunny warm late May afternoon when Jordan was driving her car loaded with all her things a few miles over the speed limit beaming with anticipation. She had met Andrew during her time at college on a weight gain site, and he was a feeder. At first, he just funded a few trips to local restaurants for Jordan to devour a good greasy meal instead of the cheap slop in the dinning hall. By the time she had packed on 15lbs they had been on a few dates, and both hit it off. Andrew by the one-year mark of their relationship and 25lbs in total added to Jordan’s waistline; he then asked the unthinkable, for Jordan to slow down her gain until they could move in after she graduated college. She was hesitant because of the thrill of gaining but after seeing the sincerity in Andrew’s face she obliged without a second thought. Some weight may have gone to the former dancer’s waistline due to all the snacking while studying for exams, but it wasn’t as intense as the stuffing’s Andrew and Jordan had attempted early in the relationship. But now the time had come as the distance on the GPS went from measuring directions in miles to feet. She turned onto a well-maintained gravel driveway leading to a small farmhouse surrounded by a multitude of different fruit trees and a few outbuildings. As she approached the house a silhouette leaning against one of the posts on the porch of the house grew in clarity revealing the tall lean slightly tan figure to be Andrew. His wavy hair moved a bit as the wind picked up and the smile grew on his face as Jordan put her car in park. She sprung out of the car and quickly glided over the gravel as Andrew walked down the steps of the porch and threw his arms around her.“Glad to see you made it here in one piece.” Andrew said before kissing Jordon on the lips. “I’m glad to be here.” Jordan started to stand on her tippy toes to move in for another few moments of kissing. Andrew then lowered his right hand to Jordans right butt cheek to help hoist her 185lbs figure a bit higher to prevent her from straining her neck. She cooed in response and Andrew murmured in between kisses, “You still have one fantastic muscular ass; but it feels a lot larger than the last time I got to feel it. You’re lucky I was able to hit the gym a lot lately because you are a lot heavier than the last time I swept you off your feet.” Jordan replied playfully in protest. “I only gained 10lbs since I said I would stop gaining.” Andrew chuckled as he lowered Jordan back to the ground and replied, “Really let me see what all that snacking while studying did to your figure?” Jordan extended her hand out for Andrew for to hold as she then twirled around revealing her amazing figure. Her shirt had a lot of stretch remaining, but her faded blue jeans on the other hand caressed her thick thighs and ballooning butt a bit to well. Jordan had to forgo wearing a belt with how tight the waist of her jeans hugged her thickening hips and slightly bulging belly. Andrew replied “Damn.” Jordan gave a slightly perplexed look and asked, “Is everything alright?” Andrew replied, “Everything is not alright, your perfect.” Jordan’s smile beamed as the two embraced again. Andrew then said, “Lets get your things in the house at least and then we can see what were doing for dinner.” Jordan chirped “Good idea, long drives really make me hungry.”
Andrew unpacked most of the car to spare Jordan from having to lift too many things; by the end what little lifting she did do she was taking long deep breaths as her slightly chubby full round cheeks had the distinct red hew of exhaustion peering through her makeup. “Want the 10-cent tour now or do you want to rest on the couch for a bit J?” Jordan took a deep breathe and replied, “Lets do the tour. If I sit down I would probably snack too much from all that work.” Andrew kissed Jordan on her forehead and said, “That’s the feedee I love. Here follow me.” Andrew started to walk past all the boxes, bins, and bags Jordan had brought and said “This is the living round. Through the French doors are the dinning room connected to the kitchen. The bathroom is right next to the stairs. Opposite the kitchen is the pantry, laundry room, and my study/office/library.” Jordan nodded in confirmation as she absorbed all the details of the different rooms, and said, “Cool, now don’t get upset with me if I ask you where everything is a thousand times.” Andrew chuckled and replied, “You don’t have to worry, eventually you will know where everything is more than I will.”
The two chuckled as they returned to the kitchen. Andrew peered at his watch and said, “So do you want to go out tonight or do you want me to cook?” Jordan pondered for a minute before replying, “What were you thinking of making?” He replied swiftly with, “I have everything to make Bucatini Carbonara; it’s a cream based carbonara with saffron, pancetta, and zucchini.” Jordan piped up, “That sounds good.” Andrew grinned as he turned to get the ingredients out of the fridge. After filling the kitchen wonderful scents Andrew placed a bowl full of pasta in front of Jordan and said, “Just tell me when you want me to stop when I shredded enough parmesan cheese.” Only after completely covering the top of the large bowl of pasta with shredded cheese did Jordan pipe up that was happy with the amount. Andrew chuckled, “With that much cheese its almost like your trying to tell me your from Wisconsin without telling me your from Wisconsin.” Both laughed before Jordan twirled her fork getting a generous first bite of the dish; she brought the generous forkful to her mouth and closed her lips. The second the pasta touched her taste buds a visible wave of pleasure radiated through Jordans thickening body. Multiple large forkfuls followed suit as the waistband of Jordans jeans quickly grew tighter; Andrew said, “You know Jordan since this is my house you can take those tight jeans off. Want a robe instead?” Jordan tilted her head as she replied, “That would be amazing babe.” Andrew put his fork down and said, “Only if you promise not to take any pasta from my plate.” After a momentary pause Jordan replied playfully, “I promise.”
After making his way to the Laundry room Andrew returned with a grey fuzzy robe, and presented it to Jordan. She smiled as she stood up and removed her top first revealing her thick tubular arms with the last remnant of her muscular arms quickly vanishing by the meal. Her boobs were testing the resilience of her bra her 34C breasts started to bulge at the periphery of the cups and the strands were starting to dig ever so slightly into her shoulders, side, and back fat. Jordan always had a slight hint of a belly even when she did dance religiously but now after the onslaught of 35lbs from her time at college she was sporting a proper bulging pot belly jetting over her tight jeans; her hips also bulged over the side of jeans forming the beginning of what could become an amazing set of jiggly love handles. After struggling for a moment Jordan was able to jostle the button on her jeans and after fighting them for a moment let them drop to the floor. Her calves were still honed from her many years of dance but were large from so much training and then having to haul an additional 35lbs around. Once you got to her knees however her muscular appearance started to disappear under a soft jiggly layer of pudge; but her muscular thighs were still solid and that explains the lack of cellulite dimples instead it was a perfect layer of softness. Lastly her panties like her bra were starting to dig ever so slightly into her lower belly and hips.
Andrew stood in amazement taking in the magnificent view before him as Jordan cleared her throat and said, “Are you going to stare all day or are you doing to give me that robe?” Andrew snapped out of it and said, “Those 15lbs really did make you a chubby beauty.” He handed Jordan the robe as she sighed in approval of the compliment. Jordan then plopped her thick chubby butt back on the stool in the kitchen to continue devouring the decadent dinner. Before Andrew had even managed to eat half a bowl Jordan was already giving him the “Please get me seconds” look with a slight pout; he chuckled, “You can just ask me to get seconds please don’t give me the sad puppy routine.” Jordan laughed as she said, “Okay, okay.” Andrew returned to the pot with the pasta and returned with a second heaping serving of the pasta as Jordan grinned with anticipation. Another plentiful layer of parmesan was dusted over the top of the pasta. Andrew finally finished his first plate of dinner as Jordan was devouring her last bite of her seconds. He snatched up Jordans plate and then proceed to get himself seconds and thirds for his gorgeous feedee.
By the 4th bowl of pasta Jordan was really starting to slow down, and then Andrew stepped in to help. Every fork full that was deposited in Jordan’s mouth was quickly replenished from her bowl. After this last serving was finished Jordan leaned back and patted a napkin to her lips to remove the last remaining residue of pasta from her mouth. Andrew grabbed a camera and said, “Want to take a picture of how bloated you look babe? maybe I can describe how gorgeous you look since you always seem to love it.” Jordan perked up and without hesitation and precisely got off the stool to avoid moving to much with her stuffed belly. After a slight waddle to a spot in front of a section of a bare cream wall Jordan stood waiting for Andrew to set up before she seductively dropped her robe and resting her hands on her hips. Andrew’s jaw dropped almost simultaneously and started to take pics. Jordan then moved her hands to hold her bulging bloated tummy with both hands, and then turned slightly to reveal the extend for which her bloated tummy became distended from all that fat from the pancetta, cream, and all the carbs. She then titled her head playfully and revealed her amazing smile.
Andrew then started to describe how his gorgeous bloated feedee looked, “Let’s start with your gorgeous face J. Your full cheeks look exquisite when you smile; it makes the extra layer of pudge that ended up on your cheekbones look more pronounced than ever. Your chin looks softer and rounder by the meal, but it only increases your feminine beauty. That neck of yours is has also filled out wonderfully as you start to develop a double chin. Your shoulders appear to become squishier as more pudge develops there and your collar bones will soon be plastered over in a sexy layer of fluffy fat. Next are your gorgeous arms which are struggling to maintain any visible muscle as fat continues to settle there. Your luscious fuller boobs have expanded gracefully as the scale continues to rise. Your swollen tummy looks like a perfect mini dome of lard, and soon to be lard as your body transforms the excess calories into more luscious fat. Your thighs are the perfect balance between toned shapeliness and quivering chub as your muscle provides the perfect base for the fat that developing just below your blemish free skin. And lastly your amazing butt from all those years of dance is ballooning wonderfully into the perfect bubble butt.” Jordan with beaming smile on her face shuffled over to Andrew and hugged him and said, “That was magical babe.”
7 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year