Chapter 1- Jake Andrews
Alexis dutifully updated Mr. Andrews’ schedule, with the fuel of a perfect temp cup of tea. Tuesday: investors briefing all day. Wednesday: 10:30 meeting with Cedar Pines Realtors. Friday: 8:00 Divorce Attorney. “Happy Friday,” she muttered. She got up from her desk and peeked into the window, through the large “Andrews and Gibbs'' gold frosted lettering. He did not appear to be on a call. She lightly peeked the door open and stuck her head in.“Come in,” Mr. Andrews called.
Alexis had been working at A&G Insurance for 5 months, just one month shy of the probationary period. She had just recently been promoted to assistant, after the last was fired for stealing time. She felt incredibly lucky to have gotten the assistant job, as it seemed to be an absolute heist to go in and take care of random stuff for an insurance executive. When she thought of the amount of money being transferred in and out of the building, it seemed criminal that she was getting a slice. And not a bad one. She wasn’t really doing much with her English degree, but it got her a seat at the table. It was her best job yet. Not to mention she was ridiculously attracted to Jake Andrews. In fact, she'd probably work more hours for nothing at all, if it meant more time with him.
“Hello Mr. Andrews,” she said brightly. He smiled at her, relaxed. She could melt onto the carpet. “I was wondering if you were using your schedule book. I could quickly copy it in. I know you like it in both places.”
“Oh, that would be great Alexis.” He grabbed the moleskin book and handed it to her from across the table. She savored the smell of his cologne and fought to repress the fantasies that called to her. His thumb brushed against her hand in the pass, and she saw a sudden shift in his expression, as if he felt the same jolt. Alexis had been conducting a case study on Mr. Andrews since her first day. She was his assistant. That was essentially what it was all about. He was very laid back and hardly made a move that wasn’t calculated. That flash on his face was new. He cleared his throat. “I do love the way you write everything out. I appreciate the Google Calendar, but” he began.
“You like both,” she said, knowing what he would say.
“You know,” he said smiling. She hurried out to copy the schedule so she could hurry back in. She took her time to make everything look absolutely perfect and clean, exactly how he liked it.
She was 26 and knew Jake was at least 40 years old. Considering he was an executive and she worked directly under him, she understood that it was a guarantee to be disappointed to even dream about him. It simply couldn't happen. And yet. It was not possible for her to refrain from thinking inappropriately about her boss every other thought.
Mr. Andrews had the kind of hair you wanted to get your rings caught in, his curls succulent and neat. Shaved shorter on the sides, accentuating the hint of salt and pepper creeping up. He was broad shouldered and at 6”2 was an imposing presence in any room. He had played sports every season in high school and a little in college, but had since developed a soft coating on his sides and middle. Alexis, strictly as part of her case study, had noticed Mr. Andrews was coming back from the weekends a little thicker each Monday. It was subtle, but she couldn’t help but think he was coping with his divorce with binging on the weekend. Alexis had already noticed an increase in requests from him to get snacks during the day, and he didn’t want snacks she could get at the machines in the building. She had to drive to his favorite café 5 minutes away, or to the deli on Wetmore. He had a few spots. This was of course on top of and separate from the lunch she got for him daily, as long as he wasn’t at a luncheon with a client. Their company loved to take clients out to lunches. Alexis loved to see Jake come back, having clearly overeaten at the lunch, attempting to carry on his business as if he had no regrets. She would pop in extra, coming up with petty excuses just to catch him rubbing his belly under his desk.
She had a nagging fear that he was not into her at all. She had been alone with him enough where he could clearly have made any kind of advance. She tried to remind herself that coming from him would be considered wildly inappropriate, and he was not that kind of man. He took his job very seriously. He could laugh and joke, but at the end of the day he was going to be excellent and you better too if you're associated with him.
Alexis was fairly confident that most men would find her body attractive. She was fit, but busty and had a tight and plump butt. She supposed he could be absolutely not into redheads, but she doubted that. She certainly got attention from other males in the office, and she went out of her way to dress semi-modestly. There were certain outfits that her body couldn’t help but make sexy. She supposed her eyebrow ring could be off putting, but was also never getting rid of it.
She waited until she saw him hang up the phone again, then waited 45 seconds, before returning the schedule book. She slipped into his office and mock tiptoed to his desk. “You do not have to tip toe,” he said, chuckling.
“How did the morning treat you Mr. Andrews?” Alexis asked, putting the book on the corner of his desk gently.
“Can we skip to the part where you call me Jake. I’m getting a little ‘Mr. Andrewsed’ out these days.” He looked a little extra tired that day. "And thank you," he said earnestly, bringing the book over and looking over her work approvingly. "All this talk with the lawyers, you know."
“Absolutely Jake,” she said, trying it out. He smirked and looked up at her. She waded in the blue green sea that was his eyes for a few seconds before she was blushing. She noticed the clock behind him, and it was almost 1 o’clock. He had not given her any lunch request yet. “Was there anything you needed me to get you for lunch?” She offered. He looked down at his own fancy watch and seemed genuinely surprised.
“Well! I didn’t realize it was that late. I guess I am pretty hungry.” He sent her with the business card to pick him up some Chinese food. She was absolutely giddy because he offered her to join him for lunch. He instructed her to order a few specific things, but gave her freedom to get anything she had wanted. She wondered if he was inviting her to spend more time with her, or if he was compensating for having her wait until this late for lunch. She could technically eat whenever, but it was generally understood that she took lunch when he did. She typically ate at her desk, as she preferred to work and eat, instead of sitting in the breakroom with the interns. She would get to have lunch in the meeting room if she was taking minutes, but that was not even close to one-on-one time with Jake. She really hoped this was not an ambush working lunch where he had to complete a task by a deadline. He had only done this to her twice, and had been very apologetic each time. Truthfully, she did not mind either of those times, because she was able to sit around in Jake’s office until near 10 pm. He had taken his tie off, which she found very hot. But if she was to have it her way, it would be a very friendly and not work related lunch.
She returned with the food and walked through the lobby toward the big elevator. She smiled at Gina, the front desk secretary, who responded with a smirk. She was close in age to herself, and they would chat and gossip from time to time. Alexis stopped, smiling more nervously. "Everything okay, Gina?"
"Oh yea Lex. I just can't help but notice you almost exclusively come in through that door with food. Who are you working for again? Gibbs?" She chuckled. This was most likely a joke as Mr. Gibbs was quite healthy even if he was pushing 60. She blushed.
"You know I work for Jake."
"Are you gonna tell him he needs to slow down on the junk, or should I? He and I love our friendly exchanges, but I might have to stop. He's getting way too fat." Gina shook her head in disbelief. Alexis felt a little annoyed by her. Most primarily because she was fat shaming her gorgeously thickening boss, but also insinuated that she was flirting with him. And maybe he was flirting back?
"It's not really either of our place, Gina," she said matter of factly. Alexis shrugged her shoulders, said bye, and made her way to Jake's office.
Mr. Andrews greeted her with a smile. She brought the food in and set it on the corner of his desk. He immediately began taking items out, slipping a golden crab rangoon in his mouth while he did so. He passed her her order of chicken and broccoli and questioned a few other items. "Yours too?" He asked.
"I thought some bonus sides would be nice to split. Do you like gyoza?" She asked, pulling the chair on the other side of the desk closer.
"I like everything," he chuckled. They began eating, having light and friendly conversation. Alexis slowly grazed, while it seemed like Jake was powering through his lunch. He didn't seem rushed, but as if he was completely used to eating quickly. He was enjoying the bonus sides too, which made Alexis feel extra warm inside.
They talked about movies and interests. Jake was very much into football, American and what the rest of the world considered football. He expressed that he had been an even better soccer player than a football player in school. But in college soccer was the first sport he dropped. "It was constant running," he complained. "After my freshman and sophomore 25, I was too out of shape," he said, a hint of disappointment coming through. "I thought I'd be in shape the rest of my life. Pretty silly, huh?"
"I think everyone's "in shape" is temporary."
"That's a comforting thought. Your genes are still going strong," he said, blushing at the compliment he let slip out. Alexis blushed too. He did notice her in that way.
"I just try to eat clean and stay active."
"Probably don't eat take out everyday or spend as much time sitting as I do. I really should make some changes." Alexis did not want their first casual lunch to divulge into Jake's "time to get in shape" epiphany. Not before she had a chance to make her feelings known.
"Mr. Andr- sorry, Jake. It's not a crime to have some meat on your bones."
"Tell my soon-to-be ex wife that. She missed that class. Just one of our many issues." He scraped the bottom of the container for its last morsels.
"There are plenty of women who are unphased by a little extra weight," Alexis said, hoping not to give too much away.
"A little sure. These days I've got a lot." Alexis' face went hot, and Jake seemed to notice. "You don't want to listen to me complain about my problems with food. I'm sorry. It's been on my mind so much lately." He finally put his fork down, with an absent minded groan. He had finished his order of boneless spare ribs and fried rice, two egg rolls, an order of wonton soup, and most of the dumplings and crab rangoon. "I think it completely slipped my mind in the past hour. I'm stuffed." He put a hand to his belly, and stifled a belch with his fist.
"It's a really good place. I'll be sure to keep it on the list," she offered. She didn't want to push her luck or give any reason to not invite her again. "Did we not get the chinese donuts? They are my favorite." Jake inspected the bag again and pulled out a wax paper package with 4 sugary dough balls inside. He went to hand them all to her, but she took one from the bag.
"To share," she said. He didn't need any encouragement from her. He put two away before she could finish her one. She saw him look longingly at the last and willingly offered it to him. He accepted, though seemed a little ashamed to have taken most of her favorite thing.
"Those are dangerous," he said. He finished his can of coke and became that exact shade of red when a huge burp escaped him. "Excuse me! I'm so embarrassed." He looked at Alexis very apologetically.
"Don't be," was all she could muster. She was trying not to play the scene over and over in her head.
"I appreciate you being so kind and for joining me. I didn't realize how lonely lunch in the office had been getting. I do apologize for making myself out to be such a glutton. I'm working on it." She caught a glimpse of his bloated gut pushing the buttons on his blue shirt tight. She wondered how it would feel the touch it. She wanted to be close to his scent, and pressed completely to his skin. She wanted to be all over his stuffed belly. She had to actively pull herself from her thoughts.
"Jake I'd be more than happy to join you again. You are fabulous lunching company."
"You are welcome to join anytime I'm in the office. Might be nice to get to know each other better." He smiled a bit dreamily at her. "Professionally," he stammered out, off balance. Alexis felt she had to disarm any and all mental blocks Jake had to being interested in her.
"I mean, isn’t a personal assistant a bit more personal than professional Jake," she said, a hint of suggestion in her voice. He swallowed hard.
"You probably have a point. Well I do have to run to a meeting with Gibbs." She gave a knowing look. "Of course you know. It's a Monday. Thank you again for your company." He had a steady appointment to meet with Gibbs every Monday around 2:30.
He grabbed his laptop and hurried out of the office. Alexis began to gather the food trash, and turned to see him as the elevator doors closed. He looked very deep in thought and very full, his jacket hanging open, and his belly pushing forward. All the food had been eaten, to Alexis’ delight. She was happy he wasn’t put off by the amount she had purchased. He had only asked for the crab rangoon and his meal. He just happened to be offered most of the other 3 items she ordered. She remembered how he had taken the teriyaki chicken from the skewer and pushed the whole piece in his mouth, nothing short of moaning at its flavor and tenderness. His plump lips smacked as he licked them. She encouraged him to have another and assured him she only wanted one. She giggled at the memory and the fact that he was surprised how stuffed he had gotten. She had watched it all unfold before her.
She tried to refocus on one of her tasks at her desk. She responded to a couple of emails, and after about 20 minutes, she had gotten one from Jake himself.
Please bring me the ledger documents in the black folder on my desk. ASAP.
Thank you!"
She jumped right up, grabbed the folder, and headed up to Gibbs' office. She was excited to see him again and moved as quickly as she could. She tried to steady her breathing while she waited on the elevator. She went directly to the meeting room and knocked before going in.
"Good afternoon Mr. Gibbs," she cordially greeted her boss' business partner. She handed Jake the folder, instantly eyeing the half eaten cupcake and the wrapping paper of a cupcake long gone, all while he watched her chest that was still heaving lightly. He maintained his composure, no doubt due to the presence of his colleague. "Mr. Andrews," she said.
"Thank you Alexis."
"Please take a cupcake. They were for…," Gibbs paused, forgetting, looking at Jake for assistance. He snapped his fingers in an attempt to summon the thought.
"Daniel in accounting," Jake said, proud to remember.
"Ah yes. Daniel! But please help yourself. Andrews clearly couldn't help himself." He laughed heartily at Jake's expense.
"I would love one," she said taking one, not wanting to comment on Jake's indulgence, primarily in fear she would say something revealing. Like, "You don't get to be the big boss by saying no to a cupcake", or "He probably just wanted to top his lunch off with something sweet." She then remembered he had finished lunch with the chinese donuts. She turned and left, giving one last smile to them both, lingering microscopically with her boss.
She went back to her desk and got back to work. Jake returned around 4 and stopped at her desk. She looked up at him pleasantly. "Thanks so much for running that up. I had it right there." He noticed her giving him a funny look. "What," he said self consciously.
"You have chocolate frosting on your mouth," she said, motioning to the corner of her own mouth. He popped his finger in his mouth and rubbed at the corner, popping the finger back in.
"You try to have a secret elevator treat," he joked. Alexis reflected on how it wasn't that long of a ride and began envisioning him scarfing down the cupcake to conceal his weakness to the dessert.
"They were pretty great," she said positively. His eyes washed over her and she squirmed under his gaze.
"You are incredibly kind and accepting. I feel like I've been utterly out of control all day with bad eating, and you have not only looked the other way, but gave me assurance. I appreciate that. But please don't feel like you have to be so nice, just because I'm your boss or anything. My behavior today was outlandish."
Even when expressing deep embarrassment, he came off as self assured and strong. Alexis didn't know what the right thing to say was. She pulled her hair behind her ear and cleared her throat.
"Jake, I appreciate your vulnerability. I am certainly not being pressured to be any way because of your position." She paused, before continuing. "And I just wasn't bothered by your behavior. You don’t have to be so self conscious in front of me." He looked at her, not looking sure. She looked into his eyes and felt herself melt. "And honestly, I find it kind of cute," she said, absolutely not intending to. She pursed her lips in surprise. Jake stared back at her perplexed, but also a light shade of red.
"Cute," he stated doubtfully.
"I'm so sorry. That was not appropriate," she said, lowering her head.
"Don't worry about it. I haven't had a weird compliment in a while. I think its clear you didn't mean to say that." Though Alexis agreed, she sensed he had resolved that she didn't mean what she said, which was woefully incorrect. She just nodded. "Well I'm going to head out. Want to walk out together?" She smiled, the awkward moment dissipating quickly. He grabbed his shoulder bag and waited for Alexis to shut down her computer.
They chatted to the elevator and in the brief pause, as the elevator made its way to them from the ground floor, Jake looked over at her interestingly.
"Cute," he chuckled.
"What?" She questioned.
"Don't ask me. That's what you said," he retorted smugly, stepping out the way for her to step inside. She rolled her eyes, and they landed on his thick belly. "I suppose you've been stealing glances at me because you find me so cute," he joked. She didn't respond, and he shot her a look. He stopped as they went into the parking garage. "Alexis," he said, stopping. She turned and looked at him."Are you genuinely interested in me?" He asked confused.
"I'm very interested in keeping my job, so I think I should just say goodnight and see ya tomorrow." Jake seemed to be contemplating her response. He looked surprised but landed on a pleased smile.
"I like mine too. Goodnight and see you tomorrow, Alexis," he said, resting his hand on her arm. Her fingers reached up to connect with him too, and were resting on the side of his belly. He shifted slightly but met her eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something, and she felt a sudden urge. The next thing she knew, she was leaning into him and putting her lips to his. His lips were still sweet from the cupcakes and absolutely perfect. She heard him make a small moan. She pulled away.
"See you in the morning," she said quickly . She nearly ran to her car. She heard Jake unconsciously mirror the send off back, certainly still wrapped up in the moment. She was half dreading and eagerly awaiting the next day.
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
11 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year