The Party

  By TCC  

Chapter 1 - Dat party

Mike starred at the mess that now surrounded him. Great. He stood up, with more effort than he usually did and began to collect the garbage from the various take out establishments that made themselves oh so available to him. 3 burritos from Taco Bell, a number 1 from McDonald's, a large frosty form Wendy's, and a small deep dish meat lovers pizza. He put the remains in the garbage can outside of the apartment so that when Jack came back he wouldn't have to know. He would also save himself the ridicule of his roommate who neglected to be mindful of Mike's feelings. He was a big guy and was learning to deal with it, because he didn't see himself getting any smaller anytime soon, no matter how many times his family strongly recommended it. He didn't know what he weighed exactly, but he guessed more than 270lbs. which was pretty bad, even if he was 6"3. He didn't have legit man tits or anything, but his chest was, puffy for lack of better word. His abs were buried underneath a substantial thing he knew now as his stomach and his arms were soft as well. Ok he was soft all over one could say, but underneath he was a powerhouse. He played on the college football team, along with Jack, and it allowed him to develop a very strong physique underneath the rest of him. Girls could not see that muscle though, so it might as well not have been there. Jack was your typical 'hot guy'. He was 6"1, had short dirty blonde hair, and was made entirely of lean muscle. Girls really liked Jack.

Mike's eyes fluttered open as he looked at the apartment door that was opening. Jack walked in and dropped his backpack by the door. Mike sat up, taking note that the effects of his afternoon had subsided and he sat up with ease. He had fallen asleep, and now it was close to midnight. "Hey man. Your're back kinda late."

"Yeah. I was over at Lisa's," Jack said, sitting on the arm of the couch. Mike nodded, not wanting to have to acknowledge that Jack just had sex with Lisa while he stayed at home all Saturday eating himself into oblivion. What a life. "What did you do today?"

"I just chilled. You know...did homework and stuff," Mike said looking blankly at the off TV.

"You did NOT do homework. I know you Mike. That's alright though. I got that nerd from Physics to 'help' us out. We're all set." Mike gave a fake laugh and stood up, making it clear he was headed to bed.

"I think I'm gonna turn in man."

"You don't wanna catch the tail end of that sorority party. That Ashley chick you like so much is bound to be there."

"Nah. You know parties aren't for me."

"Come on man. I don't want to go alone. We could grab food on the way," he said trying to convince him. Mike made a horrified face. To think of food made him disgusted, not in eating, but disgusted in himself.

"Let me put on some jeans," Mike said, getting of the couch. He turned on his lights and sighed. Another party where he could be the only one noticing how hot it was in the house and how many people were brushing his soft body in passing. He pulled off his basketball shorts and slipped on his 'prep' jeans, the ones he had to find on the bottom shelf at the bottom of the pile. He was pushing the limits and he knew it. Too fat to shop where his friends shopped. And too big and too nice a guy for girls to consider dating him. But he was always there when their boyfriends hurt their feelings or they needed some money or a ride to some guys house. He pulled off his white tee shirt and found a black one to replace it. Jack was walking out the door when Mike left his room.

They pulled up to the party and Jack let out an enthusiastic "Whooh!" Mike followed his friend up the lawn trying to get into the partying mood. They stepped inside and Jack went to go find Lisa, leaving Mike to fend for himself. He grabbed a beer from the kitchen and scoped out the giant rooms for something he could do. Some of the guys from the team were playing beer pong, a group of drunk girls attempting to play darts, and many people dancing in a way that might as well have been sex. He opted to sit on the couch next to a guy he recognized from his Stats class. They never really talked before, but Mike wasn't used to being a loner so he'd have to do. "Sup Kev!" Mike said, lowering himself on the couch slowly, trying not to physically shake it.

"Hey. How's it going?"

"I'm good. I'm good. Just got here."

"Yea me too. I almost didn't come but I figured it was free beer you know?"

"I here that." Kev started to talk about the end of the year Stats assignment when Mike saw, out of the corner of his eye, the beautiful blond of his dreams. He had the biggest crush on Ashley and it was hard to forget about her when she was always in his circle.

"So I think I might just bullshit the whole thing...Are you checking out Ashley?"

"Huh. Um... yea kinda. Sorry man."

"No it's cool. She's hot. I hear she turns down every guy who asks her out though. Even Tim Stevens, who knocks Brad Pitt off the radar."

"Yea I heard about that. If Tim can't get her then there is little hope for me man," Mike said comically.

"She's the forbidden fruit and that just makes her hotter," Kevin said laughing. They talked some more and Kevin left with a group of guys to go toke up in the backyard. Mike wasn't' feeling it. He was several beers in when he noticed a thud on the couch and then a body sprawled out in his lap. He looked down and pressed up to his cock and gut was Ashley. He normally would have sucked his stomach in, but being drunk made him not care as much. He looked up at her giggling friends, who were now walking away.

"Miiiike! I didn't know you were coming," she slurred, her eyes barely able to stay open.

"Yea... um neither did I. You look really good!" he blurted, unregretful. She smiled wide.

"Do you really think so?" Mike nodded with a charming grin. "Because I saw you looking at me and my friends said you were checking me out and I was like nooooooooo way! Then I did a bunch of stuff and came here," she said, poking his stomach. "And I got all dressed up and shit and told Jack to come and hoped you'd come and you did. Which makes me really happy."

"You wanted me here?"

"Yup. Because you're hot. And I want to have kick ass sex with you Mike," she said sitting up and wrapping her arms around his neck. "You look so good tonight," she said, kissing him. She pulled away and put her hands on his cheeks.

"You are so drunk!" Mike said laughing.

"I'm so serious though."

"Alright," he said shrugging.

"First do you have any pot on you?"

"Nope. I keep it at home. But um...Kev and his guys might." They went out back and bought a cheap bag of some pretty ligit weed. The two staggered out to the gazebo in the far back and went inside. They passed the joint back and forth. Mike gazed at Ashley in her short jean skirt and her equally short off the shoulder shirt. He admired her flat tanned stomach and its topaz ring that was in her belly button, while feeling his cock press on his already tight jeans. He took a long hit and gave it back to Ashley. He looked up at the ceiling with his jaw dropped and then let his head drop like dead weight and stared at Ashley who was wriggling around in her seat. "You're body is amazing. It's like McDonald's or something." She busted out into laughter. "Oh man! I'm mad hungry now."

"I could go get you some pizza from the kitchen."

"You wont make it girly. I'll be ok. But you can stumble on over her because I'm way more horny than hungry." She sat on his lap her crotch mere centimeters from his stomach. She put her head on his shoulder with a moan.

"I'm so wet Mike."

"Good," Mike said a little while later. The two erupted into laughter. Ashley recovered, Mike still dying of laugher, and reached for the fastener of his jeans. But, they were already tight and his laughing pushed his stomach out more making them impossible to undo.

"These are so tight."

"Yea I know!" he said trying not to laugh. "Hang on give me...some time." Slowly his hands made their way to his jeans and after some more waiting, he sucked in his stomach and got them undone. "There you go." He itched under his stomach, where his jeans created an irritated red mark.

"You're belly is sexy." She smiled and pulled up her skirt, showing her lack of underwear.

"That's so cool of you to say." After staring at her for several moments he said, "Can I get in there?"

"Yes," she moaned. He slipped off his jeans and pulled his boxers down and slid down onto the floor, surprising Ashley and making her yelp as she fell with him. He kicked off his boxers and she took her skirt and shirt off. She reached for the bottom of his shirt and slowly pulled it over his head, disheveling his longish light brown hair. She grabbed the meat on the side of his body and lowered herself onto him.

"Awwwwwee yeaaaah!" When they both finished, Ashley laid on top of Mike, who was falling in and out of consciousness. She heard footsteps and tried to lift her head, but couldn't get the strength.
5 chapters, created 12 years , updated 1 year
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Fatchance 3 years
sweet. more would be good!
FrecherTyp 11 years
you really write very sweet and little sexy stories thanks for sharing ^^
Obsessed 12 years
i am in love with this!!!
its like you wrote my dreams!!!
TCC 12 years
Well I was kinda done with that one. I came to this ultimate road block, but all my other stuff is basically the same thing different names and cenerios.
TCC 12 years
Thanks so much. I have other stories that I'm highly considering posting. smiley
Juicy 12 years
LOVE this. Please keep going!
Fatrnfatr 12 years
This isn't cheesy, it's romantic. Keep going!
Jill24 12 years
Really cute, loving, and realistic story! smiley
Realitybased... 12 years
Loving this story!!!!
Built4com4t 12 years
a great, believable story...well done. be sure to let everyone know if you add chapters