Chapter 1 jumping off the slippery slope.
A young, red haired, woman sat at the table, rubbing her swollen stomach with one hand while holding a meatball sub in her other. She wore a, sauce and crumb covered, white T shirt that normally fit perfectly, but today wasn’t quite able to cover her belly, which stuck out considerably, swollen round by the unusual amount of food she had eaten. The woman wore some grey sweatpants as well. Kelly hoped to outgrow these clothes as soon as possible, and had ordered clothing for the next few sizes up online. She would be eating herself into them soon enough at this rate. Kelly’s head was swimming to the point that she wanted to go and lie down, despite the pain it would undoubtedly cause her stomach to be horizontal right now. Yet, she did her best to power through the feeling, taking bite after bite as she rubbed her belly, imagining how it would look when it bulged out enough to make her ditch her stretchy sweatpants.Kelly wished that she could eat faster, it was like she just couldn’t fit the sub into her mouth fast enough, couldn’t chew fast enough, couldn’t swallow fast enough. Kelly’s stomach wanted everything to be inside it right now. Kelly groaned, pain and inexperience were slowing her down tremendously, Kelly cursed her inexperience then smiled, thinking of how she could develop experience stuffing herself now. Kelly would get a lot of experience just doing this every day. No, doing a little more each day.
The meal was a meatball sub, it would have been normal if not for one detail, the size. It was a 36 inch sub meant for a party, and in a way this was a party, Kelly considered this her coming of age party for turning 18. She would finally embrace her true self, all of her innermost desires. Now there was nothing to stop her. Nothing to hold her back from eating everything she wanted, even this giant sub. Nothing but physical limitations anyway. Kelly’s stomach felt like it would burst if she ate much more now. But that was a risk that she had to take, Kelly would never stop until she at least finished this section.
The sub was split into six sections, each was six inches, which Kelly had eaten three of, and was now working on her fourth. Kelly was breathing heavily and rubbing her stomach to alleviate the pressure and pain that stabbed her with each breath she took, forget the swallowing. The girl was thinking of eating the rest later maybe, she hadn’t been this full in years, if ever at all. Yet, Kelly loved the feeling of excessive fullness, she loved the smell of tomato sauce and meat that blanketed her whole world. She even loved the scent of acid bubbling up from her overstuffed stomach. Kelly loved feeling like she was half meatballs and cheese by weight, so full that it hurt to move, or even to breathe.
See, Kelly had just turned 18 years old the previous day, she had never gotten along with her mom, and she was kicked out of the house the moment it was legal for her mother to do so. Kelly's father was a big shot Hollywood actor, and he sent Kelly and her mom more than enough money to get by, but was otherwise pretty much nonexistent in their lives. So, dad was sending Kelly money, which she would now use to get by on her own. Kelly let her dad think she was a spoiled little princess who needed the very best of everything to get by, then lived very frugally to save up cash. She had squirreled away thousands of dollars over the years.
What neither of Kelly’s parents knew was that Kelly had a secret, she had always wanted to be a feedee. Kelly had always loved food, her mom knew that much and constantly tried to steer Kelly towards diets. But in truth all that did was make eating into a forbidden fruit that Kelly wanted more with each passing day, she would stay up late at night, fantasizing about eating everything within reach the moment she was alone. All Kelly really wanted to do was eat. Kelly adored food in the traditional sense of taste and feel, but what she loved even more was how she was turned on by eating. The taste, the smell, the feeling of it going between her lips and down her throat, the textures of things in her mouth, the fullness of a heavy weight in her stomach. Even the pain from having eaten too much was exciting to Kelly, who always wanted more. The very thought of it left her drooling. Even not knowing the full extent of things, this situation upset Kelly’s mom to no end, and caused countless forced diet regimens. These mostly involved living off of light, low calorie things like salad with no dressing and plenty of cucumber and celery. Kelly hated these, and always loved pizza parties and the like, anything that gave her the excuse to stuff herself without her mom knowing.
So, Kelly spent years hiding her desires, eating junk food at parties and friends’ houses whenever she could, then reading racy stories online in secret as she fantasized all night. Kelly’s mother probably knew that Kelly was sneaking food, if only because Kelly was never quite as thin as she should be. But her mom never would have suspected the type or degree of desires that Kelly held in her heart, and she would never suspect that her daughter actually wanted to put on weight.
Because of this the moment Kelly’s mom kicked her out of her childhood home Kelly decided she’d have a gargantuan meal, and once she’d moved her things to the new apartment she immediately arranged for a feast. See, most teenagers in Kelly’s position would have been nervous or afraid of being on their own. The rest would likely have thought of sex, drugs, or various criminal acts to just squeeze the most enjoyment out of life at any cost. But not Kelly, it wasn’t because Kelly was especially brave, or because she was a good girl, she wasn’t either of those. it was because that simply was not what Kelly wanted. What she wanted was food, what she wanted was fat, what she wanted was freedom.
So, Kelly spent the day quickly eating until she couldn’t move, then slowly filling the space in her stomach as it opened up. All the while fantasizing about eating even more. Kelly sat and held her stomach in pain as she slowly tried to finish this piece of sub, with the plan of saving the last couple pieces of the giant sandwich for later. Kelly gave a gigantic burp, something she would have suppressed before she lived alone. It wasn’t ladylike, it wasn’t nice, it wasn’t sexy. Kelly burped again a half dozen times, each getting slightly quieter. Then she mumbled “Seems like that made a bit of room,” with a naughty feeling filling her mind. This was dirty, it was forbidden, it was taboo, and to Kelly, it was too sexy to let her even think straight. Kelly leaned back in her chair and put a hand into her waistband. There was only one way Kelly could imagine to make this even dirtier, and she wanted to do it badly. So why hold back? She wouldn’t, not after a lifetime of stealing snacks and dreaming of the day she would be free. Free to do exactly this. The day was here, and there was no holding back now. Kelly began touching herself, her face getting even redder as she rubbed her pussy and shoved food into her mouth. The only reason Kelly ever let her mouth stay empty for one moment was to gasp and breathe heavily. This was easily the best Kelly had ever felt. She imagined hundreds of men pouring foods of every type into her open mouth in a cartoonish vortex of gluttony. Overwhelmed by the reality of actual food mixing in with the fantasy Kelly finished faster than she ever had before, it was the best thirty seconds that she had ever had by far. But it was still only thirty seconds. Kelly laughed to herself thinking of how that was okay. Round one was super quick, but it was the first of many, Kelly might even invite some people to help her for the next time she ate. Nah, Kelly knew she’d be doing this alone again before she went to sleep that night, let alone had a chance to bring someone else into it. But Kelly was sure she would eventually have company who liked the same things as her.
But for now Kelly would go put her leftovers into the fridge. Kelly looked at the time, it was only 1:43 PM. So Kelly resolved to finish the sub before she slept, then yawned and immediately changed her mind, she could take a nap while the food digested, then she would finish it later in the day. Kelly didn’t even bother going to her room. She went to the closest soft place to sleep, and laid down on the couch, rubbing her stomach and burping the entire way to it. As visions of eating more and more food every day filled her mind Kelly drifted off to sleep. Her last thought was how she wished she could eat more, but that her stomach pain prevented that. “One day I’ll eat ten times this much.” She mumbled as she fell asleep.
In Kelly’s dream she knew exactly where she was. This was a recreation of a picture she had seen online. In it Kelly was strapped to a chair that would look like she was going to be electrocuted to death as an execution, if not for one detail. There was a tube descending from the ceiling into her mouth and down her throat. It felt thick, so thick that Kelly wondered how it had fit into her mouth, forget down her throat. Any discomfort this caused was buried under excitement. Kelly knew what came next. But before she could think on that much Kelly heard a voice echoing through the room out of a machine nestled in the corner of the ceiling like a security camera at a store. The device must have some sort of speaker too she mused. The voice said “Good, you’re awake.” Kelly heard the rumbling of machinery from above, the voice continued “You wanted to eat and be fattened up, right?” Kelly felt excited, she wanted to scream that she wanted to be fattened up like a pig. But when she tried only a muffled moan escaped her mouth. As though someone had somehow heard kelly try to speak the speaker in the corner said “Don’t worry my darling piglet, you’ll be so fat that I won’t need those restraints soon enough. You’ll be too fat to carry your own weight.” Just then Kelly saw what the noise above meant, a thick looking fluid flowed down the tube that came down from the ceiling and into Kelly’s mouth.
The fluid moved slowly, much too slowly for Kelly. She moaned wordlessly and tried to reach out for it, but the restraints held Kelly in a vice grip, and she honestly didn’t know how to speed things up if she wasn’t tied down anyway. The voice spoke again, once more seeming to know Kelly’s thoughts, it said “Don’t worry little pig, you’ll have more than anyone could ever ask for soon enough.” No I won’t, Kelly thought. I want all of the food in the world and more. You cannot possibly have more than I want. Even Kelly’s dreaming mind knew that desire was absurd, but it was what she wanted when she was being honest with herself. As the fluid approached her mouth Kelly squirmed in her seat, she wanted it more badly than she had ever wanted anything. Kelly tried to shout at the man to hurry, but no noise other than “Mmfff.” Came from her. Kelly could feel herself drooling with desire by the time the fluid hit her mouth. No taste came, much to Kelly’s dismay, but that wasn’t the most important thing. The most important thing did come thankfully. Kelly felt the fluid pour down her throat and into her stomach. As it did she tried to kick her legs and squirmed I’m place. Kelly’s arms strained against their restraints powerlessly. If you didn’t know any better you’d think that Kelly hated this situation from her thrashing, but in truth she was not trying to escape. Kelly wanted to get her hands free to touch herself. As good as it felt to be filled like a balloon full of fat it wasn’t enough. Kelly was so wet that she could feel it soaking her pants. She wanted some physical touch, no, she NEEDED it.
As the fluid continued to pour into Kelly’s stomach she felt warm all over, it felt good, it felt too good to be true. But it also made her even hornier, still unable to find release. She continued to try to wriggle her hands free to masturbate, not even caring slightly if the man behind the voice saw. Kelly’s desire grew to the point that she honestly feared she would die if she couldn’t get some release somehow. As the fluid poured into her Kelly heard that voice again, “Aaww, is piggy all hot and bothered?” Kelly wanted to scream yes, but knew she couldn’t. The voice continued “How’s this, you finish your first serving and I’ll let you handle yourself. You won’t need the restraints once you’re too big to stand anyway.” The thought excited Kelly as much as it terrified her. Kelly didn’t want to lose her mobility, but at the same time, the man had said “First serving.” And the question of how many servings there would be excited Kelly to no end. The thought that even the first would leave her too fat to stand made Kelly wonder how many of these insane servings there would be, and how big she would be by the end of this. As the fluid went down Kelly’s throat she felt an incredibly strong sense of fullness and tightness in her stomach that already felt swollen after mere moments of the feeding tube doing its thing. Kelly couldn’t move her head much, but was able to look down slightly to be greeted by the sight of her stomach swelling at such an incredible pace that she could see it growing, bulging out and jiggling more with each passing moment. The sight and feel of it only excited her more. Kelly couldn’t wait until she was finally big enough to have the restraints undone. Kelly wanted to touch herself so badly that she felt like she would burst if she couldn’t. The voice said “This is going much too slowly, let’s change the speed setting from one to eight or nine, hell, might as well go all the way to ten. The mechanical sound got louder and higher pitched as the slurry pouring into Kelly’s stomach sped up. The excitement was so much that it woke the poor girl.
Then Kelly opened her eyes, she was back on her couch and damp with sweat. She had apparently started touching herself in her sleep. Yet the first thought in Kelly’s mind wasn’t about any of this. She hoped she’d been out long enough to let her finish her sub. Kelly practically flew to the fridge where the other two sections remained, then got them and returned to the couch, where Kelly could recline as she ate the rest of her giant sub. The thought excited Kelly more than she’d thought possible, enough that the wetness between her legs began to soak through her sweats, leaving Kelly looking like she had wet herself. Kelly sat on the couch lengthwise, putting her back against the arm of the couch and stretching her legs out across it. “This’ll be great.” She said aloud as she pulled down her pants enough to expose her womanhood to the open air, she then unwrapped a segment of the giant sub. Kelly began to pleasure herself as she ate.
Kelly lost track of everything but the way she felt, unaware that she was screaming like a demon between bites, and unaware of how close she was to finishing again until it hit her. A searing hot wave of pleasure ripped through Kelly’s body as she fingered herself and ate. Kelly was trying to fill herself as much as she could from both ends at once. The experience was amazing, but it still wasn’t enough. “More!” Kelly shouted between bites as she began to finger herself harder, going inside of herself rather than just rubbing her clit. “More!” As another bite went into her mouth. “More!” was all that Kelly could think of as she approached orgasm, finishing as she finished the section of giant sub.
Kelly breathed heavily, coated in sweat and smelling like sex. She looked down at the last section of sandwich and sighed, more wistfully than out of regret. “I still have one more to go. Then what will I get next? Maybe Pizza? Burgers? Chinese? Mexican?” Kelly laughed and said “Why not all of the above?” all of that and more she thought. “I will never stop eating.” Kelly said aloud as she picked up the last segment. “Never.” And took a bite “Ever,” taking one more without even swallowing the first, “Again.” She said, shoving just a bit more into her mouth
“God.” She murmured after swallowing. Kelly wanted to go again already, she had never felt so driven to do so before. “I need to get a feeder, and fast.” She said, forcing herself to take another bite before passing out on the couch with a half eaten sandwich laying on her exposed belly. The giant orb of flesh rose and fell with each breath that Kelly took. Kelly would awaken at about eight and take the sandwich as she went to her computer to look for a feeder to help her to seek her goal of fat. How much fat? As much as she could get.
Contemporary Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
16 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year