Like Em Fat…

  By C00kie  

Chapter 1

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I didn’t mean to make him fat… It just sort of happened, and three months of indulgence is all it took.

People say being in a relationship helps you to gain weight, but I have always been a big girl and was fat to start with. I can’t say that I have always appreciated my hefty curves, but as I have gotten older the more I don’t care what others think and the more I have embraced my lot in life. I just want to enjoy my life… fat bits and all!

I (Steph) met my better half Nathan at a local food festival of all places. We were both eyeing up the last Lemon Cannoli and trying to get the vendors attention, and it went something a little like this.

“Excuse me sir, how much for the Cannoli?” said Nathan…

I huffed and glared at him as if I wanted to set him alight. I couldn’t believe the nerve of this guy! What ever happened to being a gentleman, ladies first and all that! Truth was I was annoyed because I was still in a phase of being shy because of my weight and embarrassed about wanting to eat sweet treats all the time, especially when it came to ordering. It’s not as if my weight was a secret, the size of me pretty much gave my indulgent nature away at first glance, so I knew I wasn’t fooling anyone really. But still…. I really wanted that dessert, and HE pushed in!

I crossed my arms, cursing him in my mind, and waited for Nathan to purchase MY treat and waited to be served. I guess I would have to make do with something else, but you know how it is when you have your heart set on something delicious… nothing else will do!

The vendor finally casts a glance my way and asks what I would like to purchase… At this point I have decided to purchase literally one of everything to make up for the fact I wouldn’t be able to get what I actually wanted. So I list off my order which must have seemed endless… The vendor was staring and obviously noticed my size and that I was alone as he asked… “Is this just for you miss?”.

Of course I was taken aback being called out so obviously… all flustered I replied ‘ Oh no, this is for a dinner party later this evening’. Nathan who was still at the stall, started to smirk and seemingly took joy in my embarrassment, and I thought he was a complete jerk at this point. So I quickly paid for my items, grabbed my bag of treats and waddled off.

The food festival was insanely busy, packed full of folks stuffing themselves silly, the smell of all the different cuisine was incredible and everyone seemed insatiable. I managed to find myself a space on a bench with a couple of strangers who seemed friendly enough to share their table. I opened my prettily packaged box of desserts, eyed up in which order I was going to eat them all and started to nom away and became oblivious to the world as the sense of taste overwhelmed me. I closed my eyes taking each bite and savoring it, and before I new it I had eaten six pastries, one after the other.

The strangers on the table had got up and left, and I hadn’t noticed a thing until someone’s voice started to cut above the rest of the crowd… I opened my eyes, and saw Nathan. He was sat across from me staring at me and said “You have a little something…” he reached out and wiped sugar from my lip “there, that’s much better” gleaming at me with his smiley eyes.

“Did you just TOUCH me… what in the ACTUAL HELL do you think you are doi…” Nathan cuts me off mid-rant and simply says… “I bought this for you”. He passes me his pastry box with the last Lemon Cannoli that he had purchased moments ago.

“I was planning on buying this for you, I noticed you looking at it over at the stall and I was going to try and be smooth… it didn’t quite go to plan did it”.

“Errrm well, obviously NOT” I said rolling my eyes.

“You are so gorgeous”… he carries on, completely ignoring my sarcastic tone as if nothing would stop him from complimenting me.

“Take this as a gift”. He says handing me his pastry box. “There’s an extra surprise inside”. Then he simply got up and walked away.

Now, as you can imagine, my head was all over the place. 1. I’ve never been chatted up in public before. Was this guy serious… was he taking the p*ss??? 2. Should I really except candy from a stranger… I mean it wasn’t actually candy but still! 3. Did he expect something in return for this ‘gift’… and 4. I had already eaten a ton of desserts already! I eventually decided it was a nice gesture. And that I couldn’t possibly let the Cannoli go to waste. So popped it in my bag to take it home.

Couple of hours later, I arrived back at my house. As per usual the first thing I do is to expertly take off my bra from underneath my top and fling it across the room, honestly it’s a real skill! “Free at last…” I proclaim. “Bra’s really are the devils work!”. I unpack my bag and take out the gift to store in the fridge. Well… I intended to be good of course and save it for tomorrow, but couldn’t resist having a small bite now… I mean it was intended for eating right?

I open the box, and see a piece of paper folded up. I guess this was the intended surprise… I unfold it carefully and can see scribbled on the note a phone number along with a message that simply says ‘Call me, the names Nathan’.
6 chapters, created 9 months , updated 7 months
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Td0057 4 months
Very erotic and exciting, a male feedees dream scenario. Please continue, and I hope that Steph will also indulge in the eating and stuffing.
GrowingLoveH... 7 months
I’ve only finished 3 chapters, and this is already going into my favourites. I love the journey they are in. You’ve done a beautiful job telling their story.
Bcain 9 months
Really great work for a self proclaimed "non-writer". Such a cute little couple dynamic and obviously so fun to see Nathan slide into the glutenous lifestyle alongside Steph. Keep it up!
Fat Dreams 9 months
This is a really sweet beginning! I hope it continues.
Chubbita 9 months
Agreed, keep at it! Maybe dive more into descriptions of Nathan’s changing body as he gains; e.g. love handles, creases, how clothes are fitting (or not), moobs, etc.
Canuck 9 months
i am loving the situation you've started and hope you continue - i want to see how far this couple will take the realization of their fantasies! great story!
Pastafarian 9 months
Favorited ! And excited about the next chapters
Built4com4t 9 months
that was nicely arousing...keep it coming
Bakasuratrg 9 months
This is fantastic! Keep it up!!