Chapter 1 - Honeymoon rolls
Kevin laughed a high-pitched almost adolescent-sounding giggle as Joseph poked his index finger into Kevin's soft little belly. They had been lovers for over a year and had married about two months ago. Before the wedding, they had both been slender although Joseph had always been the more muscular of the two. Since the wedding, Kevin had let himself go and gotten quite chubby.He blushed a little, embarrassed by the way his newly formed tummy spilled over the waistband of his newest jeans. Joseph smiled as he pinched the small roll of fat, squeezing it lovingly.
"Looks like someone's putting on a little honeymoon weight."
Kevin blushed even more. Joseph pulled him a little closer in bed and started to gently massage his plump protruding gut. Kevin closed his eyes and let out a tiny sigh. Joseph's gentle touch on his soft new belly felt so comforting. Kevin looked up at him with his big blue eyes.
"Does it bother you?" he asked, his voice sounding a bit anxious but also innocent.
"Well, actually, Kev . . ." Joseph started to speak, then paused his words, his hand moving to Kevin's side, which had formed a small love handle, just perfect for caressing. Joseph gulped air as if aroused or maybe just nervous, and then quickly said, "I have a little confession to make."
"Yes? What is it?" Kevin turned toward him, his new potbelly gently pressing against Joseph's own muscular stomach.
"I've always preferred boys who have a little more to them," Joseph continued. "I like that you enjoy food, and aren't afraid to eat. From the beginning, when we were first in bed, and I was holding you close, I couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like to hold a softer, smoother Kevin in my arms." Joseph moved his hand back to the front of Kevin's belly and began to massage and caress its new chubbier form. He loved the way his fingers sank at least an inch or more into the soft golden flesh of his husband's tummy. It was so nice, and it felt so sexy and right. "I've been waiting for this . . . " he said, gently patting Kevin's tummy, ". . . for a long, long time."
"Why didn't you tell me before?" Kevin asked, rolling over to his side.
"I didn't know what you'd think," Joseph replied. "You know, it's not every day your new hubby tells you he wants you to be chubby."
Kevin sat up, straining a little. As he did, his tummy formed three small rolls. Joseph's grin widened at the sight of the fat rolls on Kevin's belly. Pleased, he reached over and gently pinched one between his thumb and forefinger. Kevin smiled too.
"So, exactly how much have you gained, sweetheart?" Joseph asked.
"Almost 15 pounds in these two months of matrimony -- I mean, patrimony," Kevin replied, with a playful pout. "Must be all your excellent cooking."
It was true. Since Joseph and Kevin had been married, Joseph had begun to cook delicious fattening meals for the two of them to share. Although the fattening meals and calorie-laden desserts hadn't really altered Joseph's trim physique, they had taken their toll on Kevin's formerly slender figure.
"Well, I have been cooking more and more meals for you lately," Joseph said. "Seems I never cooked much before we were married. Truth is, I wanted you fatter all along, but I was scared you'd leave if my desires were known and you started plumpening up. Maybe I was just waiting until we got married to launch Project Chubbify Kevin." They both laughed.
"And maybe I waited until I had you hooked in matrimony before blowing up like a blimp," Kevin said, looking down at his bulging tummy. "I didn't know how you'd feel if I let myself go. And now I've packed on 15 pounds of loving just for you," he added, all of a sudden a bit wistfully, maybe even regretfully.
"There, there, all 15 of them look delicious on you," Joseph cheerfully reassured Kevin. He leaned over and planted a sweet little kiss on Kevin's soft tummy. Kevin responded with a quiver, and his new fat jiggled in front of Joseph's face.
"You know Joseph, sweety," he started. "I have a little confession to make too."
"What's that, darling?"
"I've thought about what you'd look like with a little more weight on you, too. I think it'd be really great if you gained 20 pounds or so. Just enough to lose that silly six-pack and get a real belly. A little something for me to hold on to." Kevin grinned at Joseph's shocked expression.
"Really?" Joseph smiled, recovering from Kevin's words. He'd often entertained the idea of getting a little bigger but was always apprehensive, due to Kevin's feelings. "I'd always thought you wanted me to stay slim."
Kevin looked up into Joseph's deep brown eyes. "It's your decision, darling," he started. "But I think it'd be a lot of fun if we gained weight together. You know, kind of fatten each other up." Just the thought of this made Kevin smile.
Joseph pulled him closer, whispering sensuously, "Watch each other's tummies become fatter, growing softer in each other's embraces. Two growing chubby hubbies together. Sounds like heaven."
"When should we start?" Kevin asked.
"As soon as possible, Honey Buns," Joseph answered. "Although . . . " he started with a smile, looking down at Kevin's belly, ". . . looks like you've gotten a little head start on me." He then grabbed both of Kevin's love handles and laughed loudly.
"Haha, very funny," Kevin replied, "but we'll see who's laughing when your pants can't contain your potbelly anymore!" He giggled, and reached over and tickled Joseph's muscular midsection. "That six-pack will soon be history!"
Joseph smiled at him, and he draped his arm around his husband's supple side, and laid his hand on Kevin's pudgy little tummy. Joseph closed his eyes, and the two of them fell fast asleep in each other's arms, dreaming of the fun-filled stuffing sessions that were soon to come - and all the plush pounds they would gain together.
The End (or is it the beginning?)
~ |.| ~ (.) ~ ( . ) ~ ( . ) ~
6/29/15 Author's note: In celebration of the Supreme Court ruling last week, I am editing this story and posting it with a new pic. Enjoy. Also, I am considering revisiting this couple, perhaps on their first wedding anniversary. Any ideas on how to continue to develop this story, or is it fine as it is?
I have become just soooo sooo lazy lately. I wish I could become fat and lazy, but that's a whole other topic.
This is an adaptation of an obscure anonymous weight gain story involving a newly-married heterosexual couple. It was probably written 20-25 years ago, but I always liked how the relationship was so beautifully written in a wonderful vignette like this.
I have wanted to explore yaoi weight gain writing, and this seemed a safe way to start to this whole thing.
Feedback appreciated.
Mutual gaining
Weight gain
1 chapter, created 10 years
, updated 3 years