Not so Secret Fantasy Anymore

  By Charly1110

Chapter 1

Hi I am Jack and I am 27 years old.. I live together with my wife for one year now.. We both like working out, at least I did.. I always had a little fantasy of how it would be to get fat. I have always been skinny and I would love to get a little softer. Last year I would secretely eat snacks if my wife wasn't around and my belly was a little bit softer.. Still not fat at all, and I think it is best it stays this way.. I think my wife likes me the way I am now..

This evening she went out with some friends of her.. I stayed at home. I ordered a pizza and drank a couple of beers. My belly was very bloated. Then I picked some cusions and put them under my shirt. I stood in front of the mirror and watched and I immediately got hard. I layed down on the bed and started stroking myself.
''Jack?! what are you doing?''
I looked up and much to my surprise there she stood. I quickly pulled the cusion out of my shirt and pulled up the blanket. I felt very ashamed she saw this..
She sat down next to me and pulled away the blanket. I held in my belly so she wouldn't notice it was bloated. Then she started laughing. Now I was even more ashamed.
'' You don't have to be ashamed honey, it is allright.. You thought I didn't know.. I saw your browser history a long time ago.''
I didn't know what to say..
Then she stood up and said she would come back in five minutes. I had to wait for her..
She came back with a coke and a big piece of cake.
'' It is for you honey. You can eat it all''
I was confused and said '' I...I am sorry, I feel so ashamed of myself..''
She said it was allright and she started feeding me the cake. I stopped her and said I had to go to the toilet. When I stood up I was not paying atention to my belly and didn't suck it in anymore.
'' Wow Jack, you allready ate a lot this night didn't you. Look at your belly it is so round and hard.''
I quickly went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Feeling confused and afraid of what she would think of me..
Then she came in and stood behind me.. She wrapped her arms around me and padded my belly.
'' I like your belly Jack. I would love to see you grow.. I was afraid asking you, but now I caught you and we don't have to pretend anymore. ''
I then she put the cake in my mouth and started stroking my dick.. I never felt something this great.

So that's how my secret wasn't my secret anymore, but became our secret.
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
8   1   1600


Built4com4t 1 year
good start