Our New Normal

Chapter 1

Well, their son was a freshman, officially dropped off at the dorm. Now, for the first time in 18 years they had the whole house all the time. Ted's imagination ran wild. Sex in the bedroom, the kitchen anywhere, anytime, he could live with this.

He watched his wife busy herself with cleaning. Probably sad to see their son move out, and he was too, a bit. But, much more happy to look at her as she moved. She'd been so small and thin when they met. He loved her brain, but the body, well she had only been 18 and she had been so thin.

Now, she was a bit softer, a little more round. Her trips to the gym kept her body in good shape, but he loved the little bumps here and there, the softness of her stomach, that had never quite returned to normal after the c-section. Honestly, it was his favorite thing about her.

His wife looked up.
"Why are you staring at me like that?"
He smiled.
"I was just thinking about how beautiful you are. We should get some dinner. Go all out, desert and everything. What do you think?"

He saw her consider for a moment, her desire to stay and busy and not worry about their son won out.

"Sure, why not."

It was at that moment in time, Ted started to form a plan for his wife, less time at the gym, more time with him. And more food, definitely more food. The thought of his wife growing just a bit rounder, a bit softer, made him hard.

He was surprised after all these years that he could so quickly want her, but he did. He just wanted a bit more of her. Ted stared into space thinking about how this was going to work. She was a bit of a health nut and loved exercise. But he found, even the thought of planning got him excited.

Andrea looked over at her husband, he had an odd happy expression on his face.

"Hey are you ready? Do you still want to go out? I can just whip us up a salad?"

Ted smiled, "Nope, I'm determined. We're going out. And ordering anything that we want. You deserve it!"

She looked at her husband one more time. He must be really happy to have the house to ourselves she thought. He hasn't looked at me like that in awhile.

It made Andrea happy and a bit excited to see her husband's enthusiasm. She had spent the whole day sad about leaving their son at the dorm. But, she thought, there just may be an upside to all of this.

As they drove to the restaurant, Andrea asked her husband if they had a reservation.

"Nope." he said. If we need to wait, we'll just sit at the bar and have an appetizer. Remember tonight, it's anything we want."
6 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Cine 3 years
This story is really good! Can't wait for more!
Lovinitbig 3 years
This is really cute, I hope you keep writing it. I’d love to see where you it goes from here.
Sierra2021 3 years
Thanks! I plan to!