School Money

  By Halo308

chapter 1

Crystal is an 18-year-old girl who had just finished her first semester of college and was relaxing after her exams. Crystal was a 5’ 7” semi-athletic girl who was considered a beautiful sight. She had done well her first semester but was starting to become low on funds from her summer job and was starting to get board staying at school but wouldn’t go home as her family was out of the country for the holiday’s and left before she was done with school. So, she was stuck at school.
Her roommate Daniella was a rich girl who loved her independence and had done ok in school. She was a chubby but popular girl and had a curvy figure. She was also relaxing in their dorm. Daniella was also a very special type of kinky, she liked to make girls increase the appetite, stomach size, and weight till they were morbidly obese and would be to hungry to do anything about. She would get off to that and would use the money her parents gave her to achieve her kinky goals.
As both Crystal and Daniella sat in their dorm together Crystal telling Daniella about her financial issues she was having. Hearing this Daniella saw her opening to make her roommate fat and get off to it as well. Over the first semester her and Crystal had become close as they both hung out together and would go out on weekends. Daniella saw her opening and took it.
“So, your having money issues right now? I have a proposal for you that may work for you, but it is a little extreme.” Said Daniella.
“I would do anything to have some spending cash, I can’t stand being unable to go out and have fun without relying on someone else to pay for me” Crystal stated.
“Well I’ll pay you to eat anything I tell you to and for every two pounds you gain every time you weight in.”
“I never you like that type of girl. I down to do it as long as you pay well.”
“500 per two pounds gained and an extra hundred for every extra plate you eat per meal.”
“Deal. When do we start?”
“Right now. Lets head down to the cafeteria and we’ll get started”
So that’s what they did. Both Crystal and Daniella went down to the cafeteria and started to eat. Her first few plates were stacked high with fatty foods and deserts all loaded with calories and all made to make her fat. But quickly her enthusiasm and speed decreased and soon she was sipping on soda rubbing an overstuffed belly that was poking out slightly and causing her stomach pain. Crystal couldn’t move for awhile but during that time Daniella kept trying to push her to eat even more.
“Come on you can fit more. Stretch that stomach out some more so next time you can eat even more. Just one more piece of cake.” Daniella said as she held a massive slice of very fattening chocolate cake to Crystal’s face.
“I can’t fit any more in here if I do I’ll explode or throw up” Crystal whined out.
After many more attempts to get her to eat the cake Crystal finally gave in and said, “If it’ll get you to leave me alone and rest my aching belly in peace then fine”. Crystal then took the cake and started to slowly stuff the piece of cake into her mouth. It took her over ten minutes to finish the piece but when she was done, she leaned back and moaned in pain.
“That is a good start, but we’ll do more later this is only lunch you still need to prepare for dinner” Daniella stated with a smirk.
Crystal could only moan.
That night she continued doing the same thing but with less plates since she was stilled filled full from lunch but she still ate way more then she normally would. This continued for the whole week and at the end of the week Daniella made her weigh herself and give her the results.
“So how much did you weigh last week at the doctors?” Daniella asked.
“about 121 pounds” Crystal said
“well hop up on the scale let’s see what you weigh now”
When Crystal hopped up onto the scale the number read out 125. A four-pound gain in a week.
“Well that was less than I hoped for, but I guess it’ll still pay something” said Crystal
“That is impressive for someone who isn’t used to eating this much and you’ll get used to it and be able to gain more weight as you go.” Daniella said.
This keep going for weeks and slowly but surely Crystal was able to eat more and more each meal and even towards the end of the month started snacking between meals. She was eating around 10k calories a day and was now clearly fatter. Not by any massive amount but Crystal now had a nice soft layer of pudge.
“So, what does the scale say?” Daniella asked
“140lbs. wow I’ve really made progress in this last month and even more in money”
“You’ve been doing great and if you want to continue, I found something online that might make you gain weight even faster especially if you let me force you to eat more.”
“I love then money and I’m even starting to have fun doing this. I enjoy being able to eat plate after plate and seeing my body expand. Maybe I can start doing eating competitions when I’m able to eat more” stated Crystal
“well then I had found online that if you stuff your self to the max and I mean to the point that you feel like you could explode you then go to sleep and when you wake up repeat. I said that your metabolism will grind to a halt and you will start putting on weight like crazy.”
“That sounds like a good idea and I don’t have anything better to do so let’s do it.”
That day Crystal ate like she never had before and then kept eating beyond that. She ate so much that at the cafeteria she had gotten a lot of awkward stares since she ate without remorse or care. Crystal only wanted to put more food in her expanding stomach. After each meal the bottom of her stomach was exposed due to the amount of food, she had forced into there. Daniella wanted crystal to gain even more weight even faster, so she convinced Crystal to only drink very fattening shakes that she had created. This accelerated her weight gain even more and her metabolism collapsed as well as her energy. Crystal had less and less energy as the days went by which helped even more because after each massive meal she would basically collapse on her bed, couch or wherever she could sleep at the time and sleep until her stomach inevitably woke her up. This continued for another month when the next weight in came up.
2 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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BigFatPiggy69 2 years
Cute story!~ ♥️
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
What a delightful story!

Thanks for writing this.