Secret Fantasy

Chapter 1

Nola had always been athletic. I’m not just talking sporty. I’m talking national level superstar athletic. And even after her competitive career came to a close and most of her teammates moved on, got a little soft (scoffs), out of shape, and had babies and let their belly swell – she just took up new athletic hobbies and was even more lean and toned than at the height of her athletic career. She was always the one that people said “you’re the type of person who could never gain weight”. To be fair. Despite being healthy and eating well, she also had a secret.

This secret was that she loved to binge eat. I’m not talking over eat sometimes, like, ordered a burger and fries instead of a salad. I’m talking, would order a burger and fries, but with an appetizer first. Then order dessert. Eat it all. Feel her belly bulging. Yet, stop on the way home for treats, sit in front of the TV and watch the Food Network and snack on bags of chips, cookies, and other sweet treats like muffins, brownies and cinnamon buns.

Finally, too full to continue eating and all of a sudden feeling a total sense of shame – she would hide the evidence – and go to bed. Sleeping fitfully with her belly so full and her mind anxious with what she’d just done, and when she woke up, she would vow never to do that again, and that she was going to eat clean that day. Start with a workout. Maybe fast until at least dinner…. Inevitably only to overeat again by mid-morning.

In her late teens and early twenties, this was happening maybe once a month with the binges being less extreme. Weight wasn’t an issue. She didn’t spend time fantasizing about being force fed. Being forced to indulge this fantasy and forced to gain weight. But, as she got older - late twenties and into her thirties she couldn’t shake this fantasy. She craved binge eating more often and indulged more often. Started noticing how engorged her clit became and how sexually charged it made her. And spent most of her spare time fantasizing about being forced to indulge this fantasy even though the idea of gaining weight – since she took such pride in her athletic body – was so terrifying to her and she knew seeing her coworkers, friends, family would be completely humiliating. Despite all of this. She was constantly turned on by the idea. And… slowly started binging more and more often…

This is her story.

**This is a work in progress -- feedback and comments are much appreciated -- Thanks for reading! **
5 chapters, created 3 years , updated 1 year
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GrowingLoveH... 1 year
Love your style. You describe Nola and her mindset well. She seems on her way to ruining that “perfect” bod and learning a lesson about life. Looking forward to more.
Mattnagle 1 year
Great intro to this, loving it and, looking forward to where you take this, 😁🤰
Theswordsman 2 years
Loving it
Hermanos 3 years
Looking forward to see the next part!

Absolutely perfect.
Fatowl 3 years
Great Story! Good pacing. Looking forward to more chapters!
Fatchance 3 years
Wow, fantastic start!