Settling Down and Filling Out

Chapter 1

Tara and Marie had been living together for about a year. Their relationship had been a whirlwind of passion from the start, and though they had settled into the routine of domestic life, there was still very much a spark between them. However, they found that more often, they were sitting in and watching TV instead of going for wild nights out, though this suited them just fine.
It was on a night like this, with Tara spooning Marie on the sofa, cuddled up under a blanket, her arm around Marie's waist, that something changed. Marie was idly snacking, as usual, digging through a large tub of ice cream with her spoon like a shovel, when she let out a melodramatic whine.
"What is it babe?" Tara laughed.
"My arm's getting tired... can you feed it to me?" Marie turned to look at Tara with a slight pout, and pleading puppy-dog eyes, which she knew Tara couldn't resist.
"Well... uh... I guess so babe" Tara stuttered, eager to please her girlfriend no matter what.
So Tara took hold of the ice cream tub, and the spoon, and began scooping out large chunks, and gently holding them up to Tara's lips. They continued like this for a while on silence, before Tara heard the sound of the spoon scraping against the bottom of the tub, and realized they'd ran out.
Marie let out a whine, shifting her weight slightly.
"Are you full babe?" Tara asked hopefully, blushing slightly as she noticed her girlfriend's ass pressed closer against her hips. And... was she imagining things or... did it seem a little... bigger these days? She knew Marie had been snacking a lot lately, and they had both been staying in more often...
Before she could finish the thought, Marie groaned again.
"No... I kinda want some more..." she turned again to Tara, who could see that she was blushing. Those puppy-dog eyes worked again though, and Tara jumped up, not wanting to see her girlfriend going hungry.
"I think we have another in here actually..." she said, digging through the freezer, before finding what she was searching for and heading back to the sofa. She was about to resume the position, but Marie sat up.
"Wait..." she fumbled around with her jeans, undoing the button and letting out a sigh of relief, before undoing the zip too, letting her near-full belly push out a little further.
Tara noticed all of this, but decided not to bring it up, in case it made her girlfriend self-conscious, so she once again sat behind Marie and started spooning ice cream into her mouth. This time, though, she started to pay attention to the little details she had seemingly missed until now, like the soft curves of Marie's waist that were pressed up against her, and the slightly thicker thighs that pressed slightly against the limits of the jeans they were encased in.
She told herself it was probably just a bit of relationship weight, that Marie was still slim by most standards, and had probably just put on a couple of pounds due to their new, more settled lifestyle.
Still, something at the back of her mind made her very interested in these few extra pounds, and Tara noticed a strange warm feeling spread through her body. Embarrassed, she realized she was attracted to the weight gain... But Marie seemed none the wiser... So for now, she just kept scooping ice cream into her mouth...
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
13   2   2216


Davejeffords 9 months
Such a great start please update!