Steph's Bloating Date

Chapter 1 - First Impressions

Steph had always been a big girl. Despite the sharp words and pointed stares of her peers, classmates and coworkers, she never really cared much about her appearance. Well, that was until she met Tony. Tony was, in hindsight, a typical pickup artist. No one was really sure why he stuck with Steph for as long as he did, but in the short time they were together his throwaway comments about her weight did far more damage than he realized, or cared to realize. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it at first, but it wasn’t what she was used to, she didn’t feel ashamed about her weight when he insulted her. What she felt was kin to what is felt by those presenting a dish they slaved over and were proud of, only to have it shot down, somewhere between disappointment in his shallowness and anger at his gall. This, however, was not all, somewhere, buried deeply, something clicked. It was like she had to be shown the opposite so she could finally identify it; she liked being fat. She loved it even. As pickup artists are want to be, Tony quickly disappeared the second Steph began becoming sure of herself and was never seen again.

A few months went by, and Steph began slowly dipping her toes in the water, exploring these newly identified feelings regarding her, her body and her weight. Steph had a personality as big as her gut, so most of the men she’d dated who hadn’t left because of her weight, left soon from her well-meaning but overpowering attitude. However, upon finding these feelings within herself, she’d quickly discovered that there was a community of like-minded people, with whom she felt she could explore these feelings in safety and away from judgment.

It had been a few more months, and someone from the community had reached out to her. They’d been chatting for a little while. He, helping her explore this new world of sexuality and kink, when out of the blue, she asked him if he wanted to meet up.
“Nothing big, I’d just love to chat in person” Steph texted shakily. She’d grown infatuated with this stranger and reasoned that this was the first step on a whole new sexual journey for her. After a few minutes, he replied.
“Sure! Oh, I’m Mark by the way, idk if I mentioned my name, haha”.
A big smile crossed Steph’s face as they continued to text and finalized the details.

A few weeks later, on a overcast and brisk Thursday afternoon, Mark and Steph met up at a quaint little tea shop just off the main road of her hometown. As she waited at their table inside, warming up by the fireplace, a broad shouldered man walked through the door, clad in a puff jacket and looking positively frigid.
“Mark!” Steph exclaimed, “You look freezing!”
“I may have parked a few more blocks away than I realized” he replied, jokingly.
Nevertheless, their first meetup went very well indeed, so much so, that it became a regular thing. And, through their frequent meetups, Steph came out of her shell more about her feelings on her weight and the discovery and reality of their shared kinks. Despite the dream to get huge, she still wanted to live a full life.
“If only I could be super fat for just and evening” she mused. It was this musing, however, that led her down the path of compromise, the path of bloating.

It wasn’t long after this niche of the kink was introduced to her, that she became very, very interested in doing it for herself. But she was still apprehensive, she wanted to enjoy it, but she struggled to reach between her legs some days as is. If she were properly bloated, she’d have no chance for anything but an hour or so of intense sexual frustration. Obviously Mark jumped to mind, he had introduced her to it, he was trustworthy. And they had been a bit flirty over the last few meetups.

She nodded to herself, her mind was made. She was going to try a bloat, and she wanted Mark there when she did it. So, at their next meeting, she tactfully asked if he wanted to come home with her and help her try something new. Mark smiled and replied
“I’d love to Steph, but I’ve got something important on tonight…”
This sentence immediately made her stomach sink, but he wasn’t done.
“But, if you’re free tomorrow night…”
“Yes! Yes, absolutely, let me text you the address” she sprung happily.

And so it was, Mark rolled into Steph’s driveway the next night, equally as excited for the possible events of the night ahead as he was nervous of doing something to jeopardize their relationship. His car door closed with a click and he walked up to the deep red front door. As he stepped on the last tile of the path, he heard the door unlock and looked up.
“I’ve been expecting you” Steph said, coyly smirking.
Mark looked up at this beautiful, soft, plump woman squeezed into a black and white striped tube dress.
“You look amazing” Mark replied, shaking off the tension and stepping onto her doormat
“I fucking hope so” she laughed, “You’ve no idea how long this took to get on right”

She led him inside to her kitchen, where, on the island bench, she had lined up 5 large bottles of coke. And, as he looked around a bit more, he saw a chair sitting just behind the bench with rope hanging over the back of it.
“Sooo… I know I only mentioned it in passing, but I was wondering if you’d help me bloat while I’m tied up”
“I’ll never say no to a bit of bondage” Mark laughed, “So, did you wanna chat, or should we get straight into it?”
“Let’s get straight into it babe, we can chat when I can’t get up” Steph giggled, grabbing the chair and the rope, sitting down and handing it to Mark.
Going with the flow, Mark tied both her hands together first and then attached them to the chair. Walking around the front, he rested a hand on her big, black and white striped gut, “Let’s do this shall we?”

Mark opened one of the liter bottles and gently pt a few fingers under Steph’s chin, tilting her head back and starting to pour the sweet and fizzy drink down her throat. Piece by piece, starting small and growing more as she confidence grew, she finished the first bottle. Her gut felt heavy in her lap, and she kind of wished that she could move her hands to rearrange her dress. “All part of the fun” she thought to herself with a smile as Mark patted her gut and opened the second bottle.

This one went down a lot easier than the first one, now she knew what she was doing. She guzzled down the sugary mixture with gusto, the shallower folds of her gut stretching out as her stomach got filled even more. A few more belches and mouthfuls later, the second bottle too was empty. Mark bent down and rubbed her noticeably larger belly and encouraged her progress and gluttony. “You ready for the next one” he asked in a tone somewhere between concern and awe. Steph simply nodded, as she looked down at her sloshing and expanding gut, the sight of which sent a wave of ecstasy through her soft flabby body.

About halfway through the third bottle, she began to hit a wall. Her mouthfuls were once again getting smaller and she needed bigger breaks between them. As people are, however, she was determined to impress and finish the task she’d set out for herself. After a few more belly rubs and a bit more encouragement from Mark, she tried once again to match her previous gusto. However, the rate was simply unsustainable and she once again had to slow down. Her belly now looked like a massive black and white watermelon, and the tube dress creaked as she breathed. Her stomach rested firmly on her equally soft and wide thighs, but now it began to press back into her chest.
“Please.. untie me Mark. I’ll finish the bottles.. I’ve just gotta.. lay down. I can’t do this sitting” Steph panted.
“Starting to feel it are we?” Mark teased, walking behind her and beginning to untie her wrists, “You’ve still got two bottles to go, plus the end of this one”
Steph let out a little exhausted giggle, “Take them with us”
“Where are we headed, piggy?”
“Ugh, can you help me to my room. If I don’t get there soon, I’m gonna be too full to move there until morning”

Naturally, Mark helped the now quite swollen Steph shuffle to her bedroom, setting her on the bed before dashing to the kitchen to grab the remaining bottles.
As Steph sat there, the pressure from the tube dress on her bloated gut was getting too much. It dug into her rolls and love handles and put a lot of extra pressure across her midsection that she really didn’t need. So, as soon as Mark got back, she asked him to take it off. And, a fair bit of shimmying and stretching later, the dress was off and Steph was sitting there in her lacy black lingerie.

Relieved, she looked up at him and asked “So, how about the rest of those bottles”
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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