Chapter 1 - The Day of the Deed
Jay stepped out of his car. It was a cool night, but his thigh-highs helped to balance out the miniskirt he’d grown so fond of wearing to these little hookups. This one, however, would be nothing like the ones he’d grown so accustomed to. With a little twist, he closed the door and pressed his keys, locking the old, beat-up sedan and making his way to the bar. The clack of his kitten heels echoed in the dimly lit car park and he pulled his jacket on a little tighter, trying to shield his exposed midsection from a chill breeze. He loved how the getup made him feel, but damn if it wasn’t inconvenient on these early autumn nights.He stepped through the familiar glass double-doors and into the bar, a familiar haunt of his, both in, and out of character. He stopped hugging his short leather jacket closed as the doors shut behind him, showing off his latest purchase, a pastel pink crop top patterned with large purple hearts. Between his clothes, his well-kept and styled shoulder-length hair and his tasteful and expertly applied makeup; anyone not in the know would assume he was a girl. This was part of the fun for some of his hookups, a bit of trap roleplay. Others were just into sissies and femboys as a whole. Nevertheless, he was meeting up with someone new tonight. They’d texted and shared photos at length, and Jay had decided that it was time to meet with this dashing lad and see if he could play as bigger game as he talked.
Jay walked to his favorite spot; a booth in the back corner, secluded enough to be a little risque, but still public enough to keep him safe in case of anything unfortunate. Though tonight, this would not save him, for as he strutted to his spot, winking coyly at a gaggle of intoxicated out-of-towners, he was being watched. Not by his prospective fling for the night, but by someone else, someone with far darker intentions. It is now time to introduce our antagonist for this story; Lila.
Lila was a familiar face at the bar as well, usually toting the same slutty attire as Jay. She’d watched him come and go with some of the hottest men she’d laid eyes on. But, she’d also seen him come in during the daytime, out of character. Of course, she reasoned, the manner in which they leave together, they must know that he’s a guy. Still, the flames of jealousy and rage licked at her soul, it was almost like this guy was taunting her, flaunting that he was a better girl than she’d ever be. Jay, for his part, was completely oblivious to Lila’s ire. They’d shared a few sparse conversations, small talk mostly. Though he wouldn’t consider her a friend, he would soon be shocked to learn the true depths of her feelings against him.
Lila watched as Jay took a seat and looked around, waiting for a man who would never arrive. Her plan was already in full swing, just an hour or so to make him wait, then to go up all friendly-like and offer to get him a drink while he waits. Drugging the boy would be easy, but getting him out would be the critical part. She’d have to wait until he was too drugged to know what was happening, but not so drugged that he couldn’t walk.
Nevertheless, her scheme went off without a hitch. Her familiarity with the bar let her steer clear of the cameras and her disarming act waived any suspicion from those around her. Not like anyone will think of this when a missing person report goes out for a boy, she thought to herself. Still, better safe than sorry. Lila had picked her time well, as Jay simply collapsed in her backseat the second she set him down. She put a blanket over the boy and smirked to herself, this slutty little femboy’s night had only just begun.
Lila kept on driving, dodging the busier intersections and the routine police stops, until she came upon her destination; an abandoned warehouse. Her father left bequeathed it to Lila in his will, but she never really had anything to do with the place. That was until a few weeks ago, when the pieces started falling into place. She’d begun stocking up on the things she’d need for this revenge plot; sweet in more way than one. Always paying in cash, she’d acquired industrial size containers of icecream, cola and mentos. Lila had also gotten hold of a fountain pump that she’d retrofitted a 50 Litre steel dairy drum onto. The finishing touch, and the nail in the coffin was this; a super-heavy-duty bondage kit that Lila had slung over the roof’s sturdy I-beams.
She smiled cruelly, Lila had imagined this so many times in the past few weeks, but now here he was. She dragged him up to the restraints and tightly locked them around his wrists, before hoisting him up and onto his feet. Jay hung there, barely beginning to regain consciousness as Lila setup the final touches of her master plan. She dumped the first load of now-melted ice cream into the makeshift feeding machine and fastened the hose through a ball gag and giggled to herself as she roughly shoved the assembly in his mouth and locked it in place.
“Now…” she smiled “the fun can begin”
The second she flipped the switch, Jay jolted awake. The shock of having so much liquid pumped down his throat made him immediately flail about, trying to get the gag out. But alas, without use of his hands, this effort was futile. He could feel himself bloating already, it wasn’t like a fire hose, but the flow was certainly considerable and he could feel his stomach beginning to stretch after the first five minutes. He shook around again, fearful that he might die if the flow didn’t cease, but he had no need to worry about that particular end. Indeed a sedative wasn’t the only thing jealous Lila had spiked his drink with, no, she’d managed to get a hold of a new drug to help with faster digestion. She had, however, knowingly and intentionally bought straight from the chemical supplier and acquired a significantly more potent variety that was widely available. If fact, not only had she spiked his drink with it, but she had also mixed some into every cask of ice cream and every catering-size jug of coke.
Lila wasn’t going to let a petty thing like human limitations pump the brakes on her revenge, and she smiled as she watched this slutty little femboy periodically thrash in his restraints as his exposed gut began to expand. First it started as a little bloat, like a food baby, but as the relentless girl kept pouring more into the machine, he began to start looking progressively more and more pregnant. This stage, however, began to pass as the whole of his midsection began to grow. The ever mounting flow of fattening slop down his throat was making his gut feel tight as a drum. A few more minutes and the first big fold began to form, his gut simply incapable of holding up it’s own weight.
His thighs grew larger too, from poking cutely out the top of his thigh-highs to steadily rounder and rounder until his beloved pastel pink socks began to tear and come apart under the strain. The speed of his growth made his thighs and ass tight too, holding their form much more than the typical sagginess of someone his current weight. Yet still Lila kept shoving more and more slop in the pump, bent on utterly destroying this man. Though his jacket was lost in the car, his new top was bearing the brunt of the punishment now. A normal top would’ve torn off long before, but being a crop-top, it had dodged that bullet. Now, however, it was fighting to hold back two massive moobs. As Jay was pumped fatter and fatter, Lila heard the restraints begin to creak under his ever-growing frame.
She stepped aside to let them down a bit when it happened. As she let the cuffs down just a metre or two, Jay simply collapsed, though previously tastefully thicc, his poor legs just couldn’t hold up his huge round and taut body. This caused his whole body to shake and jiggle, and his new crop top finally gave out. With a huge rip, the thing came off in shreds as his massive moobs bounced joyously, happy to be free of their fabric prison.
Initially, Lisa was worried that the final part of her plan may not come to fruition, but a quick once-over told her that Jay was alright, well, considering. She poured the last vat of melted ice cream into the feeding machine and busied herself preparing the final step as the rotund and rippling form of Jay grew every heavier in the centre of the warehouse.
The coke would be the easy part to give him, the harder part would be getting the mentos inside him without them reacting on the way down. She’d figured a plan out though, she’d just wrap them in paper. That way they’d only react after being wet for a while. At least in theory anyway, she hadn’t had time to perfect the idea yet.
Jay, for his part, was terrified, he was utterly enormous in the span of an hour, maybe two. All of his body somehow felt simultaneously like a drum and a marshmallow. He could feel himself getting bigger and bigger by the minute as the sweet slop was forced down his throat and into his poor belly. At this size, he’d pretty much resigned himself to his fate, he was still scared, but he held no hope life would ever be the same. Jay shook a bit as the texture changed, the fatty icecream now cut with the sharp sensation of carbonation as Lila began to pour the two huge jugs of cola into the feeder.
He felt himself bloat even faster somehow, but this wasn’t fat being added, no, there was gas slowly building up inside him as the sugary beverage added yet more weight to his already disproportionate and almost inhuman frame.
Suddenly, there was a clunk, and something large was forced down his throat. His eyes flicked up to Lila’s. She was waiting for this moment. She quickly unbuckled the gag and tore the still-running feeding tube from him mouth. But, before he could react, it was quickly replaced by an unmodified one. As she lent down to fasten the strap, she whispered in his ear;
“That’ll teach you to be prettier than me”
The mentos packet ruptured and the reaction begun. Jay immediately felt the pressure within him begin to rise, his fattening body barely keeping up with the enormous amount of gas being produced. He swelled like a balloon as he laid in the ground, too fat to move, almost too fat to move his arms at this point, yet still looking more plump and rotund than a saggy blob. He grew ever more, bigger and bigger as Lila walked away, leaving him to his fate and smirking as the huge mass of a boy moaned and groaned against the gag.
Thriller & Suspense
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Weight gain
1 chapter, created 1 year
, updated 1 year