The Drider's Den

Chapter 1 - First Night in the Nest

Tabetha had always been taught to keep away from the forest. The tales of the village elders told of terrible creatures and people never seen again. This was, however, a time of great uprising in the land of Xiphos. Orcs, daemons and other fiendish creatures who’d once been driven underground by self-appointed ‘civilized’ races, were now making a stand, so stories of this kind were not uncommon. Alas, she was an airheaded free-spirit, unconcerned with the issues of the world, only doing what made her happy. Though old enough to have seen 20 harvests, she’d remained unwed, much to the dismay of her parents and the village at large. The men of the village simply had no use or desire for such an individual.
And so, our story begins with Tabetha walking around the edge of the clearing, foraging for wild mushrooms to bring home to her parents, when she heard a rustle a little way into the woods. She instinctively took a step forward and, though naive, she was still fully aware of the dangers the forest posed. She heard it again and her eyes darted to the source of the noise, and, as her head turned, they rested on a towering creature. As she stood there, mouth agape, all she had time to do was scream, before she felt its hands grip her arms tightly as it’s chitinous legs poked her all over. Within seconds, she was wrapped tightly in a soft but strong layer of something that felt like spiderweb. Wriggling helplessly, she felt a sharp pain on her neck as the creature pulled its head away from her. A single word crossed her mind before she blacked out: Drider.
The Drider hunter slung her now-limp body over its shoulder and turned away from the village, moving much quicker than its size would seem to allow, it scuttled through the dense undergrowth, ducking and weaving between trunks and branches until it finally made its way to a cave.
Entering the nest, the Drider continued deeper in, making its way to a central and immense chamber. Pulling Tabetha off its shoulder and dropping her roughly on the floor, it tore the thin silken shroud off of her, however the web had stuck so tightly to her clothes, that they came off too. Inspecting its prize and seeing that her eyes were fluttering as the toxin wore off, it smiled a needle-toothed grin and began to lift her, attaching her arms and legs to a web structure, suspending her 3 feet off the ground and facing it flat.
“W- where am I?” Tabetha asked druggily.
“Shut up, meat” the Drider snapped, slapping her face.
As this was occurring, a far larger and more colourful Drider appeared behind them both.
“What have you brought me?” her voice boomed, the smaller Drider bowed low before answering:
“A new incubator my Queen”
The Queen Drider stooped low and ran her spiny fingers over Tabetha’s jutting ribs, the last few years of war had been quite hard on the villages of the area.
“Look at this, it’s all skin and bones. No, no, no, this won’t do”
“I’m sorry my Queen, I’ll move her to the meat storage right away…” the smaller Drider replied, noticeably fearful.
“She’ll be no good for that either, and we’re in greater need of incubators anyway” The Drider Queen paused for a moment before continuing “Make her softer and perhaps she’ll still be of use after all”
The Drider nodded a bow as the Queen disappeared back into the darkness of the hive.
Turning to Tabetha, he quickly webbed a gag into her mouth as she opened it to speak. Silently, he began running his hands over her, and preparing for the work ahead of him. Leaning so his head was next to hers he whispered:
“We’re gonna make you nice and soft and then you’ll help make plenty more of us. But first, we’re gonna take out every supply wagon that goes to your pathetic little town and feed you all the food instead. They’re all gonna starve as you get bigger and bigger for us.”
Tabetha moaned fearfully, terrified at what was bound to occur, but, as she struggled uselessly in her restraints, two Driders, just like the first came into the chamber wheeling a chamber between them and with its horse and driver slung over their shoulders.
“Perfect timing” he growled as he pulled the wagon in front of her and began shoving its contents of sugar and baked goods into her mouth.
It had been many years since she’d eaten this well, and despite feeling guilty and scared, she couldn’t help but enjoy it a little, after all, the village had been on bare minimum rations for months now.
This novelty, however, soon faded, as day after day, wagonfuls of food were shoved into her mouth which, when not being stuffed full, was gagged by web.
She first started noticing it in her gut, as one day, as her captor was slapping her around to punish her for not being able to finish her meal, she felt the oddest sensation, it wobbled. Luckily for her, her head was not webbed in one position, so, as she craned her neck, she looked down and saw her belly, now looking quite chubby, hanging a bit lower than before.
As time went on, so she grew, her slightly chubby belly ballooning to the size of a pumpkin and her plump ass and thighs following suit. Her breasts filled out much more too, and became a favourite plaything of her Drider feeder. Groping and playing with her rapidly softening body was certainly an arousing pastime for her when she wasn’t being fed, but she still kept a healthy amount of fear for the future and wariness of her captors.
As she continued to fatten up, despite being suspended, she felt rolls forming as the unrelenting feeding rounded its sixth month. After so long only feeling the touch of Driders and the webs keeping her captive, she felt a new sensation; her flab was beginning to touch itself. Between her legs, though spread apart, she felt her thighs begin to touch and the gravity of the situation FINALLY began to dawn on her, she was already much too big to ever run again, and, after being strung up for so long, she questioned whether she could even walk. Her huge gut hanging below her would certainly reach to her mid-thigh if she were to stand up, and her swollen tits would take a hell of a lot of getting used to. She wondered if her flabby arms could even rest by her sides any more, or if their cushioning would keep them forever jutted out.
Eight months after her original abduction, her sneering jailers came to her with news that the final members of her village had succumbed to starvation. Though her gag kept her from sobbing as she ought, tears formed in her eyes and rolled down her puffy cheek, splattering on the fetid floor she’d grown so accustom to. She was huge now, the feeding had kicked up yet another notch with the addition of another trade route through the forest for the Driders to pillage, and Tabetha could feel the difference. Her huge gut had gotten so big that it touched the floor now, and the rest of her was proportionally as huge, breasts scarcely smaller than apples had ballooned to the size of beach balls and now often leaked as she was being fed. Her thighs, were much thicker than any of the tree trunks in the forest and jiggled delightfully when she was slapped. If it weren’t true before, it certainly was now; she was far too big to ever walk again. Squinting from a distance, she’d look like a piece of pop-corn, her stubby and round limbs were the only thing that distinguished her from being simply and orb of adipose.
As the bodies of her former neighbours were moved in front her and to meat storage, another thing caught her eye, the Driders were all bowing.
“I see you’ve done well” a familiar voice spoke; the Drider Queen. Tabetha felt her thin hands before she saw her. The queen poked, groped and squeezed all over Tabetha, inspecting her like a farmer at a livestock market.
“The meat is certainly looking nice and plump…” the Driders held their collective breath, eager to please their queen “… I think it’ll make a very good incubator. Get her ready, and make sure to keep feeding her, don’t want it getting forgotten about like our last one.” The Driders all bowed again and nodded as she went back into the depths of the tunnel system.
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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