Chapter 1 - Taken in the Night
Off Emily walked, down the cracked sidewalk by the light of a flickering streetlamp. The scene was needlessly eerie, and poor Emily would have noticed this too, had music not been blasting in her ears as she walked home. As her footsteps echoed down the silent twilight streets, another noise joined them, one drowned out by her headphones. A gloss white van slowly followed behind her; it had been shadowing her for a few blocks now, but now it was at her heels. Still oblivious to the van and the threat it posed to her, she continued to walk along the path, the van following her less than a metre away. However, now it was done with stalking it’s prey, now was the time to pounce. Lurching forward, she now saw it out the corner of her eye as it pulled up next to her, the door of the side slid open to reveal four figures in flowing red robes and hoods to obscure their faces. At once, they jumped out, seizing her in their tight grip and pulling her into the back of the van. This all happened so fast that she only had time to loose a single scream before she was trapped in the van and promptly rendered unconscious.She awoke five hours later to find herself in a roughly-made cell, as her eyes began to focus she could see that the cell was old, very old, so was the room she was in. as she looked about, she found that the cage was located in a candlelit room of large stone bricks. Dingy and dark as it was, the air, at least, seemed to be nice and fresh. As she tried to get up, she discovered that she was manacled to the back corner of the cell. The was about to yell out for help, but then suddenly, the studded wooden door of the room swung open, to reveal three more hooded figures, two in red and one in a purple rope with a symbol on it, though she only got a glimpse, the symbol seemed to be a chicken leg and a bundle of wheat crossed over one another. With a menacing gesture, the one in purple pointed at her, and ordered the other two:
“Prepare her for the ritual”
Roughly grabbed from the cage, a cultist tilted her head back and grasped a bottle of worn and scratched glass which they uncorked with a flick of their thumb. A bubbling crimson liquid within gave off a sickly-sweet smell which filled the area. Gently tipping the bottle over Emily’s mouth, three drops fell onto her tongue. Quickly closing her mouth and holding it shut, the cultists forced her to swallow it, and, as she did, a wonderful warm feeling began to fill her mouth, a subtly sweet sensation which began to drip down her throat in into her stomach. The potion had numbed the mind’s control over the body and made her more docile, more pliable, at least physically, for in her mind she was still terrified and seething.
Quickly unstrapped from the worrying chair, she was now hauled out into an even more worrying room. It was big and circular, filled with hooded figures who surrounded her. In the centre was an altar, bearing carving all over it. As she was pulled closer to it, she saw that the carvings were of pastries and meals and, as her eyes trailed to the centre, she saw a detailed picture of an obscenely obese woman, breasts heavy and resting on her massive gut, which, if real, would likely reduce movement to a pathetic and pitiful waddle.
As the two cultists dragged her to the altar, she tried to think of a way out, but nothing seemed to make sense, there was an altar, on which she now laid, obviously a sacrifice, but she couldn’t see any knives, daggers or other implements as such. The symbols and carvings everywhere depicted food so mouth-watering that you could almost smell them, and the same woman, so large that she looked right out of a late-night TV program on the morbidly obese. As she looked further, she saw no violent scenes, but rather scenes of plenty, when one scene caught her eye. Distracted from what was going on around her, she continued to gaze at it, finding that the image, while still of the woman, was also filled with other people surrounding and bowing down to her, despite the lighting, she could make out that all of the figures seemed to be the stereotypical image perfection, the men all had bulging muscles and chiselled features, and the women all had heavy chests, round asses and proportionally thick thighs.
Snapping out of her thoughtful daze, she found herself, once again, manacled. This time to the altar, and both hands and feet. As she lazily shook her arms, still under the effect of whatever they gave her, the leader of the cultists spoke.
“A sacrifice has been chosen” said a voice from inside the hood, almost like that of a TV host’s, “Tonight we give Pyknosi a gift, and in return, she shall keep us beautiful! All hail Pynosi”
“All hail Pyknosi” the cultists echoed, in varied tones, though many of them were familiar to Emily’s ears. Abruptly and in sync, all of the robed figures flicked their hoods back, and, as she looked around, many, if not all of the faces she saw, she could name, all of the people around her were celebrities. Turning his attention to Emily, the man, who did in fact, turn out to be a TV host, said:
“To you, our sacrifice, worry not, for tonight you shall not die, you will become a vessel for our goddess, who sacrificed herself and all of her beauty, so that we who worship her may have everlasting beauty. Now…” turning his attention back to the crowd, “let the ritual commence, bring forth the tributes”
As he said this, the various models, actors, hosts and other unnamed egotistical narcissists stepped forwards, each with huge platters and plated of food. Such variety of meals made the air smell like a fairground, deep fried foods and sweets and donuts and pastries and pies, all piled high after just the first few cultists. When this phase was finally complete, a huge mound of food surrounded the altar for about two metres around and at the height of the altar most of the way round. Shortly after the final platter was set, the cultists, led by the TV host in the purple robe, began to chant in an ancient and forgotten language.
With each word, Emily felt the subtle sweet taste that was lingering within grow more and more, until merely her mouth could not hold it. The sweet sensation flowed through her, dripping over her body like warm honey, reaching from her head down, through her and to her toes. And, as this feeling swept through her, she felt a new, odd sensation, as if her body was becoming more sensitive and as if each touch felt sweet. The chanting faded to a distant noise as the ritual continued, Emily’s sense seemingly trapped in a bubble in which she could see no further and hear no more that incomprehensible and almost inaudible mumbling.
As this all was taking place, she felt a hand on her stomach, and, as she looked down, she saw that it was her own, and she was unmanacled. The urge to take this opportunity and run was immense, and yet, her body would not obey. She felt herself sit up and look into the fuzzy shapes of the crowd. Her face now wore a smile, but it was not her own. Emily now reached out her hand and grabbed at one of the decadent sweets that lay all around her. As she bit down on the pastry, its soft, oozing centre coated the inside of her mouth and she felt the intense sweet and creamy flavour all the way down as it slid down her throat. She looked up again, only to see that the entire platter of the delightful treats was gone, as if on a string, her hand wiped her face, only to find it covered with icing and crumbs. Terrified by this and her complete loss of control, she struggled in the bounds of her mind, but to no avail, she was fully in the control of whatever being the cultists had summoned. Her hands now moved automatically to her belly where she now found a small, chubby belly.
The speed at which she’d gained this weight scared her even more, but not as much as when she realized that in the space of all these thoughts, it had grown even bigger, she now looked 7 months pregnant with extra fat going to her thighs and chest. She looked around with pleading eyes, but no one would help her. Each distraction shrouded the truth of the matter; she was possessed by Pyknosi and near constantly stuffing her face with the offerings around her.
She heard a creak and looked down, briefly watching as her tight shirt ripped as her rapidly growing gut and chest pushed it to the limit. Sitting cross-legged, she felt as her belly spilled into her plump thighs like a soft, warm goo. She tried and tried to break this enchantment, but it was no use, the more she struggled, the fatter she ended up. Screaming internally as the sweet taste of the food permeated her body, still hoping this was all a dream. Another creak and her jeans began to split down the seams, no longer able to encompass her massive thighs and huge, jiggling ass.
Shreds of clothing surrounded her, as she ate and ate and ate, begging desperately for it to stop, but knowing that there wasn’t a chance. By this point her thighs had gotten much too big for her to sit cross-legged any more, and her huge gut was filling most of her lap anyway, so, she lazily laid back, bursting out of her straining bra in the process. Now the cultists moved in from all sides, though not with malicious intent. Instead they began grabbing handfuls of the remaining food and shovelling them into her mouth, stuffing her more and more and watching her magnificent body grow. Those who couldn’t feed her lent their hands to her body, massaging, groping and squeezing her immense form, even teasing her beachball-sized breasts.
More and more they fed her, platter after platter of food and she grew and grew even more. Despite laying flat on her back, her thighs had gotten so fat that resting her legs made them spread wide apart, this wasn’t helped by her huge belly which still tried to rest on her lap. Now, as she got fatter and fatter still, the spirit of Pyknosi began to make her feel amazing, a deep, lusty emotion, so mind-numbing it is rarely achieved. Moaning between mouthfuls, her wobbling body rocked back and forth, so many hands on her, touching her feeling her. She was so horny, even her mind wasn’t safe now, all her thought were quickly wiped away by the intense and desperate lust that filled her whole being, body and mind.
The altar was at about waist height and didn’t make it much higher when she started, but now, her belly was almost head height for all of the cultists around her. The food supply was running low but her body still grew with every bite, fatter and fatter as she moaned and writhed her fat body, trying desperately to cum. And, as the final mouthful of food passed her lips, she moaned hard and loud, feeling a warm, thick and wet sensation drip between her enormous thighs. With this action, the numbness and sweetness left her body, but her mind was another matter. It was still clouded by the aftershocks of an orgasm so intense.
Quickly two of the higher cultists rushed to her, smiling to one another as they felt her huge body and soft, supple skin. One of them quickly poured a light blue drink down her throat while she was still dazed by her otherworldly arousal. After drinking this she quickly fell unconscious.
Upon waking up she found, to her dismay, that the entire experience was not a dream and she was, for all intents and purposes, immobile. As she looked around the room, it seemed nicely furnished, though still taking into consideration her immense size. Looking across, she heard the door creak and a well-dressed man walked in.
“Hello there” he greeted, and, though she had so many questions, she found herself unable to ask any of them due to the long tube in her mouth. “I see that you are our new guest, let me introduce myself, my name is Simon and I will be taking care of you for the foreseeable future. Given as we can’t really let you go after a ritual, we’ve brought you here, to our retreat. Here you will be looked after around the clock, and fattened even more to honour Pyknosi and try to recreate the conditions of the ritual for your enjoyment, do call if you need anything, but for now I’ve places to be, toodles”. With a curt bow, he turned on his heel and exited the room, leaving her alone once more, however, as the door closed, Emily heard a whirring noise and watched as the tube filled up with a rich, creamy paste which was now being forced down, into her stomach. A second whirring noise started up and she felt that between her gargantuan thighs, a vibrator had been set. Struggling to move and with no one around to help her, she quickly became incapacitated by the sheer arousal. Her enormous, soft body shook with pleasure as she quivered in ecstasy, feeling her body get even plumper. This is how she lived from then on, constantly horny, constantly stuffed and constantly getting fatter and fatter.
Magical Realism
Medical/Scientific Experiments
1 chapter, created 1 year
, updated 1 year