Chapter 1 - Competition Day
x Special thanks to my friend Jason_Coyote for helping workshop this one xHe grunts and wheezes as he slowly waddles forward, his distended gut resting on it’s seat; using it to hold himself up and get around. He had fattened up a bunch since I entered him in the human livestock competition.
Sweat drips down his face and over his buttery rolls as he makes his way into the building, smiling at me as I hold the door for him and let my gaze wander across his almost unrecognizably fattened form.
“Good boy, you're doing so well. Just a little bit further and then we'll get you into the pens with the rest of the piggies”
I smirk as I watch the formerly chubby boy I had dated now struggle to make it this far at his current size, smiling even more as I imagine just how much bigger he’s about to get.
He wheezes loudly, huffing and panting as me moves. His legs shake from the short distance he’s been forced to walk, and his face is bright red from exhaustion. my shirt starting to get wet from sweat. We manage to get to the check in desks.
We make it to the front desk and I tick us off at the check in and scan the barcode tattooed on his moob, pulling up his sweat-soaked shirt up to reach it. Chuckling as I remark;
“I told you it wouldn't be worth wearing a shirt, good piggies don't wear clothes”
He blushes a little and, after catching his breath, replies;
“then take it off of me… it's just soaking up sweat anyways, and it’s not like it covers as much as it used to, thanks to you”
I grin and grab the material on opposite sides of a developing rip, and tear the poor stretched shirt off his body, balling up the shreds and unceremoniously dumping them in a nearby bin.
“There we go, I’d hate to deprive the world of this view. Now, how about we get you to the pens?”
He nods and pants a little before he can reply;
“Can I have a drink first? I'm thirsty from all this walking, did you pack that spare two liter?”
“I did indeed, but I must warn you, it is laced with appetite enhancers”
I say as I pass the bottle, smirking cruelly
“Isn't drugging grounds for disqualification? Ah nevermind, did we bring enough of that feed they required?”
“Hey, it's already about seeing how far people will go, I'm just giving you a little kick”
I grope his flabby side and smirk
“As for the feed, our truck should be arriving shortly. The staff will take care of connecting it to the machines, all you have to worry about is finishing it all for me”
He nods and starts to chug the soda, his large belly already beginning to bloat as I tease;
“Make sure you reach the pens before those legs finally give up dear”
He grunts and groans as he slowly starts to waddle again. His belly sloshing a little from the soda. We make our way down through the gallery, passing sty after sty, some filled, and some waiting for their occupant to arrive. Soon though, we arrive at our allocated pen; Number 233.
I open the faux wood gate and usher my plump boyfriend in. The floor is a delightfully soft green carpet, likely to imitate grass I think. The pig pens are organized such that none of the hopeful contestants can see each other, or the overhead display that will be capturing the event.
I smile as he carefully lowers himself to the ground and help to arrange the pillows that’ve been provided so that he can sit upright.
“Very good, you're looking like a proper piggy now. All you need is the feeding tube and you'll be good to go”
He smiles as he chugs the last of the soda, panting heavily as he belches and grunts. I smile as I watch him hold his bloated belly and blush as he look up at me.
I rest a hand on his big soft gut and look into his eyes as I lean down and continue to tease;
“How does it feel, knowing that you won't be able to stand after this?”
At this be blushes dark and has to compose himself before he replies;
“To be honest… I'm very excited… in both meanings of the term…”
“Mm, it's a good thing I slipped that vibrator in you while I washed you this morning then.”
I reveal devilishly as I press a button and watch as he feels it turn on to it's lowest setting.
“I want you to make me proud today sweetie, after all, if you get the fattest, they'll cover all food costs for the rest of your piggy little life”
“Yes sir! I'll get the fattest, I promise!”
He answers as he whimpers and whines obediently.
The timer begins the countdown and I grab the mask that has descended from the ceiling, attaching it to him after one last quick kiss.
“You've got one minute to prepare yourself before the feeding starts sweetie, think hungry thoughts, alright” I joke
He looks up at the large tube looming over him and I kiss his cheek as I set the vibrator on pattern mode to help keep him desperate and aroused.
“You'll do great little pig, I want to have to hire a forklift and a truck to take you back home!”
His whines and moans intensify and I see him squirming a little as he gets more and more horny and excited at the prospect.
We hear as the pumps whirr to life. The feed travelling through the tube at some speed as the competition begins in earnest.
I hear as he groans softly and starts to gulp down the fattening slop. His belly already noticeably, though slowly starting to swell.
I pat his hair and smile as I watch him begin to expand; his folds gradually filling out more and more as he whines and moans evermore. Obediently continuing to gulp more and more of the specially crafted feed mix. My eyes wander over him, coming to rest on his portly face, smiling and closing his eyes, seeming to just enjoy letting it fatten him up as he lays there; a ever-growing effigy to gluttony.
I rest a hand on his gut and feel him continuing to benefit from the relentless onslaught of the pumps as they continue their mission. Abruptly though, I feel him shift. He is craning his neck to try and get a look at the competition. I smile to myself at this little competitive nod, but I rest a hand on his jaw and guide his gaze back forward.
“Don’t worry about them sweetie, this is about you. Those appetite enhancers should be kicking in now baby, and I want you to make use of them”
I smile and grope one of his heavy moobs and turn up the vibrator level as I watch his already massive form beginning to spill everywhere.
“Good boy, don't let them distract you, you're the only pig in the world”
He moans and whines, letting out a squeal, almost like a real hog. I laugh;
“Oinking like a real pig are you? You're really going the extra mile for the "livestock" competition, huh”
The pumps kick into overdrive, causing some of the contestants to pull out their masks and admit defeat. Despite this, my prize pig only manages a stifled groan as he feels the increase in flow. Though I can see he’s struggling to gulp it down, he keeps going, swelling fatter even faster now.
By this point he is well into the throes of immobility, the slightly raised platform he was seated on is completely enveloped with his ever-growing mass. As he fattens up more, he feels more and more skin come in contact with the ground, and for a brief moment I see the realization of just how big he’s gotten flash across his adorably plump face.
He blushes dark again and tries to squirm against the vibrator but by now he’s much too heavy to move my hips, on very much else for that matter. And, as he moves his head around, I realize that he’s gotten so big that his field of vision is almost half taken up by his flabby, swelling moobs. As I realize this, I smirk and turn the vibrator up again, fully aware that it's very likely the only pleasure he'll be able to get from now on.
“Good boy, twenty more minutes on the clock, show them how much of a pig I've made you”
The whimpering and moaning begin again as he gulps down more and more, swelling rapidly. He was beyond full at this point but I watched proudly as he refused to stop. His body continuing to fatten.
I pet his hair and let my hands wander, groping his new softness.
“I was only half-joking, but you're definitely going home in the back of a truck today”
His body quivers at either my touch or my proposition, I can’t be sure. Whatever the case, I smile as I see him try to look at me, the ring of fat around his neck making it difficult to move his head now. By this point, he was getting absolutely massive. Still, I stand over him so he can see me and I offer him a proud smile.
“You're in first place so far my dear, just keep it up for five more minutes”
This revelation encourages his, or so I believe, as he keep gulping down the slop with renewed vigor, whining as he feels his belly start to press against the gate of the pen.
He is truly a mountain of lard now, even if his legs could hold him up, his gut would still rest heavily on the floor. his thighs have been splayed apart from their own fattening as well as the weight of his stomach. His moobs rest heavily on his chest, now taking up more of his vision.
I hear his tank start to sputter, but it is to no consequence as we hear the timer run out and the end bell toll.
“Very good sweetie! I didn't want to get your hopes up, but past the first 20 minutes, you were very much in the lead. We'll get the official weight later, but everyone knows you're the winner babe”
As I say this I walk behind him and undo the mask before kissing his still-agape mouth, giving him but a moment to wheeze and huff, panting heavily as he kisses me and exclaims;
“I'…”< br>
“Yes you are my prize piggy. Well over 1500lbs I'd say maybe even 2000”
“No way~ I didn't think someone could get that fat”
“Well, you've certainly made history my dear, how about we get some dessert to celebrate?”
First person
1 chapter, created 1 year
, updated 1 year