Highschool Sweethearts Saga

Chapter 1 - Small Beginnings

This is the first of a 3 part story requested by ssbbw_charlotte on instagram
It was a cool spring morning and the students had been trickling into the courtyard of St Arbilla’s College, an upper-middle class high school that attracted all manner of students in the many areas of study that the school offered. On the benches amongst his friends sat a handsome teen by the name of James Morency. However, whilst in the company of his friends, another person had caught his eye. Indeed, she had been catching his attention for some time now and her name was Sarah Bowen. If James was handsome, then Sarah was a bombshell, her attractive features highlighted by her flowing blonde hair and, as her eyes travelled downward, they lingered on her amazing ass. It was almost disproportionately big compared to her body, but somehow it all seemed to fit. Over the past few months he found himself gazing at it, watching how her ass and thighs jiggled a bit as she walked, imagining sinking his hands into them, squeezing them. Abruptly this train of thought ended as the bell rang and signalled the start of class.
All through the first and second periods his mind wandered, dancing with the thought of being with such a beautiful girl and maybe, making her bigger… He shook his head as if trying to dislodge the idea and left the building as the lunch bell rang. There she was again, the matriarch of her friend group and a bossy one at that, still he thought, would be nice. James sat with his friends and, while distracted momentarily distracted by Sarah, he quickly returned to the conversation. However, while this was occurring, something was going awry in Sarah’s group.
“Ugh, my parents didn’t pack me any lunch again” she whined, “I hate this dumb diet that they’ve got me on, I feel like I’m starving all the time. Give me some of yours” she ordered her group. Unfortunately, despite her aggressive tone, none of the members would oblige. “Assholes” she exclaimed frustratedly as she angrily stamped off towards the boy’s group. Fully aware of the fact that she was quite possibly the most attractive girl in the school, she figured any of them would give her whatever she wanted.
She stood in front of the group and called their attention with a condescending clearing of her throat before declaring, “I’m hungry, any of you boys have anything to spare?”. Immediately all the various lunch boxes and bags opened, including James’s, all of whose owners desperately wanted the opportunity to get closer to Sarah, both physically and romantically. Seeing that the boys were so single-minded in their quest to impress her, she decided to have some fun with it, so, going from guy to guy, she looked at what they all had to offer, mostly damp sandwiches and leftovers. Cringing at the blandness of each of their meals she finally made it to James. Looking down she saw a much tastier sight. An extremely appetizing Turkish bread sandwich, filled generously with pulled pork and some delicately shredded lettuce and cabbage to top it off.
“Ah, I see your mum made her little boy his lunch, a cook, is she?” Sarah asked patronizingly
“Nope” Aiden answered, “made it myself”. Sarah grabbed the sandwich and began to eat. The sweet and savory taste of the pork with the crunch of both the bread and the salad making her mouth water even more.
“There’s no way you made this” she scoffed
“I did, and I’ll make another tomorrow” he answered coyly
“Pssh, you could just get your mum to make another one” She interjected smugly
“Well how else could I prove I made it?” he asked
“If you really did make this, which I doubt” Sarah began, “then I’m going to come to your place tonight and you are going to cook an equally good dinner for me”. Astounded at this invitation, James was speechless for a few seconds, before regaining his cool and answering
“Alright then Sarah, you’re on”. After giving his address, and his sandwich, to Sarah and setting a time, she left back to her group. Despite the elated chatter of his friends about the night ahead, James was wary. He figured that she might have just been leading him on for fun. Although the possibility that she wouldn’t show up seemed like a very real option, his minds still wandered and imagined the night over and over again in his head, whirring with different outcomes and meals to try. This seemingly perpetual daydream distracted him for the rest of the day and all the way back home, where he discovered that, fortuitously, it was Thursday, which meant that his father would be on the night shift at the hospital and his mother would have her Thursday night meeting which means that, at earliest, they would arrive home at 1am.
Faithfully, James Morency collected all the necessary ingredients and equipment needed to make the dishes he had planned for her. And, with restless anticipation, he waited. The table was set, the food was prepared and ready to be cooked, now all that was needed was Sarah. As he looked at the clock, just striking 7pm, he feared that this really might have been a set up. These fears were quickly put to rest as he heard the tell-tale sound of the doorbell ringing.
He walked to the door with feverish joyfulness. Politely swinging open the door he found Sarah Bowen, dressed more for a night on the town than a specially made dinner, not that James was complaining. She was wearing an off-the-shoulder crop top with a pair of almost impossibly tight booty shorts, showing off her very plump thighs and hugging her wide hips, as well as letting some of her already big ass peek out the bottom.
“It better not be already made; I want proof you can cook” she said coyly
“Not a worry” he answered confidently, “it’s all set up and waiting for you”. She smiled at this remark and walked down the hallway and out to the living and dining area.
“Well, I’m here now so you’d better get started”
James disentranced himself with her less than modest attire and moved back into the kitchen where he set about cooking his first dish. Sarah, intrigued by this and mesmerized by the decadent food that was being prepared, pulled up a chair from the dining table and set it in front of the bench, watching as he expertly braised the pieces of meat and smelling the air as the pleasant and mouth-watering aroma of the food wafted from the various pots and pans.
This enchanted state, however, broke as James plated up. Sarah lifted the chair and placed it back at the table, now aware she had been silent and goggling at the food throughout the whole cooking process she tried in vain to regain her image by remarking “This smells really good”.
“Thanks” he replied, now seeming more carefree and confident than her. “This is Chicken Galliano with Mushrooms” he announced as he slid the plate in front of her with restaurant finesse.
“It looks really good to” she said, uncharacteristic sincerity in her voice.
“I’d hope so, but does it taste good?” he reminded her before realizing that she already put a forkful of it into mouth. He looking into her eyes and smiled with satisfaction as he began to eat his meal.
After a few minutes of silence, except for the sounds of eating, they finished.
“Damn” Sarah exclaimed, “That dinner was amazing”
“That entrée was amazing” James corrected, “We’ve still got mains and dessert to go”. Sarah’s eyes widened hungrily as he got up and retrieved two more plates. “These are some Homemade Porchetta with a leafy salad” he announced, and, once again, she had already started the meal with an almost bestial hunger.
After woofing down the meals, she sat back straight and politely waited for James to finish while telling him how good his cooking is and how she barely ever gets to eat this well or this much. Confused by this and having just finished his mains, James asked, “I thought your family was pretty well-of, at least middle class”. Sarah, offended by the insinuation quickly corrected him;
“We are an upper-class family” she began, “My parents are so annoying and overbearing though. They think I’m gonna get fat or something, so almost every day they make sure I don’t have any lunch and a tiny dinner. It’s awful and I hate it and them so much”
“Yeah” Aiden replied, “That sounds awful, and it’ not like it’s their decision to make.
“I know right” she agreed
“Maybe you should come around more often” he said jokingly. Ignoring this, she went on to ask what the dessert he had prepared was. “Brown Sugar Pavlova with Caramelized Peaches” he replied, then grabbed the plates from the bench and put them on the table. In barely a minute she had finished the rich, creamy dessert and, while the fruity and sweet flavours still lingered in her mouth, she still wanted more.
“Here”, she shoved the plate in front of him, “can you get me another slice?”
“Certainly” he replied, the thought of making her bigger now remerging in his mind. After cutting a bigger slice that the original and handing her plate back, they continued eating. Finally, they both finished and James collected the plates and cutlery and stacked them by the sink. Returning to the table, he sat down, unsure of what to do next.
“Hey, like I said before, it’s been a while since I’ve eaten this well or this much” Sarah began, “Do you mind if I lay on your couch for a bit, I’m feeling pretty bloated”.
“Sure” James replied, his mind now rife with ideas and plans to fatten her up. He led her to the couch where she laid down, her belly looking a little swollen. He sat by her and they chatted for a bit, both of them letting down their guards and finally seeing each other for who they were; An introverted but friendly boy and a girl who acts controlling because of how little control she really has.
“Can you rub my belly?” she asked shyly
“Sure” James answered kindly, rubbing her belly and feeling the tightness of her stuffed belly press back against him. Again, they sat there, growing closer as they chatted and she vented to him about things she’d never been able to tell anyone before. The kept chatting, further on into the night, until Sarah finally got up.
“I think I should probably go; my parents will wonder where I’ve been”
“Wait, before you go…” he got up and back to the kitchen, returning with a bag “here, this is the leftovers from tonight, so you can have a bit more food for the next few days”. Shocked and heart warmed by this act of genuine kindness, she smiled and said
“I might start coming around more often James, same time next week?”
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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