Steve the alpha bdsm god

chapter 1

Steve was a smart athletic man. He just finished a 4-year term with the Canadian military and had a degree. Steve has very muscular, fit, healthy, smart, and had a high sex drive. He was into BDSM and liked submissive men with brown hair. He had just inherited a large sum of the money from his parent's estate and decided to move to Calgary for work.

When Steve arrived in Calgary he had rented an apartment as he was waiting for his house to be built. The day that Steve moved into the apartment he everyone had taken notice as Steve was so amazing. A few of the other guys that lived in the apartment went to great Steve and welcome him into the building. Rod was a large muscular man that ran a few clubs, Dusting was a very fir muscular nurse, and Tyler was a very muscular cop. They introduced Steve to the area and took him to the local gym. Since Steve was so amazing he became very popular and everyone wanted to be his friend.

Steve had been living in Calgary for a few months now and he was more muscular than ever. He was very diligent in his diet and was fastly being promoted at work. It was Halloween and Rob invited Steve to his club for an amazing Halloween party. Steve decided to go. Steve, Tyler, and Dustin all dressed up as WWF superstars. All the girls were all over Steve and his friends. One girl named Amber had her brother with her. His name was Rod, he was very thin, very weak looing and homosexual. He was even dressed up as a pig.

Steve took an interest in Rod as everyone else was ignoring him. As Steve chatted Rod up he became super horny as he never had found his new BDSM slave. Rob and Tyler were distracted as they had women all over them. Steve took the opportunity, Steve told Rod he was bored and asked if he wanted to leave. No one ever turned Steve down so Rod replied "yes Steve". Steve said, "ok let's go back to my place and order a pizza".

Upon arrival back at his apartment. Steve was surprised to learn that Rod lived in the building too. Rod informed Steve that he lives in the studio apartment just off the parkade in the basement. It had a separate outside entrance and exit so Rod never entered through the main entrance of the building.

Once they got back into Steve's unit, Steve told Rod to take a seat and ordered some pizza, knowing he had found his new BDSM-pig slave.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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BulkBrit 3 years
Iโ€™m looking forward to seeing how this story โ€˜expandsโ€™.
Bellcrazex 3 years
Omg I hope there's more to the story ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜