The Bakery

Chapter 1

When Wade first opened his bakery, he wasn't expecting things to go nearly as well as they did.

It helped that the first person to walk through his door was addicted to two things: Sweets and Instagram. Wade has been serving her nearly everyday for about two years now and it's been increasingly obvious how much of a toll this took on her body.

Her name is Kiki and when she first walked through the door, she was mostly slim. Definitely some fat on her body, but it was pretty evenly spread out so it wasn't something anyone would pay any attention to. One bite of a singular donut was all she needed to immediately start posting all sorts of selfies and buy even more treats.

Kiki actually had quite a big following, Wade would come to learn, as her posts quickly attracted a lot of customers - some a few hours drive away - that were dedicated to her random posts throughout the day. He didn’t understand why fully, but he appreciated the extra business regardless.

It would soon become a daily tradition for Kiki to come in and order more and more treats, leaving glowing reviews online for all of her dedicated fanbase to fawn over.

Of course, Wade was quick to notice how her slim figure was beginning to pack on the pounds as her orders continued to grow in size, and he was a bit ashamed to admit he played a little part in it. As time passed, Wade decided to make special treats just for Kiki, and he may or may not have been experimenting with said treats having weight gain powder mixed in.

Kiki’s hips and thighs grew wider everyday, her chest expanding, and her belly rounding out and splitting down the middle, thanks in part from her favorite outfit of choice being high-waisted booty shorts and various crop tops. It was always interesting to see her wear the same article of clothing multiple times and watch them slowly get stretched out to their limit.

Wade wasn’t sure if she was in denial or just too embarrassed to buy bigger clothes, but he was honestly amazed how long she would continue to wear these garments that clearly stopped fitting 20 pastries ago. It was inevitable when Kiki bent over the display one day, drooling as she listed off the many different pastries she was craving, before a pop, clank, and a clatter filled the air.

Kiki's face turned bright red as they both looked down at the button of her shorts sitting on the floor a couple feet from her, our attention soon being shifted by the sound of her shorts unzipping and her greedy belly pouring out. Now getting a better look at how big her stomach had gotten, it was a surprise that she was able to get it in there at all.

Wade quickly offered her one of his spare aprons and she gratefully accepted, putting it on as she finished her order. You would think such an event would make her second guess her eating habits, but Kiki walked out of there that day with a dozen pastries - nearly twice her usual amount. 'Maybe she's an emotional eater', the baker thought.

Unable to get that image of Kiki's flabby belly out of his head, Wade found himself more frequently tweaking his recipes and adding more weight gain powders and appetite increasers - not just to her pastries, but all of the ones he sold.

Soon all of his regulars - some of whom starting out as Kiki's fans - were packing on the pounds and asking for more and more every visit, but none more so than Kiki herself.
7 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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Theswordsman 4 years
Im surprised wade hasn't tried dating kiki yet