Long Distance Gaining

  By Anmeroth  Premium

Chapter 1

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When they first started dating, Diane was the bigger one. Standing at 5’4 and 184 pounds mostly settling in her thighs and belly, the white American girl unsurprisingly beat out Ella, the Chinese Canadian girl, who stood at 4’8 and weighed 85 pounds. She was proud of this weight, though said she used to be even lighter - weighing 80 pounds in her last year of high school.

Ella had joked that it was her new job as a hostess that was making her fat, and Diane secretly hoped that was the case.

As the months passed, Ella had sent more and more texts about how hungry she was, how much fast food she was eating, and how much she loved the new Japanese bakery that opened up across the street from her apartment.

Diane wished she could see the gain she was certain she was gaining in real-time, but there wasn't much she could do as they lived 2,000 miles away from each other. Though whenever Ella would send a new picture of herself, Diane would compare it to one she sent when they first started dating. Her face was rounder and it almost seemed like there might be a double chin, but the picture was posed in a way that it was hard to tell.

Then, one day, Diane got a video call request, and she would open it up to see Ella crying in a form-fitting t-shirt and yoga pants.

“I weigh 99 pounds!” the short girl sobbed. “I'm so fat!!”

Diane did her best to calm her girlfriend down, but she couldn't help but feel a little excited to see that Ella's double chin was very prominent, visible from nearly every angle. Her stomach seemed to be forming a slim dome as it had yet to split, almost looking as if she was a few months pregnant. As she got up at one point to grab something, Diane was sure to notice her thickening thighs and how her legs rubbed together.

She was even happier to see Ella return with a pint of vanilla ice-cream, as eating had quickly become her way to handle the stress of work, college, and her overbearing parents.

If she struggled in school, she would eat. If she had to deal with a bad customer at work, she would eat. If her parents scolded her for her weight, she would eat. Occasionally she would diet for a while, lose a few pounds, and then immediately drop the diet only to gain that weight back twice as fast.

One mistake Ella often made was asking Diane whether or not she should eat something that was fattening, which of course she always said yes to. She would tell her girlfriend that it's not the calorie count that matters, but rather how tasty it is and how happy the food makes you.

As the months passed, it was obvious that her appetite was increasing. Sometimes the meals she mentioned sounded more like a mukbang than a regular lunch. Ella once jokingly mentioned that she ordered so much food that it wouldn't fit on her desk, so she pulled out her mom's yoga mat and ate on the floor. She even sent a picture - a Big Mac, 10 chicken McNuggets, a large fries, a sundae, and an apple pie displayed across the mat. A meal even Diane would have trouble packing down, especially in one sitting, and she was almost twice the weight of Ella.

Well, she used to be.

Little did either of them know, Ella's weight had already jumped up to 115 pounds - expanding her thickening thighs to a size 6. Her entire closet, however, consisted of stretchy yoga pants so it was harder for her to notice and easier for her to deny her gain. Not so much for her shirts though, which were stretched tighter and tighter across her dome of a belly every day.

Anytime Ella's mom would point it out, she would drown her sorrows in even more fattening food as Diane told her again and again that she was beautiful and not fat in the slightest.

Slowly but surely, it seemed to Diane that Ella was starting to listen to her girlfriend more than her mom. Her mother's words still hurt her and would send her on another fast-food binge, but now it seemed like she was more and more in denial that any gain was happening.

And that alone was enough to make her gain kick into high-gear, much to Diane's excitement.

One day Ella and Diane had a video call as Ella got ready for work - and Diane was overjoyed to see Ella's progress. Her yoga pants were stretched so thin that they almost seemed slightly transparent, and there seemed to be a few stray threads along the seams ready to pop with any wrong movement. When she took off her shirt, Diane got a full, glorious view of how much of a muffin top she got from stuffing herself like a sausage into those pants that were almost definitely at least two sizes too small, as evident to how badly they dug into her belly. And what a beautiful belly it was - slowly losing its dome shape and getting more flabby, it seemed to be on the verge of finally forming a split along with the belly button. Her arms would jiggle with her every movement and her double chin was permanently on display. The only thing that didn't seem to grow was her flat chest, but that would likely change with time.

After Ella put on her work shirt, it clung to her almost as tightly as her yoga pants and the Asian girl had to keep pulling it down as her belly kept poking through along the bottom. Though she only pulled down from the front, not noticing how much it had risen to reveal her developing back fat.

As much as Diane loved every second of that call (and definitely had a little fun after it ended), she knew that Ella couldn't stay in denial for much longer with her clothes like that. So, biting her tongue when she saw the shipping fees, Diane bought some new clothes and had them delivered to her girlfriend. She knew that there was a chance that the clothes were too big, but she also hoped that they would soon be too small.

Unsurprisingly, the clothes did turn out to be a bit too big (a mistake that Ella put up to "American sizing"), but still assured her girlfriend that she loved the gift. Regardless, whether she just did it while on a video call with Diane or because she recognized that they were a lot easier to put on, Ella seemed to be wearing the new, larger clothes a lot more frequently.

When the restaurant Ella worked at got new uniforms, she happily showed off her new work shirt that she claimed was "not as cheap" and "fit way better", but Diane only needed one glance at her girlfriend's plumping body to know her boss probably gave her a bigger shirt size without saying anything.

It was amazing to Diane how quickly fat piled on such a small form, and she was dying to know the exact numbers. But she couldn't exactly ask her directly - Ella was getting a bit more comfortable with her appearance with Diane's help, but it was sadly still common for the short girl to call her in tears while stuffing her face with various sweets.

And then, some great news came as Ella excitedly told Diane about how she was moving out of her parents’ house and into the spare bedroom at her doting grandmother's house. And since the house was a bit too far away and her grandmother said it was okay, Ella was also putting in her two-week notice and choosing to instead focus on school.

If Diane thought she was growing fast before, she was in for a treat. While her stress eating was decreasing, the bored snacking was increasing, especially with no one screaming about her weight constantly and only having to leave the house a few days a week.

It was rare now for Ella to not be eating anything during their frequent calls, no matter how brief they were. And one day, as they video chatted for a bit while Ella got dressed for class, Diane was all too happy to see that the pants she bought her now fit perfectly.

Ella was very bottom-heavy, but her stomach wasn't lacking too far behind. Her thighs were rounding out and her bubble butt was making sure its presence was known. While still just in the slight chub stage, her belly was already in full flabby mode, no longer holding that solid dome it did for a while. Her chest didn't seem to have seen any growth yet, but Diane definitely wasn't complaining.

Knowing that her self conscious girlfriend was likely too embarrassed to even think about going up a size or two, Diane decided to surprise Ella with even more new clothes with a few being even bigger than the rest, while purposefully ignoring the crazy international shipping fees that came with them. And the moment they arrived, Diane never saw Ella wearing her old clothes ever again.
5 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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NomaVeridis 3 years
This is such a cute story! As a weird aside, I really like the specific reference to the Skytrain.
Karenjenk 4 years
grandma is a real hag
ha ha
no... love the story
it was a fun read