Chapter 1 - The first challenge
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I was never going to be a world class sprinter, one look at me and you could tell I was used to being the biggest guy in any room for a long time. Tall but that wasn’t what you noticed, depending on who you asked, some would say they were drawn to my chest and the nipples you could see through my shirt a foot lower than where they should be. Others have said its my double belly which peeked out the bottom of any shirt, no matter how many Xes it had in front of the L it seemed. Me, I always noticed my face, the way my glasses dug into the side of my head causing the fat to crease or the way my jowls seemed to be permanently moistened with perspiration. I was the waddling American stereotype; 28 years old, 6’2” and a hefty 575 lbs with the appetite of 4 people to go with weighing as much as them.
I was always the one guy growing up who you knew would end up a parade float… I love food and never really cared what anyone had to say about it. There’s always been something about being able to sit back and enjoy bite after endless bite of flavor. I loved them all, growing up in LA we had endless variety to choose from too, I hadn’t found a cuisine I didn’t like. Any place I went to I had to try at least three entrees, maybe an appetizer too and I had a soft spot (maybe the softest of all) for any local restaurant's food challenges. You know the ones, plates stacked impossibly high, maybe a $50-100 meal and if you could eat it all and fast enough it was probably on the house and you got a photo on the wall… well there were more than a few in the state which bore the name Julian Roth and a photo on them.
After college I found work doing coding work which let me work from home 4 often 5 days a week. I moved into a house with a few friends from college who enjoyed my company well enough to put up with my elephantine existence. I paid my bills on time and always had a suggestion for dinner if anyone wanted to come along to eat but I never felt like I was meant to stay around there.
It was when a new wing place opened down the block that I was introduced to the Horizon restaurant family. I was by myself which worked well enough. Finger foods were such a messy experience most of my friends would politely act like they weren’t disgusted as I ate my way through pounds of messy items without bothering to stop for a napkin. I made my way in through the comfortably wide double doors and immediately enjoyed the feeling of the heavy air conditioning, LA was hot year round and my many folds could certainly give an awareness to that fact if a place didn’t manage to stay cool so I was quite happy. I took a look at the menu and was not disappointed, the wings were at a reasonable price and plenty of variety for sauces and the like, plus other items too, I could certainly eat a mountain of chicken and a sandwich and some fries but OH! That’s when the “Big Bird Challenge” caught my eye. If you and another person could eat your way through 100 wings, and 2 1Lb sides of fries, onion rings or a few other fried appetizers you’d each get a free shirt, photo on the wall and the $85 meal on for free. I thought about calling one of my housemates, asking them if they’d like a free meal just to sit there while I powered through all of it and that's when I noticed the wall where photos were meant to go… there weren't any yet! I thought about how it was expected that you’d need two people to do it and how people would see the first person to do it was some fat slob who would call such a massive pile of food nothing more than dinner.
“Could I get the Big Bird Challenge?” I asked merrily.
“You said the Big Bird promotion for two?” The cashier asked, somewhat confused.
“Yeah, I’d like it with ranch and a soda please.” I replied. Trying to address her befuddlement, “I know it's meant for two people but if you notice I might be a bit more than two people on my own”. I patted my keg of a belly for illustration. The woman couldn’t help but chuckle at my brazenness and took down how I wanted my wings and the sides to go with it. She let me know the terms of the challenge such as needing to finish it all within an hour and not being allowed to get up for any reason during the challenge. I took her advice and used the facilities while I awaited my order.
The staff brought the mountain of a meal to the table I was already spreading out at. Compliments to whoever ordered the furnishings. The table and bench seat were spacious and sturdy enough to handle the excess feet of my rear end. They delivered the wings in batches of 25 and gave me a basket of waffle fries, the first pound far as I could tell. I dug in and my eyes lit up. Everything was excellent! They had been trained well and the chicken kept the balance it needed between crispy and wet with the sauce which was exactly the right level of spice. I managed to inhale the first round of wings before they could bring out the second and was most of the way through the fries when they dropped off more.
I ate my way through the second basket as handily as the first and made short work of the remaining fries. Rubbing my hands over my belly I could feel my stomach packed with the contents of what could be dinner for a family. The gurgle and a deep belch my gut responded with said everything it needed to, I was ready for the rest. The staff having noticed there was no point in delaying any further, brought out the remaining 50 wings and another basket, this one full of fried cheese sticks I could see bubbling through its breading. The challenge gave an hour to eat in but when you can eat 3-4 a minute that really seemed generous. They clocked my mastication at 38 minutes and change, I beamed with joy… it took a lot for me to feel full and it was rare but I was stuffed! They asked for my shirt size, an almost-inhuman 8xl and looked nervous since the biggest they had was 6xl. I laughed it off and told them not to worry about it but they insisted and I left my address to mail me one they'd order for me. I posed for a victory photo, my round jowls still covered in sauce. I looked like a pig who just lifted up from the trough. I waddled out the way I came in smiling, I was full, I had a free dinner and couldn't get my victory photo out of my head. They had printed it with a label; Julian (solo) 38:36 and with my appearance I knew it'd be a picture that would be commented about as long as the place was open… the fat slob who could eat what was supposed to be an impossible meal for two and nowhere close to running out of time. The thoughts were exciting in a way I wasn't very familiar with… that was until I noticed a sensation I hadn't had in years. My cock was stiff, and rubbing against all the folds that had replaced my manhood as I had grown. I wasn't a very sexual guy, when you are always the fat kid it's hard nearing impossible to find anyone who wants to be around you in that regard. When I got home I laid in bed and tried to reach myself.
Try as I might I could not get to it, my gelatinous body would shift and shake as I moved into different positions and found with every angle my arms were a bit short and there was some roll of my lard in the way. Frustrated with the reality I had accepted 100 lbs ago when I stopped being able to get to my cock anymore I closed my eyes and fell into a fantasy…
There I was at the restaurant again. The table I was sitting at was practically groaning under the spread across its surface. I was looking at maybe 4 times the meal I had eaten tonight. Piles of meats, sides, and sweets from a random assortment of my favorite cuisines were in front of me. In my admiration I hadn't noticed until I heard the voice that I wasn't alone. Looking up there were two duplicates of me who told me to get to it. I only had an hour to clear the table… I dug in. The dream only got weirder from there, after getting full halfway through my doppelgängers took up the task of feeding me, as I laid back I realized I was naked and even by my unusual standard totally enormous! My belly was hanging inches off the floor, my legs looked and felt as thick as sequoias and my tits hung as useless sacks spread as wide as I could stick out my arms. The two doppelgängers were each stuffing me and taking turns saying different encouragement. One was saying I needed to lay back, shut up and eat. He knew when I was done, not me. The other told me to own my appetite, my body, and make the meal my bitch. I was in heaven! I woke up the next day with a slimy feeling in my nethers, the fantasy of such gluttony had gotten me off by itself!
Contemporary Fiction
Weight gain
First person
8 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 3 years