The Thief (female)

  By Bcain

chapter 1

It had started out innocently enough for Kiera. A tube of lip gloss here, a Gatorade there, small things that wouldn’t be noticed. The thrill of concealing the item of choice and casually making her way out of a shop to victory was fun.

As Kiera grew older though, so did her desire to chase that thrill. Soon she was graduating up to higher ticket items, lip gloss had turned into expensive sunglasses or clothing. The bigger the score, the bigger the rush she got from pulling off her little heists. She eventually recognized her kleptomania, but was too hooked to stop herself by that point. Besides, the real crime was the high cost it took to look beautiful and stylish wasn’t it?

Now in her 20’s Kiera had leveled up to more daring escapades. She’d never been caught in all her years of theft and that only emboldened her to continue. She was addicted to the thrill and soon realized that live targets would up the anti even more. Taking something off someone without them knowing or being able to stop her was incredible.

She’d started out easy; an old lady’s purse seemed both stereotypical and ideal as her first target. Kiera could still remember the lady’s panicked calls for help as she blended into the crowded sidewalk with the purse under her jacket. The hobbling old woman searching for where she could’ve possibly misplaced it around the bus stop she’d been sitting at. Onlookers offering help as Kiera slinked around the corner away from the scene. Looking back on it she did feel some remorse for taking advantage of the helpless old lady (a feeling very unfamiliar for the self centered thief) and so she decided to choose different targets in the future.

Her next target was a young man close to her own age. She’d spotted him decked out in expensive clothing and she inferred that his designer backpack had to be filled with some high-ticket goodies. With his large Bose headphones canceling out all sounds around him, the guy had no chance of anticipating Kiera when she struck. Deftly slipping the one strap off her targets shoulder, Kiera snatched the bag from his arm and took off in the opposite direction. What Kiera had not anticipated was that this guy happened to do some jogging to stay in shape. Quickly realizing he’d just been robbed, the young man took off after Kiera in pursuit. She looked over her shoulder to find him gaining on her. Shocked, she cut across the street, dodging traffic as she tried to lose her pursuer. The young man nimbly slid across the hood of a car as he followed her across the street. The sounds of angry horns blaring fell into the background as Kiera cut down an ally. It seemed no matter how hard she tried to lose this guy he was still managing to keep up. Kiera was starting to grow tired and wondered how much longer she could keep this up when she caught a lucky break. Looking back over her shoulder to gauge how close the guy was, she watched as the back door to a restaurant opened, perfectly timed to clip her pursuer. He howled in anger and pain as he fell to the ground from the collusion with the door. The poor bus boy was sent tumbling into the trash bag he’d been carrying to the dumpster. Satisfied, Kiera looked straight ahead and turned another corner disappearing from sight.

Confident she’d finally evaded her target, she slowed to catch her breath. The chase was exciting, but much too close for comfort. As much as she loved the thrill of stealing, she did not want to pay the price of getting caught.

This experience caused her to shift the targets she chose once again. Old people were a little too vulnerable for her liking, but younger more in shape people might end up catching her. It wasn’t until she was walking around the park in the city one Sunday afternoon that she realized the perfect target.

Fat people. Watching a particularly large lady slowly lift herself off a park bench and waddle down the path had unlocked it for her. Awfully hard to be caught when your victim can barely walk, let alone run after you. Fat people were vulnerable, but not in the same way as an elderly person and therefore Kiera had no qualms about stealing from them.

Donning a ski mask and finding a heavy weight person to rob became her modus operandi. “The fat bandit” actually popped up in a small news article at one point after some enthusiastic journalist combing through police reports managed to put together the fact that all the victims in a recent string of muggings all happened to be overweight.

Kiera was of course feeling as confident as ever with her work. Having managed to make a name for herself was something she was quite proud of. She felt unstoppable and her frequency of theft increased because of it, but little did she know things were about to go belly up.

Late one evening Kiera was walking home from a night out with friends when she spotted an extremely large lady heading towards her down the sidewalk. She must’ve been somewhere in the range of 500 pounds. Her huge legs struggled past one another as she slowly waddled towards Kiera. Wide hips jutted out to fill most of the space on the narrow sidewalk; they would have to adjust to squeeze past one another when they met. Her large belly filled the front of her jeans tightly and the tucked in blouse clung to it and her large breasts with a healthy amount of cleavage on display in the unbuttoned “V” of her top. Kiera found herself staring at the girl’s chubby face, finding her surprisingly pretty, even for her size.

Kiera didn’t have any way to conceal her face, but in her buzzed and overconfident state she figured she could still easily pull this off. No one paid any attention to other peoples faces in the city. Besides, she’d be long gone before this lady could even get a look at her. The wheels were turning in her head as she eyed the clutch grasped in the girl’s chubby digits.

Slowly, but surely they approached one another, Kiera doing her best to look unsuspicious. Just as they were about to pass they made eye contact. Kiera’s hand was already outreached for the clutch as she saw something spark behind the girl’s deep green eyes. So much for not paying attention to people’s faces.

She grabbed the clutch, pulling it towards her as she started to make her dash, but was stopped in her tracks when it would not come loose. Kiera looked up to meet the girl’s eyes again and could now see more than just the subtle spark that was previously there. Fire raged behind her eyes as she glowered at Kiera. She pulled again, harder this time, but the clutch would not release itself from the girl’s chubby paw. Finally after what felt like minutes, but was realistically only seconds, a smirk crept across the girl’s ruby red lips and her chubby fingers opened, releasing the small clutch. Kiera nearly stumbled backwards as the girl let go of it.

Confused, but ultimately happy to have the package in her possession, Kiera began to sprint away once again. Something felt off as she took her first few strides away from the rather odd girl she’d just stolen from. Her legs felt out of step compared to her normal stride, like her body wasn’t her own. She felt slow and sluggish suddenly. She looked back in confusion to the girl who just stood there, now with a wide grin on her chubby cheeks. Was she actually happy Kiera had just stolen her purse? Curiously, her face didn’t seem as chubby as when Kiera had first clocked her. In fact, as she looked over the girl’s body all of her seemed slightly smaller than what Kiera had seen when they had first approached each other. She was still huge of course, but not to the level of obesity Kiera had originally noticed. The girl then began to walk towards her, a slow amble, even as Kiera increased the distance between them with her awkward jog. She’d never be able to catch her, why was she even attempting to follow?

Kiera focused her attention to what was in front of her once again only to loose her balance and trip forward. She caught herself on a sign post, avoiding a spill on the concrete walk, but was confused at the wobbling sensation around her middle. Catching her breath, she looked down to her normally trim tummy, which now domed out into her once loose t-shirt, pulling the fabric taught. Confusion filled her head, what was this? She poked it with her free hand only to see her finger sink into the soft flesh as is jiggled slightly in response. As she did so the divot she created grew slightly deeper as her belly swelled out around it. It was growing!

Panic racked through her body as she tried to grapple with what was happening. She realized her belly was not the only area being hit as she started to expand all over. Kiera looked from the purse back down the street to her approaching victim. The girl’s grin seemed sinister now, Kiera needed to keep going, she needed to escape this woman and whatever she was doing to her.

Kiera pushed off the post and attempted to pick up her jog once again, but was met with new resistance. She felt heavy and her thighs bumbled past one another as they thickened, unsure of how to handle her changing center of gravity. Her lungs also started to burn from the effort of hauling her increasing weight away from the devilish woman. Sweat was pouring from her pores at this point, both from fear and exhaustion. A pain was making itself more known around her middle as her hips grew wider and her jeans cut into the accumulating flab. Her shirt was no longer covering her budding belly as it slipped out beneath the hem. Her jog slowed, each step taking longer to complete than the last until it had become a fast walk. Still, she was determined to escape this nightmare.

She decided to turn down the approaching alley on her right, hoping there may be some way to lose the girl or at least block her from following. As Kiera shuffled around the corner of the building a faint “ping” could be heard as the button on her jeans gave way, defeated by her bulging gut as it surged out between the loose flaps. Luckily her hips, butt, and legs were so tightly packed within her jeans at this point that they stayed up and did not fall to her ankles to further impede her progress. She desperately searched the alley for anything that could help. Towards the back was a chain link fence with barbed wire across the top, a dead end. There were several doors she could try as well as a dumpster, which was brimming with trash.

Taking the only course of action she had, she began trying doors. She shuffled over to the first one as the seams of her jeans, one by one, began to sound off as they popped loose. The first door she tried would not budge so she waddled over to the next closest. Her shirt had rolled up and now her soft growing gut was fully on display as it hung down towards her thighs. The t-shirt only managed to cover her chest now, which had blossomed from her original B cups to a rather large set of double Ds. They brimmed over the restricting cups of her bra as the clasp in back slowly bent free, unable to encompass her increasing band size. Her now chubby looking hands fumbled with the second door handle and again she was met with resistance. She moved on to the next, her belly beginning to slap against her fat thighs as it hung lower and lower with its increasing weight. The ruined bra fell from within her shirt leaving her swelling breasts to hang freely down on to the shelf of her fattened belly as they stretched the shirt to its limits. Even the short distance to the next door left Kiera huffing as if she’d just ran a marathon. She needed one of these doors to open, it was her only chance.

Just as she was trying the third door handle a girly giggle sounded from the entrance of the alley. Kiera’s attention turned from the locked door to see the girl she’d robbed standing there. She appeared to be much slimmer now. Her outfit was the same, but it seemed to fit her new form perfectly. Her tight jeans clung to her long slim legs and pert bubbly behind. Her blouse still housed a sizable pair of perky breasts as it tucked in at her trim waist. Her face was now angular, no trace of the chubby cheeks she’d once had and it only made her look more maniacal. The grin was still plastered on her face as she stood there and looked at Kiera.

Realizing there was still one more door to try towards the back of the alley, Kiera refocused her attention and waddled as fast as she could to her last hope. More seams popped open as holes began to form where the stitching was failing on her jeans. Soft fat filled the widening gaps as her bottoms succumbed to her increasing girth. The sharp click of the girls heels bounced around the brick walls of the alley signaling to Kiera that the girl was strutting towards her as she tried a last ditch effort to escape. Getting to the door, Kiera quickly tried the handle, as the clicking grew closer. It turned in response, it was open, she was saved. Kiera shoved the door open with her pillowy shoulder, but let out an exasperated gasp as she realized what was on the other side.

A staircase rose up from behind the door, many steps ascending to a landing where it turned back on itself and ascended further. Kiera attempted to catch her breath, knowing completely that she could not make her way up those steps in her current condition.

Just then a lithe hand grabbed her shoulder and spun her away from the door’s entrance. She was suddenly face to face with the stunningly beautiful girl, though she had shed all her additional pounds and was now slim, almost athletic looking. Her deep green eyes still burned with the same fire they had from before as she looked onto Kiera.

“May I have my purse back?” She questioned Kiera in a stern tone.

Unconsciously, Kiera hugged the purse tighter to her huge breasts in response to the girl’s request. They were now packed tightly into her t-shirt, which functioned more as a makeshift bra at this point. The girl’s left eyebrow lifted in question to Kiera’s movement, before she quickly snatched the purse from Kiera’s fat hands. Kiera tried to hang on to it, but was simply overpowered by the girl’s swift movements.

Kiera stood there speechless, unsure of what would happen next. The girl reached out with her other hand and gave Kiera’s now very fat belly a poke. Kiera tried to move away from the girl in defense, but was too slow. The sudden movement sent her stumbling backwards as she tripped over a loose brick. No longer able to catch her balance Kiera went crashing down to the ground. Her huge legs ripped free of her jeans as her fat ass hit the pavement and spread out around her in a jiggling mass. Kiera looked over the crests of her inflated tits to the tatters of her pants that were strewn across her huge legs, her belly filled whatever space it could find between them and hid her underwear from view in the front. Said panties were wedged tightly into the creases of her hip folds and deep between the cheeks of her huge butt as they stretched to their limit. She looked back up to the girl, unable to hide the sad frown that had molded into her multiple chins and fat cheeks as she inspected her new form.

“Guess they were right, you really are ‘the fat bandit’ aren’t you?” The girl said with a wink.

Kiera was left sitting half naked on her now huge ass wondering if she’d be able to get up as the girl swiveled on her heels and clicked away back towards the street.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
16   2   5525


Bcain 2 years
Ha I see it as more of alternate versions of the same person. Guess anything possible in the multiverse tho
AthleteTurne... 2 years
Anything is possible in the multiverse! It was just a random thought that I think would make for an interesting story
AthleteTurne... 2 years
Kiera and Keith should meet now