Chapter 1
March Prompt IdeaThere was nothing left of the money except the pills I just bought. I always hated being so small and could not gain weight no matter how hard I tried. I hated being short and skinny and everyone commenting about different things that worsen your self-image, so I scoured the internet and found a guy on Craig’s List who had medication that increased appetite and naturally caused weight gain as well. I bought a year's supply due to my need to look attractive in my own eyes.
Often, throughout high school, I would have someone approach me and make ridiculous jokes about how they could bench my weight or how tiny my wrists looked to them. I was a beanstalk with not enough fat anywhere, and it made me jealous and crave those who could gain weight. I watched jealously throughout my school years as the gym teacher went from the svelte middle-aged man that all ladies, students, and staff swooned over into a dad bod in year 2.
In year three, he grew bigger and got gray and became less attractive to most of his audience as I yearned to look like him. he became my idol, and I tried to act like him in many ways. In year four, he had a beer gut that was significantly over his pants, too, as he was no longer slightly fat and obese and not attractive to 90% of the school but even more idolized in my senior year as I dreamed of swapping places and living in his body for a day even if it would be harder to get the ladies in bed with me.
I loved my blue eyes and dark brown hair, but my body was hairless, which I hated, as well as my small stature and frame. Every day I took them for the first week did not feel different, but I started to hear one common thing… “ you’re finally finishing your whole dinner, “ or “Wow, this is the first time I’ve seen you actually eating so often” and boy was I ever. I ate 50 Hershey kisses during a meeting because they kept me from falling asleep during a boring presentation. The presenter was going on and on, and through his two-hour talk, I would grab one or two kisses and eat them back to back every time I felt myself nodding into dreamland.
Things like this continued, and I happily watched the scales creep up from 6’0 150 to 160 within the month. As I kept taking these pills, I did not know if it was a placebo, but my money felt well spent. It worked to get me to 180 within four months, and I started to grow man boobs which was the only thing I hoped to avoid, and I noticed myself getting hotter a bit easier and started to need an undershirt as I was sweaty in a lot more areas, and it kept showing through my shirts. Sadly, I was still pretty smooth with minimal hairs, as I had hoped that would be another lucky side effect to no avail. I continued gaining, and by seven months, I had quite the appetite, eating nearly every hour and hitting 207 lbs. At this point, I did not feel comfortable in my body still due to my man boobs, they were growing way too quickly and probably a B cup by this point, and it was hurting my ego as I often had my nipples poking through my shirts.
Not only were my nipples poking through, but I had this one girl who constantly brought attention to my man tits as he would scoop them to joke about them. I had to talk to HR as it was not warranted, and she kept making jokes that she wished she had knockers like me and asked what my secret was to grow them these past three months.
Let me know what you think and if I should continue this. It's not my usual type of story but I do have others that you can check out I'd you like this one.
1 chapter, created 12 months
, updated 12 months