Wishing the Problem Away

  By Que435  Premium

Chapter 1 - The Site

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Buck had an embarrassing issue with one of his appendages. It wasn't immediately noticeable as he walked down the street but it still got him noticed nonetheless. No matter what underwear or trousers he chose you could see it hanging down his thigh; Buck considered surgery but the idea scared him. He just wanted a normal life, to be able to walk down the street without the odd whisper or staring, to be able to go swimming without fear his shorts would ride up.

It seemed to Buck that there was no other solution than surgery to his predicament. He was continually researching ways to fix the issue but nothing - after all, it's not a commonly found situation. One hopeless evening of searching the web, Buck stumbled upon a site. It was simply titled "Wishing Well". He doubted it would work but figured it wouldn't hurt to entertain the idea it might.

The site was plain. The title sat at the top of the screen in a curly pink font and the entire page had a purple background colour. There was a text box, an enter button and a message reading "1 wish remaining".

Not putting much thought into it Buck started typing. "I wish that my penis wasn't so prominent, that people wouldn't stare at me because of it and I won't need to worry about it being on show." Being late Buck shut his laptop and went to bed.
4 chapters, created 5 months , updated 5 months
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