
No personal info, no activity on the site besides short contact requests, and a stock photo for a profile pic?

You could have just said "send me free money while I'll pretend I'm a feedee", that would have been more honest.
3 years

What weight loss of mobility?

Mobility depends on so many factors. As you said, it's possible for someone barely above 300 pounds to have severe problems. But there are other examples. The web model Boberry is at about 600 pounds and is still surprisingly agile. Can kick higher than her head, can run around with a thinner person on her back, and so on. It seems with lucky genetics, lack of other unrelated health problems, and good exercise, one can get to quite large sizes and still retain reasonable mobility.
3 years

What do you think is sexier in regards to gaining?

Having a girlfriend/wife that is already fat and embraces it, or having an average size girlfriend that lets herself go and blows up?

Somewhere in-between.
Starting where one has just graduated from chubby to fat, and then growing from there, to somewhere about the border between BBW and SSBBW.
3 years

How can i calm my friends?

Then, I met my boyfriend. He is a feeder and he says that I'm far too skinny. He startet feeding me, at first in secret, but he quickly noticed that I liked it.
During this last month, I've gained more than 20 lbs. At first, I was scared, and to be honest, I still am. But I like it, and we both won't stop until I'm at least 400 lbs (my goal).

Just take some time and check if he would still love you even if you didn't gain any more.
There are some scummy guys who would just feed you and then dump you when you got fat enough to not gain more.
3 years

"light" feederism

Overall I can be attracted to most sizes, from thin to really huge, but what I consider as the ideal, it seems to slightly fluctuate according to my mood. Most of the time it's where she is jut big enough to not be able to hide it no matter how she tries to suck it in, up to where things just start to not be designed for her size.... but sometimes I do feel more attracted to a size which is just below a size when living independently would start becoming a struggle.
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

What is a fact is that our Sun, like all stars, will eventually become a Red Giant, completely consuming Earth. No amount of effort on our part can accelerate or slow this process.

That will happen in billions of years. But pollution can ruin the planet in a century or two. That's a significant difference.
3 years

How to define a ssbbw?

I think it's not really about the raw numbers, as even compensating for height, people can have different body types, different fitness levels, muscle, etc.

I would define the border between BBW and SSBBW more in the terms of how her size affects her everyday life, and how it compares to sizes smaller or bigger.

The effects of her size on the body, what it can do and where it can or cannot fit, would be a better criteria.

I would consider the threshold between BBW and SSBBW to be where one starts getting bigger than most things are designed for. Chairs, cars, seats, booths becoming too small to fit into comfortably (or at all). Certain body positions and movements starts becoming very difficult or impossible (tying shoelaces, walking up more than a single flight of stairs without having to stop, etc.).

I would consider someone a SSBBW from a size where one has to start making significant adjustments in daily routines because things start not being designed for that size. Where going through narrow doorways, fitting inside small cars and behind restaurant booths is still possible, but only barely and with great difficulties. Where every physical activity is still possible, even if only for very short periods of time. A size which starts seriously affecting what one can or cannot do, but still not as big to make most activities impossible.

Here is the rough idea, with the help of pictures:
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

John Smith:
What do y'all think about my PDF file, anyone?

It's no longer available.
Couldn't it be posted directly, in a simple text format?
3 years

What's your fantasy?

My fantasy: "converting" a big but shy woman to feederism. No tricks, no cheating, no unethical methods, just simply showing love, care, and adoration. She then turns from someone who hates herself for heir weight, to someone who accepts her weight, then slowly to someone who enjoys her weight. At the same time, she goes from trying (but failing) to control her huge appetite, to a phase of just letting herself go, and then graduating to a phase of deliberately overstuffing. Her goals would change from wanting to get thin at the beginning, then abandoning it and just wanting to drop a little bit of weight, then just wanting to maintain, then just wanting to live her life to the fullest not caring whether she keeps gaining weight, then finally to actually wanting to get even bigger.
3 years

Any weight gain games out there?

Simple Jack:
I don't know any, but you can always try this just build 1v1 lol game.

Stay away from these malicious links, and help report the user. The more reports, the sooner he will be banned.
4 years
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