Humiliating a fat girl

I guess being teased a lot growing up I came to really hate teasing and humiliation.
I was teased for being skinny mostly or that I wasn't as attractive as some girls at school.
Teased for having next to no boobs or butt.
People make comments now in public like look at the land whale or damn how did she get that fat?
It still hurts tho' because its meant to hurt.
Being teased by someone you love in a playful manner would be better but I have never experienced that.
My Mom constantly picks on me because of my weight and she is not nice about it so does hurt.

So sorry to hear your Mom picks on you. That is not good parenting and particularly cruel as an adult. I also was teased as the fat kid with moobs when I was in grammer school. Absolutely hated it and it made me feel like crap. Yet as I grew older I discovered I loved fat women and came to embrace being fat myself. It is ironic that people still are critical of people being overweight when 42% of Americans are obese and another 35% overweight. So we are in the majority and embracing it.
3 years

Loving when people lose and regain

I have had the same up and down experience. Back in my mid-30s I went on several diets like Weight Watchers and Nutri-System, which were always successful in that I lost 25 to 30 lbs. each time. But when I went off the diets I ended up gaining back more than I originally lost.

So after a number of yo-yo experiences, I just said the heck with it and I decided I would eat what I wanted when I wanted and let nature take its course. I ended up slowly gaining 130 lbs. over a 10 year period, going from 175 lbs. to 305 lbs. and I have to admit I enjoyed every bit of my weight gaining experience. I have now settled in around 260lbs. as my maintenance weight and have decided I will never diet again.

Having said all of the above and being an FA, I do enjoy watching women gain more back than they originally lost when they go off their diets. It seems to be a very common experience and for me it is always breathtaking to see women fatten up more than ever after their diets are over.
3 years

How large do you like your partner until you find the gain unattractive?

I don't have an upper limit either and of course it depends on a woman's height. My desires have grown along with American women's weight. While at first I liked chubby women best, being a member of sites like this has really opened my eyes to the attractiveness of super sized women. Now someone in the 350 to 600 lb. range really lights my fire. As others have said I would want my partner to be happy with her weight and be mobile enough to enjoy life. I would never want them to gain beyond what they are comfortable with.
3 years

How do i get started

Hey, i have been wanting to get fatter for a while now and i need some help getting started. i want to eat more, but when i actually eat, i just eat as much as i do normally and i don't make the effort to eat more, gaining just isnt on my mind then and i just eat until im full. im hardly getting any exercise so gaining should be pretty easy, but i just can't seem to get started or get motivated. got any tips?

Blubrlovr; I started my gain after I retired from the military reserves. I have gained around twenty five pounds. I found adding, say a dessert or substituting butter for margarine, whole milk for 2% milk. Eat more at meals or just add treats between meals. I wanted to gain slowly, as not to get stretch marks and to minimize any health issues. Good luck.

Fanedfox's advice for gaining slowly but surely is right on the money. Speaking from personal experience it works and allows your body to properly adjust as you go along. (See my comment in "Tips to a New Gainer" in this section).
3 years

Tips for a new gainer?

Katie, you really should not stuff yourself to discomfort or try to eat a lot of one particular type of food. The best way is to eat 3 full meals a day of food you really like. And have a nice fattening dessert if possible for lunch and dinner. Be open to having snacks throughout the day if you have the craving. Having a high calorie fast food meal once a day for lunch or dinner is also a nice way to increase your caloric intake.

Your body needs to adjust slowly to gaining weight so putting on about 3 to 5 lbs. a month is a nice rate of gain. Anything faster could really screw up your blood sugar and metabolism. I put on 130 lbs. doing it slowly but surely and continued to exercise, particularly my legs, because you really need strong muscles to comfortably carry the extra weight as you gain.

And BTW, you are incredibly pretty and the thought of your beautiful face and hair atop a wonderfully fattened figure is very appealing. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
3 years

My first experience knowing i was a fa

I can actually remember being in 3rd or 4th grade and competing with a friend of mine over a cute girl in our class. Yet between classes watching girls come down the stairs, my eye always gravitated toward the fattest ones and at that time I did not know why.

Fast forward to junior high and I found myself having a crush on the girls gym instructor who was short and chubby and wore tight, revealing exercise clothes. I found myself mesmerized by the fat rolls bulging out of her tight top and her thick thighs being revealed by her gym shorts. It was then that I realized I really loved chubby girls and as I have aged my attraction to fat women has only increased.
3 years

The mental allure of 300 pounds and up

300 lbs. does something for me as well. It seems to a point where women definitely have or are about to enter the SSBBW category. I know the 300 lb. threshold turned me on when I reached it. Seeing the scale go past that number for the first time made me happy. I have also found myself more and more attracted to women who are well above 300 lbs. It seems to be a magic number for many FA's and gainers.
3 years

Wanting my wife to go from bbw to ssbbw

I hope that is not the only reason for quitting her job. The desire to gain and going to work should not be related unless she is on her feet all day and needs to be physically fit.
3 years

Wanting my wife to go from bbw to ssbbw

Wanted to give a little update! My wife is up 8 pounds in five days with an absolutely massive appetite and she drinks a gainer shake in the morning and one at night before bed. She is having a boudoir shoot done in the middle of August so hopefully she will continue with this rapid weight gain before she has her pictures

You are living the dream! Thanks for keeping us updated.
3 years

Over eating/binging again.

My compulsive over eating issues have really been strong the last few months or so and I have been binge eating as well occasionally.
The enjoyment of being totally full has been so satisfying and amazing feeling.
Its been a long time since I have just let go like this.

I know exactly how you feel. It can be really pleasurable to just let yourself go and really enjoy overeating. I know when I do that I reach a point of fullness where I know I should not eat anymore because it would be painful but I definitely feel completely satisfied. I call it being "pleasantly stuffed" and I feel almost high or slightly in a food coma. So nice to feel that way!
3 years
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