Stuffing ideas

If you want massive amounts, then soft things are your friend smiley

Noodles, Soup or rice as main course.

And then a big pot of yoghurt or rice pudding as dessert.

Or a big pot of cereal that you've prepared an hour ago before main course so that it's soft and easy to chug down.
Fun rule: you need to eat the whole pot of desert that you're prepared, no matter how long it takes smiley

What's your taste: do you prefer salty/hearty or sweet?
1 year

Could we spit the personal ad in two

Why not putting it into a database, and giving it a search function.

Then you could easily search for ads by location, by gender, by kink, by whatever.

Example: I would like to go to the ad section and search for all entries from Germany where a woman searches for a man where the kink is stuffing, no matter on whose side.
2 years

Cars for 400lb plus

How about using a trailer? They are available in various sizes and load capacities smiley
(ducking and running smiley )
2 years

Do professional eaters have to start young?


I always wonder: When do those professional eaters / oogui / japanese eaters start start eating this much?

Is it something they simply discover when grown-ups that they have a different anatomy smiley , or at what age did they start actively training their capacity to be able to eat such big meals?
Can someone with 20years start training to reach that impressive amounts, or did they have to start training while they were still young/growing?

Thanks smiley
2 years

Website rebranding 20/04/2021

This is me zoomed out to 70% to see the top and bottom of the chat frame. [...]

I can confirm having the same chat-zoom-problem here on Firefox/Linux.
3 years

Funnel feeding and capacity?

Hi Liken,
Maxing out with a funnel definitively trains your capacity. For me it does not increase appetite, but the amount I can eat/drink in one sitting got way more.
You can try an alternative to funnelling which lets you get closer to your belly's maximum as you can stop easier: simply taking a short piece of hose, about 30cm but having a big diameter to chug quickly, and chug soup (salty, not just water) out of a big pot while standing.
This way I can chug 2 liters in one go, and a bit more than 7 liters in total in one evening, so it definitively trains capacity.
3 years

Fun with oatmeal


I just discovered that oatmeal can soak a lot of fluid without increasing the volume. That's interesting to get a very dense drink, heavier than water!

When I put 200g of oatmeal into a cup, I can pour 400g water into it without rising the level, until the oatmeal is exactly covered with water. It's only a little bit more volume than the 400g of water (!), means it's almost 1.5 times heavier than water now.

In this ratio it was easy to eat, not dry and having only little taste. And it fills out and gives a really really heavy belly feeling, as it's even more dense than water.

I just quickly tried with the 200g for now, and will check out how much I can take somewhen this week.

Anybody already tried this?
How much of it can you eat in one go?

3 years

Stuffing tips

For me it works best to do it over a longer period, not only one meal. One day of trying to stay full works good for me, so the belly is used to the amount of food when the big stuffing comes in the evening.
There food that's easy to chew should be preferred, not to get tired of chewing. So noodles, Lasagna, ... is all fine.
Andy vary a lot, so the feeling of full does not come too fast by realizing having eaten a huge amount of one thing.
Then pudding and yogurt fills the last remaining spaces. After a break, drinking tea (something without bubbles) can also stuff out the last remaining bit of capacity smiley
The last part of the meal should be done standing or leaning forward onto the table, it increases the capacity by a lot!
And: if you rub the sides of her belly, it sometimes also helps to get rid of the "full" felling and get some more bites in.

If you had a nice and full day, some result pics would be wonderful(l)
4 years

Tight/pressing shirt or free belly better for stuffing?

Hi folks,
if you do a really good stuffing, is it better to wear a tight shirt that presses the belly a bit, to reduce the work of the belly muscles - or can you eat more when having a free belly with no shirt?
4 years
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